A World magazine for school age children is the creation of two MAFCA members and former school teachers, Archie Cress and Frank Rosin, from Washington State. They published A-World from its inception until 2010, when a new editor was named: Sherry Winkinhofer.
Sadly, Archie passed away in 2011 and Frank passed December 2023.
This newsletter is now published 4 times a year and is written for school age children from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Until the end of 2015, it was mailed to subscribers. In 2016, to reduce the cost of publication, the current issue will always be available on the website.
Any MAFCA member may request for a copy to be sent to them by email – just request by email
to the A-World Editor.
Issues of A-World back to 2011 are available in the members only resources.
2011-2023 Back Issues