Model A Ford - Index of Magazine Articles
Technical Articles from:
- The Restorer – Model A Ford Club of America
- The Model A News – Model A Restorers Club
- Model A Times
- Skinned Knuckles
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Instructions: Search using the search tool, or narrow your search by category or publication.
This index is intended to be a combined resource for the Model A hobbyist to independently retrieve technical articles and information.
Notify Tom Sieffert of any mistakes, omissions or enhancements that would make this index a better product for all.
Copyright © 2025 Tom Sieffert. Used by permission.
Title | Category | Club/Publication | Year/Issue/Page | Month | Page |
Converting starter for use on a 12 volt system | 12V Conversions | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Converting to 12 volts (thorough) | 12V Conversions | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Mar-Apr | 35 |
Converting to 12 volts (thorough) | 12V Conversions | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Converting to 12 volts - advantages | 12V Conversions | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Converting to 12 volts - starter modifications | 12V Conversions | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Starter 12V field coil manufact's name/address | 12V Conversions | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Use external resistor to coil w/12 volt battery | 12V Conversions | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 5 |
12V coil - Petronix Flame Thrower 4000, #40611 | 12V Conversions | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Tourist's Kitchenette | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Sep-Oct | 31 |
400-A Ashtray reproduction project | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 31 |
Auto furnace (heater) | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 25 |
Auto refrigerator | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Genuine | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Town car ashtrays and lighters | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Town Car cigar lighter | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | May-Jun | 23 |
Unauthorized | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1986 | Sep-Oct | 24 |
Windwings for a Slant Windshield | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
Wooden wheels | Accessories | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
A-18545 Lap Robe - make your own | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 30 |
A-18545-A, B, C & A1 Model A Ford Lap Robe | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 26 |
Ads for many accessories | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 30 |
Electric cigarette/cigar lighter | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
New ashtray for 400A Convertible | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 21 |
Oil gauge | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 17 |
Pocket watches | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Radiator cap, oil pressure gauge, + | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | May-Jun | 21 |
Splash guards between rear fenders / bumpers | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | May-Jun | 11 |
Tuxaway top | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Westclox header clocks | Accessories | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
APCO gauge brackets for oil pressure, temp | Accessories | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 36 |
Clock mirror by A&L Parts | Accessories | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 16 |
Clocks | Accessories | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 39 |
Development of vintage clocks | Accessories | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 18 |
Header clocks | Accessories | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 10 |
History of clocks | Accessories | Model A Times | 2020 | Fall | 26 |
Lug nut for band type spare wheel/tire lock | Accessories | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 7 |
Windwings bracket improvement, A&L Parts, CT | Accessories | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 22 |
Windwings etched, Holmes in Glass, GA | Accessories | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 26 |
Model A application | Air Conditioning | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Kit from Ken Davis { | Air Conditioning | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | May-Jun | 11 |
AC design considerations; Ken Davis kit | Air Conditioning | Model A Times | 2016 | Summer | 11 |
Detailed installation instructions | Air Conditioning | Model A Times | 2008 | Fall | 19 |
Installing Ken Davis kit | Air Conditioning | Model A Times | 2015 | Winter | 21 |
Air Maze fitted with 1-1/2 x 3/32 O-ring | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 5 |
Baldwin PA640 pleated paper element | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 4 |
Chrysler '79-83 Motomaster #23-3192-0 | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Dry paper AF-227; Wisconsin LO-173BE | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 19 |
Era Air Maze vs. paper filters | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Filters and cleaners | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
K&N A09601 for Air Maze | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Manifold for Fram #3445 on Model B carburetor | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 21 |
Model A not designed to use one | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 3 |
Need for modern, by Paul Moller | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Selection analysis - NAPA 2342, 9-1/4" long | Air Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 36 |
K&N filter source - Arizona Model A Parts | Air Filter | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 22 |
K&N washable, oilable, reusable in 3 lengths | Air Filter | Model A Times | 2005 | Fall | 32 |
Checking polarity for positive ground | Alternator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
May lose magnetism, have checked,wiring fault | Alternator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Modified GM | Alternator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Mar-Apr | 41 |
Modifying to fix LED headlight flickering | Alternator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
100 amp from Wagner Products | Alternator | Model A Times | 2009 | Summer | 19 |
Alternator versus generator | Alternator | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 31 |
Proper size/position pulley/mounting bracket | Alternator | Model A Times | 2006 | Summer | 31 |
Pulley - correct one 2-1/2" wide | Alternator | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 3 |
Engine stalls at stop - dischrg,short,kills ign | Ammeter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 4 |
Hot from loose connections | Ammeter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Reading basics | Ammeter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 4 |
