Paint By Year & Body Style

Phaeton and Roadsters

The following paint chart information was taken from the Model A Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards, a joint project of MAFCA and MARC. Click the link to purchase yours today!
This link to the Model A Paint codes will give you some valuable information on current paint codes. Of course the best tool in the box is the Paint and Finish Guide available online here

Phaetons/RoadstersLower Body Belt, Quarter And Sill MoldingRevealsStripeNotes
1928 Phaeton (35-A) and Roadster (40-A)Niagra Blue, LightDutchess BlueFrench Gray
Niagra Blue, DarkDutchess BlueFrench Gray
Arabian Sand, LightCopra DrabFrench Gray
Arabian Sand, DarkCopra DrabFrench Gray
Dawn Gray, DarkGunmetal BlueFrench Gray
Gunmetal BlueDawn Gray, DarkStraw
1929 Phaeton (35-A) and Roadster (40-A)Bonnie GrayChelsea BlueStraw (1)(1) Dropped May 1929
Rose BeigeSeal BrownOrange(2) Available October 1929
Balsam GreenValley GreenMedium Cream
Andalusite BlueBlackFrench Gray
Thorne BrownBlackGold (2)
1930 PHAETON and ROADSTERThorne BrownThorne BrownStraw (1)(1) Dropped November 1930
Standard (35-B, 40-B)Kewanee GreenElkpoint GreenApple Green(2) Dropped August 1930
Chicle DrabCopra DrabStraw (1)(3) Available September 1930
Copra DrabChicle DrabStraw (1)(4) March to September 1930
Andalusite BlueAndalusite BlueFrench Gray (6)(5) Available October 1930
Andalusite BlueAndalusite BlueAurora Red (2)(6) Early 1930 only
Lombard BlueLombard BlueHessian Blue (3)
BlackBlackVermilion (4)
BlackBlackApple Green (5)
1930 PHAETON and ROADSTERWashington BlueRiviera BlueTacoma Cream(1) Dropped September 1930
De Luxe (180-A, 40-B Dlx)BlackBlackAurora Red (1)(2) Available October 1930
BlackBlackApple Green (2)(3) Available July 1930
Brewster GreenBlackApple Green (2)(4) Dropped August1930
Stone BrownStone Deep GrayTacoma Cream (3)(5) Available September 1930
Thorne BrownThorne BrownTacoma Cream
Kewanee GreenElkpoint GreenApple Green
Chicle DrabCopra DrabTacoma Cream
Andalusite BlueAndalusite BlueAurora Red (4)
Lombard BlueLombard BlueHessian Blue (5)
Ford MaroonBlackAurora Red
Bronson YellowSeal BrownOrange
1931 PHAETON and ROADSTERThorne BrownThorne BrownStraw (1)(1) Tacoma Cream stripe beginning July 1931
Standard (35-B, 40-B)Lombard BlueLombard BlueHessian Blue (1)
Chicle DrabCopra DrabStraw (1)
Kewanee GreenElkpoint GreenApple Green
BlackBlackApple Green
1931 PHAETON and ROADSTERWashington BlueRiviera BlueTacoma Cream
De Luxe (180-A, 40-B Dlx)Stone BrownStone Deep GrayTacoma Cream
Brewster GreenBlackApple Green
BlackBlackApple Green

Tudor Sedans

TudorsUpper-Lower Body Belt-Quarter MoldingRevealsStripeNotes
1928 Commercial, Open Cab, Closed CabUpper, Lower Body,Belt & Quarter MouldingStripe
A & AA Panel Deliveryand Reveals
Rock Moss GreenRock Moss GreenFrench Gray(1) Dropped August 1928
Rock Moss GreenBlackFrench Gray(2) Available August 1928
Commercial Gray (1)Commercial Gray (1)None
Gunmetal Blue (2)Gunmetal Blue (2)French Gray
1929 Commercial, Open Cab, Closed CabRock Moss GreenRock Moss GreenFrench Gray
Rock Moss GreenBlackFrench Gray
Commercial DrabCommercial DrabStraw
Commercial DrabBlackStraw
L'anse Green, DarkL'anse Green, DarkStraw
L'anse Green, DarkBlackStraw
Gunmetal BlueGunmetal BlueFrench Gray
Commercial DrabBlackFrench Gray
1930 Commercial, Open Cab, Closed CabRock Moss GreenSameApple Green
A & AA Panel DeliveriesBlue Rock GreenSameApple Green
After September 1930
Phoenix BrownSameStraw
Menelas OrangeSameStraw
Rubellite RedSameStraw
Pegex OrangeSameFrench Gray
Copra DrabSameStraw
Thorne BrownSameStraw

Commercial Vehicles

TudorsUpper-Lower Body Belt-Quarter MoldingRevealsStripeNotes
1928 Commercial, Open Cab, Closed CabUpper, Lower Body,Belt & Quarter MouldingStripe
A & AA Panel Deliveryand Reveals
Rock Moss GreenRock Moss GreenFrench Gray(1) Dropped August 1928
Rock Moss GreenBlackFrench Gray(2) Available August 1928
Commercial Gray (1)Commercial Gray (1)None
Gunmetal Blue (2)Gunmetal Blue (2)French Gray
1929 Commercial, Open Cab, Closed CabRock Moss GreenRock Moss GreenFrench Gray
Rock Moss GreenBlackFrench Gray
Commercial DrabCommercial DrabStraw
Commercial DrabBlackStraw
L'anse Green, DarkL'anse Green, DarkStraw
L'anse Green, DarkBlackStraw
Gunmetal BlueGunmetal BlueFrench Gray
Commercial DrabBlackFrench Gray
1930 Commercial, Open Cab, Closed CabRock Moss GreenSameApple Green
A & AA Panel DeliveriesBlue Rock GreenSameApple Green
After September 1930
Phoenix BrownSameStraw
Menelas OrangeSameStraw
Rubellite RedSameStraw
Pegex OrangeSameFrench Gray
Copra DrabSameStraw
Thorne BrownSameStraw

1931 Commercial Vehicles

There were thirty nine colors in all. All colors listed are body colors. There are no special trim colors as all the body colors could be used in any combination.

Rose BeigePhoenix BrownThorne BrownCopra Drab(1) De Luxe Pick-up until July 1931
Chicle DrabDawn Gray-LightBonnie GrayRubellite Red(2) Available July 1931
VermilionMenelas OrangeYukon YellowArrabian Sand, Dark(3) Standard on De Luxe pickup only
Dawn Gray DarkBlackLombard BlueNiagara Blue, Light 
Niagra Blue, DarkGunmetal BlueChelsea BlueDuchess Blue 
Arabian Sand, LightCommercial DrabPembroke GrayPegex Orange 
Medium CreamCigarette CreamBlue Rock GreenRock Moss Green 
Balsam GreenVagabond, GreenValley GreenHighland Green 
Kewanee GreenElkpoint GreenL’anse Green, DarkLawn Green 
Cherokee Gray (1)Seagull Gray (2)White (3)