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2025 National Tour – Virginia

June 15 @ 12:00 am - June 22 @ 12:00 am

June 15-22, 2025: — Waynesboro, Virginia


Chairs:  Lana and Todd Vetter
lana.vetter84@gmail.com (605)610-5350
vettertodd84@gmail.com (605)310-7251

Welcome, we are excited that you are interested in the 2025 MAFCA National Tour of the American Civil War.  Here you can find tour information, itinerary, registration forms, and other information you will need.  This tour will be a moving tour (different hotel most nights) that will begin and end in Waynesboro, Virginia.  During the tour, we will visit many of the largest and bloodiest battlefields of the War and several excellent Civil War museums or other points of interest.  Also, part of the tour will be a full day dedicated to seeing Pennsylvania’s Amish communities and driving over covered bridges.  Another highlight to look forward to is a drive down the entire length of Skyline Drive inside Shenandoah National Park. This world-renowned drive is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful drives in the country. We have many fun events planned for you to enjoy!  

 Hosts: Dallas Chapter

67th Midwest Tour Registration Form

Tour Agenda

67th Annual HCCA Midwest Tour
Sept. 7th-11th, Menomonie, Wisconsin
Hosted by the Sioux Falls Regional Group

Sunday Sept 7th: Registration will be at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Menomonie, WI from 3:00-7:00pm

Monday, Sept 8th: We will be driving about 80 miles roundtrip today. We will be driving to Chippewa Falls, WI with our first stop at the Chippewa Area History Center. There we will hear from the voices of fur traders, the regions European immigrants and the areas Ojibwe, Dakota and Ho-Chunk ancestors. We will have a sack lunch catered to the CAHC. We will take a scenic drive to the Leinenkugel Brewery which was in operation for 157 years until recently. Then we head to Pam and Paul Orth’s acreage for a delicious meal. Be sure to bring a lawn chair so you can sit back and hear the adventures of John Quam’s World Tour in his 1928 Plymouth Roadster. Enjoy fresh popcorn from the antique Popcorn Wagon.

Tuesday, Sept 9th: We will be driving about 120 miles roundtrip today because we are headed to Wabasha, MN to the National Eagle Center, the “Eagle Capitol of the World”. After that amazing tour the fine Auxiliary ladies of the local VFW will have lunch waiting for us. We hopefully will still have room for some ice cream on our trip back to Menomonie. Supper is on your own.

Wednesday, Sept 10th: We are headed back to Chippewa Falls so expect to put on about another 80 miles roundtrip. We are going to start our day at The Graham Motor Museum in Lake Hallie, WI. This gem of a museum has an actual Shark-nosed Graham along with a number of rare and unique automobiles. We will catch lunch at Anderson’s ChicNFish before arriving at the Cook-Rutledge Mansion where we will get a private tour. Our day isn’t over yet, though, because we are going to stop at the Colfax Railroad Museum, where they have an exquisite display of railroad’s fine china. Supper is on your own.

Thursday, Sept 11th: We are going to take in some of the sites of our host city, Menomonie today. The spirits may move you during our private, possibly haunted, tour of The Mabel Tainter Theater. We will be enjoying lunch at the Cardinal Glass Industries Company before they give us a tour of their spectacular company, where they make plate glass. We will take in Ellsworth Creamery before we call it a day. Our banquet will be held at Jake’s Supper Club which is well known for its excellent food and fun atmosphere. Jake’s Supper Club, E5690 County Road D, Menomonie, WI. Social Hour 5:30-6:30 Meal to follow.

Ballots are in your booklet for the Pre ’16 and Pre ’42 Regional HCCA Awards. (Please use the car # when voting) The ballots will need to be turned into the ballot box by 5:30pm on Thursday. It will be available throughout the tour.


June 15 @ 12:00 am
June 22 @ 12:00 am
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