Shunt for improved scale readings | Ammeter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 23 |
Understanding the ammeter | Ammeter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Function, repair, troubleshooting | Ammeter | MARC - The Model A News | 1973 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Reading | Ammeter | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Reading and basics by Paul Moller | Ammeter | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | May-Jun | 16 |
Repairing original (thorough) | Ammeter | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Can be your friend | Ammeter | Skinned Knuckles | 1993 | Aug | 12 |
Functions | Ammeter | Skinned Knuckles | 1990 | May | 23 |
Rebuilding by Paul Moller | Ammeter | Skinned Knuckles | 1980 | Aug | 9 |
Air leak at, use insert | Backfiring | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Check timing, leaks, fuel mix., sticky valves | Backfiring | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | May-Jun | 5 |
Condenser grd,carb float,air filter,spark adv | Backfiring | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Fixed by advancing the timing | Backfiring | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
While changing gears - exhaust manifold leak | Backfiring | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
While coasting, then adjust carb. float lower | Backfiring | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
While deceleration - manifold break/leak | Backfiring | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Backfiring and knocking | Backfiring | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Distributor shaft ends worn; also popping | Backfiring | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Need to advance timing | Backfiring | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
6 volt Group 1 vs. Optima | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 13 |
8-volt battery (not okay) recharges at 9.5 vol | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 4 |
8-volt okay in 6-volt system | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Avoid SS rod charging sparks w/ 1/2" heater hose | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Charge w/ commercial 10A setting, watch at 25A | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 5 |
Charger w/o auto shut-off - '80' amp x hr rule | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 5 |
Charging system basics (thorough) | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 20 |
Disconnect at starter switch w/ insulated wrench | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 55 |
Installation with case smaller than original | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Original Ford specifications, history | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Power cell phone/GPS on 6V w/ reversed USB wires | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Use of 8-volt okay | Battery | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Basics (thorough) | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Clean battery bolts, replace w/ stainless steel | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 17 |
Effects of overcharging and undercharging | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 1972 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Factors affecting life | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 1972 | Sep-Oct | 24 |
Model A negative battery cable | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Prolong useful life, Part 1 - tetrasodium EDTA | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Sep-Oct | 15 |
Prolong useful life, Part 2 | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Shutoff installed on ground side, not positive | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Trickle charging for infrequently used vehicles | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 21 |
Use battery tender vs trickle charger | Battery | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
12V 3 Watt solar tender | Battery | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 18 |
12V Optima 400 charger/maintainer | Battery | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 13 |
12V Optima sealed lead battery & hold down frame | Battery | Model A Times | 2006 | Summer | 4 |
6 volt Model A Ford script battery | Battery | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 9 |
Answers to frequently asked questions | Battery | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 15 |
ARGUS analyzer battery bug (12V only) | Battery | Model A Times | 2008 | Summer | 18 |
Battery monitor, 12V only | Battery | Model A Times | 2012 | Summer | 22 |
Box (Speedway) mounted in rear w/ Optima battery | Battery | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 8 |
Charger and tender - CTEK Multi US3330 | Battery | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 8 |
Charger/maintainer, automatic, 6V/12V; Grainger | Battery | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 4 |
Charger/tender Genius G3500 | Battery | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 7 |
Digital tester, 6V, 12V, Granite Digital, CA | Battery | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 35 |
Hold down bracket for new 12V Optima batteries | Battery | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 4 |
Hold down frame for 6V Optima battery; Bratton | Battery | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 21 |
Odyssey 12V - high amp pulse/long duration drain | Battery | Model A Times | 2008 | Summer | 14 |
Optima 12V | Battery | Model A Times | 2017 | Spring | 37 |
Optima Digital 1200 12V charger | Battery | Model A Times | 2013 | Summer | 5 |
Pulse Tech 4-channel battery charger multiplier | Battery | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 6 |
Six volt battery tender, CTEK UC800 | Battery | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 23 |
Theory and troubleshooting | Battery | Model A Times | 2020 | Spring | 26 |
Wireless battery monitor | Battery | Model A Times | 2020 | Spring | 22 |
Xxtreme battery tender (12V only) | Battery | Model A Times | 2008 | Summer | 4 |
1930 Running boards/splash aprons replacement | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Align with frame (thorough) | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | May-Jun | 5 |
Alignment, start w/ hood & cowl, then work to rear | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Anti-squeak material | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Body assembly plant numbers | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
Body assembly plant numbers | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 14 |
Body blocks - 1931 slant windshield Fordor sedans | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Body blocks - installation | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Body blocks - locating and installing (thorough) | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 22 |
Body solder - how to apply | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | May-Jun | 18 |
Briggs & Murray body parts are not interchangeable | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Briggs/Murray body number tag has no definition | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Canopy top (65A) for pickup | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
Car noises, their causes and remedies | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Deadener and undercoating | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Door hinge pin remover | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Door latch repair | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Evaluating the top of your car | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
Evaluating your car's fenders | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Evolution Model A/AA A-16025 front fender brackets | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 19 |
Expanding leg room in '29 Business Coupe | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Fender bead repair, patching rusted body parts | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Fender patch panel installation | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Fender step plate location | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 20 |
Fender well - installing | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 22 |
Fender well - installing in AA fender | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Front fender dimple repair | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | May-Jun | 9 |
Hood - align | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1974 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Hood - hinge rod insertion/removal w/electric drill | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 65 |
Hood - hollow hood rod repair | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 32 |
Hood alignment - reshape frame at rear motor mounts | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | May-Jun | 3 |
Hood alignment gaps | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | May-Jun | 4 |
Hood anti-chip protector, fuel tubing at latches | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Installing the headliner in a Model A Ford | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 8 |
Patch panels | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | May-Jun | 6 |
Proper fitting of radiator shell at radiator base | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 12 |
Rain gutter - bending repro moldings | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Rain gutter - removing and replacing molding | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Rear fender welt ends at running board | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Remove gas stain on paint with household ammonia | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Replace door latch spring 30/31 Tudor/Coupe/Pick-up | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Repro Victoria seat frames | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 22 |
Rubber door bumpers - 1930 Closed Cab Pickup/Fordor | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Rubber draft/noise stopper around gearshift/emer b. | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 55 |
Rumble seat converted to a trunk using repro parts | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Rumble seat installation | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | May-Jun | 18 |
Rumble seat installation | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Running boards for judging | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Seals, grommets and flaps | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Sep-Oct | 28 |
Securing running board bolts | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 57 |
Spare wheel carriers | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jan-Feb | 28 |
Sunvisor - homemade | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 25 |
Terminal box - clean with Boraxo powered hand soap | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 55 |
Top - install top mat'l -use plastic bottle weights | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 15 |
Top - location of canvas top snaps on dlx rdstr | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Top - metal moldings (thorough) | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Top - replacing material | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Top - restoring the 1930-31 closed car | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | May-Jun | 22 |
Window channel fit glass-Craftsman snap ring pliers | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Window glass - evaluating for judging | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 8 |
Wood - How to restore the wood in your Model A | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 19 |
Wood - in the Model A | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Wood - install steelback Victoria interior wood | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Wood - install Victoria top wood | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Wood - install wood header in 1931 slant w/s sedan | Body | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | May-Jun | 19 |
1928-1931 Model A Ford Coachbuilding Evolution | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 19 |
1929 Town Sedan cowl band - removing, replating | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
1930 Running board construction, design & assembly | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 25 |
1930 Running board moldings installation | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
1930 Running board moldings, welting installation | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
1931 160A repro inside door handles being made | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
AA flat bed skid strips custom made | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Body assembly plant numbers | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Body assembly plant numbers on subrails | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Body tags - source, Gwyn Machacek, TX | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Correct finish '28-'29 rear bumper brackets, pics | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Cowl band polishing | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | May-Jun | 20 |
Create double radius rubber channel for fixed glass | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Deck lid comparisons - '28-'29 vs. '30-'31 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1981 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Doors sagging brought back in line | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Epoxy primer & rubberized undercoat inside | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | May-Jun | 12 |
Fender patch panel installation | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Fitting rear quarter panels on '30-31 Coupe | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Forming aluminum top molding | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Gilsonite wood perservative, Sherman Williams | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Hood - rotate worn rd. bumpers to new resting area | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Hood alignment (straightening frame) | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 24 |
Hood and firewall - clean w/KI clear white kerosene | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Hood hooks | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Hood latch restoration | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
Hood rear retainer, stainless steel for all '30-'31 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Hood, three door; available from Rootlieb, CA | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 10 |
How to remove door panel on 1929 roadster | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
How to remove door panel on 1929 roadster - update | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Install door dovetail rubber & brass clip -30 coupe | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Interior installer, Restoration Unlimited, Cary, IL | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Matching original color chips to modern formulas | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Mirrors - commercial, rear view | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Mirrors - passenger cars, rear view | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | May-Jun | 10 |
Mirrors - rear view brackets for station wagon | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
Original floor mat stud as nail for station wagon | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Paint '29 PU handles w/PPG black epoxy primer + | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Passenger seat holes lateVictoria,400A,Deluxe Tudor | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Protect plated parts w/paste wax(not cream) -winter | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Rear view mirror for passenger car, Part 1C | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Rear view mirror for passenger vehicles, Part 1 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Rear view mirror for passenger vehicles, Part 1B | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 17 |
Rear view mirror for passenger vehicles, Part 2 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 15 |
Rear view mirror for passenger vehicles, Part 3 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Rear view mirror for passenger vehicles, Part 4 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Rear view mirror for passenger vehicles, Part 5 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | May-Jun | 15 |
Reinstall 1929 Murray Town Sedan cowl band tip | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Repairing hood sides reinforcement ribs | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Replacing/rethreading 10-24 "D" nuts | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Rivet sources - dealers, Big Flats, Hansen Rivet | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 12 |
Riveting a pick-up bed | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 32 |
Rubber channel around window glass - seam at top | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Rubber pads 1/8" thick on sedan wood body sills | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Rumble seat converted to trunk - steps | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Rumble seat converted to trunk, Part 1 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Rumble seat converted to trunk, Part 2 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 24 |
Rumble seat converted to trunk, Part 3 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | May-Jun | 18 |
Running board aluminum trim - L&L Antique Auto Trim | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | May-Jun | 12 |
Running boards - saving 1930's | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Sedan top sealant by Sem, should not be necessary | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Side curtain, top & boot material - WWII duffle bag | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Spare wheel carrier flange, 3 types shown | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 10 |
Squeaks - eliminate w/ Chapstick lip balm | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
Super glue on window rubber to seal ends | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 19 |
Super glue on window rubber to seal ends - picture | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 21 |
Top - Roadster top prop rest, straps, w-f cushions | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1979 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Top - short-long grain roof material | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1977 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Top - Sport Coupe soft foundation panels | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Top - Sport Coupe, clean materials from Haartz Co. | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Top - tip on installing repro roof drip molding | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1980 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Top - tip on replacing material | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | Mar-Apr | 33 |
Top dressing, Black Top Dressing from Mac's - great | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 8 |
Top seal 3M Heavy Drip Check Seal No. 051135 08351 | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Two cowls used on station wagons | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Use paraffin wax on wood screws to prevent breaking | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Welting btwn tank & pillar, not on horizontal plane | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Wood - Making the Model A/AA wood products | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Wood source - Classic Wood Mfg.; Ford Wood | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Wood supplier profiled - Classic Wood Products | Body | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
1929 Front splash apron repros (poor) | Body | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 8 |
Cold fusion/epoxy/fiberglass process on lower door | Body | Model A Times | 2021 | Winter | 26 |
Deck lid support arm repro, mfg'd to Ford specs | Body | Model A Times | 2010 | Winter | 27 |
Escutcheon plates by A&L Parts | Body | Model A Times | 2011 | Spring | 21 |
Installing aluminum roof trim | Body | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 10 |
Insulation - Quite Ride insulation kits | Body | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 32 |
New door bumpers | Body | Model A Times | 2012 | Fall | 28 |
New repro instrument panel; KNS | Body | Model A Times | 2013 | Spring | 14 |
Rear fender braces by Snyder's (good) | Body | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 10 |
Reduce noise & heat with insulation; 4 products | Body | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 12 |
Top - sealant, Rust-Oleum, gloss black, oil based | Body | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 26 |
Window regulator, improved repro-coupe/tudor/pickup | Body | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 4 |
Wood floor weather barrier kit | Body | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 27 |
Wood source - Cubel Model A Wood; | Body | Model A Times | 2008 | Summer | 12 |
Hood - clean underside with Easy-Off | Body | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Oct | 25 |
28-'31 2-Window Fordors 1929 60-A Leatherback | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
28-'31 2-Window Fordors 1929 Fordors | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
28-'31 2-Window Fordors 1930-1931 Fordors | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
160-A-B-C Slant Windshield Sedan w/Briggs logo | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
1928 Fordor | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
1928 Fordor (60-A) | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | May-Jun | 8 |
1928-1930 Town Car | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 26 |
1928-29 Pickup Truck cutaway picture | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | May-Jun | 20 |
1929 Business Coupe | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
1929 Deluxe Delivery | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
1929 Mail Truck | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
1929 Mail Truck | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
1929 Station Wagon | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | Nov-Dec | 24 |
1929 Town Car | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
1929 Town Car | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jul-Aug | 24 |
1929 Whittelsey Deluxe Suburban | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
1929-31 Mail Truck detail drawings | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Jan-Feb | 30 |
1929-31 Mail Truck, 1/2-ton vs. 1-ton | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
1930 Armored Car | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 32 |
1930 C-cab UPS package car | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
1930 Four Wheel Drive Model A Bus | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 28 |
1930 mail delivery car - "Big Ugly" | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 12 |
1930 Murray Town Sedan | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
1930 Pick-up - E'30 with '29 cab/hood else '30 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
1930 Station Wagon | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
1930 Telephone truck | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
1930 Telephone truck | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | May-Jun | 8 |
1930 Tudor Delivery | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 33 |
1930-31 Cabriolet (68-B) | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | May-Jun | 29 |
1930-31 Cabriolet (68-B) - history | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
1930-31 Deluxe Phaeton (180-A) | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | May-Jun | 26 |
1930-31 Panel Delivery | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 21 |
1931 Deluxe Pickup | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Sep-Oct | 28 |
1931 Mail Truck | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | May-Jun | 16 |
1931 Model AA Funeral Coach | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | May-Jun | 24 |
1931 Model AF Convertible Saloon | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 4 |
1931 stainless steel Tudor | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
1931 Straight Windshield Fordors | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
1931 Straight Windshield Fordors, Part II | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
1931 Three Window Coupe | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
1931 Town Car Delivery | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 20 |
1931 Town Car Delivery | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
1931 Victoria | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | May-Jun | 7 |
1941 Model "A" | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
88-A - Components of Platform Body, Part 1 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
88-A - Components of Platform Body, Part 2 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
88-A Platform body truck, Part 1 (thorough) | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
88-A Platform body truck, Part 2 (thorough) | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
88-A Platform body truck, Part 3 (thorough) | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
A-400 Convertible Sedan | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | May-Jun | 24 |
Briggs body plate information | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 39 |
Coupe roll-down rear window - how to install | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | May-Jun | 8 |
Coupe roll-down rear window - supplement | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Coupe roll-down rear window,modified install'n | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 28 |
Coupe wood suppliers | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Custom body styles | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1986 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
E28 Cpe, Rdstr, Pickup - beavertail fenders | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 5 |
German Drauz Cabriolet body | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Mail Truck history | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 28 |
Mail Trucks revisited | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Model A/AA commercial bodies by Springfield | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Model A/AA commercial bodies by Standard Body | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Sep-Oct | 34 |
Model AA "Big Iron" | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | May-Jun | 6 |
Model AA 187-A Platform body, Part 1 of 2 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Model AA 187-A Platform body, Part 2 of 2 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Model AA 189-A stake racks/187-A Platform body | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Model AA advertisement sketches | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 24 |
Model AA Ambulance | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
Model AA and four speed transmissions | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1971 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Model AA commercial fleet pictures | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 24 |
Model AA commercial trucks, Part 1 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Model AA commercial trucks, Part 2 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Sep-Oct | 24 |
Model AA models w/both dual wheels & fenders | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Model AA Truck with 89-A Express body - 15 pgs | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Model AA Truck, 229-A Service Body, Part 1 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 6 |
Model AA Truck, 229-A Service Body, Part 2 | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Phaeton rubber plugs | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 33 |
Pickup bed | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Pickup bed, narrow, restoration tips | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Sep-Oct | 44 |
Pickup open cab | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Russian Model A Jeep | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jul-Aug | 22 |
Snowmobiles | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Snowmobiles | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Snowmobiles | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Snowmobiles | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Snowmobiles | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 32 |
Town Car | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Town Car and Town Car Deliveries | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 27 |
Town Car, Convertible Sedan - ashtray | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Victoria not delivered with side mount spare | Body Type | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
30-31 AA 131" wheelbase same Russian GAZ AA | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
150-B Station Wagon inner panels=2-door,Fordor | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
150-B Station wagon True Sweep front roof rail | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
1928 Early Tudor, Canadian | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 30 |
1928 Phaeton curtain pan | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
1928 Roadster Pickup | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | May-Jun | 9 |
1928 Sport Coupe (49-A) | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
1928-29 Cpe,Rdstr trnk sparemount bolt crowner | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
1929 Briggs Fordor - install window glass/oper | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
1929 Taxi Cab | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1974 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
1929 Town Car | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1974 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
1929 Town Car | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 36 |
1929 Town Car with right hand drive | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
1929-30-31 Cabriolet | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
1930 3-window coupe | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 24 |
1930 AA cab w/o top wooden seat support member | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
1930 Boyer Fire Pumper Truck | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 34 |
1930 Coupe -Installation of seat adjust tracks | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 10 |
1930 Deluxe Roadster - Canadian | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 36 |
1930 mail delivery car - "Big Foot" | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 22 |
1931 330A School Bus and 330B Passenger Bus | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 32 |
1931 AA Police Paddy Wagon | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
1931 Fordalette | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
1931 Fordalette | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
1931 Huckster | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
1931 Mail Truck, Part 1 | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
1931 Mail Truck, Part 2 | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | May-Jun | 10 |
1931 Model AA Hearse | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 30 |
1931 Slant Windshield Deluxe Pickup, 66A | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 35 |
1931 Standrive Delivery | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Cabriolet expert BillUnderwood | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | May-Jun | 13 |
Coupe roll-down rear window | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1974 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
De Ford Service Wagen | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1980 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
E1928 Standard Coupe | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 39 |
Fordson Tractor | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Model A Wagon | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | May-Jun | 16 |
Model AA overview | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Model AA performance chart | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Model AA pictures; variations vs. pass. car | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Model AA trucks owned by MARC members | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Model AA-112 Type 315-A Standrive Delivery | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | May-Jun | 33 |
Phaeton top bows - Oak Bows, Chambersburg, PA | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Pickup steel top -cowl lacing between top/bows | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Pickup wide bed versus standard bed | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Russian built copies of Model A | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 32 |
Snow planes | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Snowmobiles | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Town Sedan Modify seat adjuster, more leg room | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Worthington Tractor | Body Type | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | May-Jun | 14 |
140-A 1929 Town Car | Body Type | Model A Times | 2019 | Fall | 12 |
1928-29 Closed Cab Truck door latches,Snyder's | Body Type | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 26 |
1928-29 right/left hood shelves repros,Snyders | Body Type | Model A Times | 2016 | Fall | 39 |
1931 Slant Windshield female dovetail repro | Body Type | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 19 |
Pickup - Homemade canopy | Body Type | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 32 |
Tudor bent steel rain gutter, Snyder's | Body Type | Model A Times | 2014 | Spring | 35 |
Install bushings | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1971 | Jan-Feb | 40 |
Lining up with each other | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | May-Jun | 5 |
Pedal stop restoration | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Release shaft 3/16 pin&key else 5/16 | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
2 modifications for 1-leg operation | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Sep-Oct | 2 |
Brake pedal does not return - checks | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Picture of right-hand drive pedals | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 12 |
Remove shaft w/ transmission in car | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Variations for late '31 AA's | Brake/Clutch Pedals | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Replace pads by welding repros | Brake/Clutch Pedals | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 10 |
Reproductions to weld on - good | Brake/Clutch Pedals | Model A Times | 2017 | Spring | 36 |
Adjust for Greater Stopping Power | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | May-Jun | 6 |
Putting them on | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1971 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Adjust brake rods | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Adjust front w/15 degree forward, rods w/no slack | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 4 |
Adjust with front/rear 60%/40% drag basis | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
B-2042 adjusting shafts must be of same length | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Bonded brake linings with cast iron drums | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Brake cross shaft, drill for grease fitting | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | May-Jun | 17 |
Brake drums (steel) minimum thickness - .120" | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Brake drums brake fade (thorough) | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Brake drums cast iron - advantages/installation | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 32 |
Brake drums cast iron - installing & truing | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Brake drums reinforcing bands | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1973 | May-Jun | 6 |
Brake drums securing races by center punching hub | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Jul-Aug | 17 |
Brake link gauge | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
Brake rod rattle elimination | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Brake shoe arching with backing plate on fixture | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Check entire brake system | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Check linings,cotters,shafts,rollers,pins,springs | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Clevis rods -bore out/oversize pins or braze over | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Early Lincoln - Buick drums; repros from Texas | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Emergency brake adjust clevises on center click | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Emergency brake cross shaft must rotate freely | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 4 |
Emergency brake cross shaft reassembly order | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Emergency brake lever spring - installing | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 18 |
Emergency brake rods -adjust on second click back | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Front and rear brake grease baffles (thorough) | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Front assembly/adjustment w/pictures; Les Andrews | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Front brake rods - correct bends on trucks/cars | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 34 |
Front linings woven/rear molded, favors front | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 3 |
Front operating pin length = 7-1/4" | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Grooves worn cast iron drums-stud shoulder too lg | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 5 |
Inspecting shoes before relining | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Keep shoes clean with painters tape while working | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Linings - soft, woven w/steel; composition w/cast | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Maximum service drum inside diameter is 11.060" | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
No grease on parts; heat makes grease flow/harden | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Noises from brakes and cures | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Pre-check before adjusting; brake rod lengths | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Principles and theory | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Put tension on emergency brake retracting spring | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Rebuilding backing plate center brackets | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Remove bonded linings with propane heat | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 14 |
Service brake cross shaft refurbishing | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Service brake cross shaft restoration | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | May-Jun | 14 |
Service brake cross shaft restoration | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | May-Jun | 40 |
Simple brake checks | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Squeal - lacquer thinner on shoes,remove dust,lub | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Tips on improving stopping power | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Use rivet lining to stop squealing | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
While adjusting use hitch pins vs. cotter pins | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 55 |
Woven vs molded linings w/cast drums; no floaters | Brakes | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
150*-200* temp best; ck after 8-10 stops @ 45 mph | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
AA dual-wheeled brake pedal | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | May-Jun | 23 |
Adjust brake clevis by 1 pin diameter | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Adjust service brakes (thorough) | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Backing plate tracks - heat treat | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 21 |
Brake adjuster - 'pistol grip' reversible clamp | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Brake drums freeing brake linings from | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Brake drums simple way to remove stuck | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Brake floater (after market); picture, ad | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 9 |
Brake link gauge | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 25 |
Brake rod adjustment with success | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1970 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Brake rod return springs, versions | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | May-Jun | 23 |
Brake rod spring bracket - rear, A-2505 | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Brake shoe & lining production | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Bremskert bonded lining - Naylor Auto, Chicago | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Composite linings on cast drums - Bremskerl#5300 | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Cut front adjust. wedge to create floater system | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Emerg. cross shaft bushings may not need replaced | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Emergency brake carrier plate versions | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | May-Jun | 10 |
Emergency brake lever and spring - restoring | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Emergency brake toggle lever grease fitting added | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | May-Jun | 33 |
Fine tuning brake adjustment | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Flathead Ted's brakes tip on adjusting | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | May-Jun | 11 |
Front tires rub rods, washer under king-pin bolt | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Judging area 7 - good pictures | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Left hand brake lever Model A | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1976 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Lubrication | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
New roll pins too long - walk off; add 2 washers | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
Noise when braking - loose backing plate | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Orig king pins for hyraulics; Boling Bros experts | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Remove brake drum stud use standard 5/8" hole saw | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Remove brake drum studs by drilling, hammer&punch | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Remove front roller rest arm;incresed rear action | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Removing rear backing plate lever | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Repair rod clevis with steel tubing/silver solder | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Repro adjust shaft w/o taper problem - picture | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | May-Jun | 11 |
Service brake cross shaft repair kit procedure | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Service brake cross shaft restoration | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Shoes - process to clean greasy linings | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Squeeze handle emergency brake aluminum rivets(2) | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Swage, DO NOT WELD studs in cast iron drums | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Tips when restoring | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Two cast drum, over/under 11" for truing, both ok | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Why hydraulics were chosen over mechanicals | Brakes | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Adjust Ford hydraulic | Brakes | Model A Times | 2014 | Summer | 13 |
Adjusting mechanical brakes | Brakes | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 5 |
Backing plate tracks - replace with hardened | Brakes | Model A Times | 2005 | Fall | 2 |
Brake drums cast iron - installing hubs | Brakes | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 18 |
Brake drums cast iron - original dimensions | Brakes | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 33 |
Brake drums cast iron, from Mel Gross | Brakes | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 22 |
Brake drums cast iron, from Mel Gross, new info | Brakes | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 28 |
Brake drums for AR, other Model A, Mel Gross | Brakes | Model A Times | 2014 | Fall | 31 |
Brakleen cleaner on Model A brakes | Brakes | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 9 |
Complete hydraulic parts source - MT Car Products | Brakes | Model A Times | 2011 | Fall | 4 |
Flathead Ted's brake floater kit for 1928-1935 | Brakes | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 2 |
Flathead Ted's brake floater/energizers, Part 2 | Brakes | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 2 |
Flathead Ted's rear roller pins | Brakes | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 14 |
Front operating pin 7 1/4" long, check repros | Brakes | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 4 |
New brake shoes, SAE-1045 carbon steel; Bratton's | Brakes | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 4 |
service operation on Ford brakes (thorough) | Brakes | Model A Times | 2017 | Fall | 7 |
Vintage drum brake basics | Brakes | Model A Times | 2020 | Winter | 17 |
Adjusting Ford hydraulic | Brakes | Skinned Knuckles | 1986 | Feb | 17 |
Brakes - Part 1 by Paul Moller | Brakes | Skinned Knuckles | 1979 | Nov | 4 |
Brakes - Part 2 by Paul Moller | Brakes | Skinned Knuckles | 1979 | Dec | 14 |
1930-31 radiator fine knurling, gas course knurling | Caps | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Flying quail cap, Ford's Hoosier mascot history | Caps | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Gas cap holes blocked-clean,drill;causes overheat,+ | Caps | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 9 |
1928/29 radiator cap; 1930/31 gas cap | Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Quail radiator caps (thorough) | Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Radiator and gas caps | Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Seal quail cap with O-ring sanded on both sides | Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
1930-31 gas cap - good repo | Caps | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 6 |
Improved '30-31 repro radiator cap, Snyder's | Caps | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 5 |
Air balanced - not run rich, good w/filter | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
AR | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 28 |
Japan Black finish - no longer can be made | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
1928 Holley | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 21 |
1929 Holley | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
1930, 1931 and aftermarket Holley | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 14 |
Allstate, Model 2405; square-bowled, no-name | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Sep-Oct | 32 |
Ambient air balancing tube with air filter | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Calibration with air/fuel ratio meter | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 37 |
Check float level wet & dry; err under 1" dry | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Choke rod restoration and choke operation | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 18 |
Choke rod smoother - drill out upper grommet+ | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 57 |
Dual up-draft Zeniths | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jul-Aug | 37 |
Engine stall at stop, fuel moving fore/back | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 5 |
Engine stalls at stop - lower float 1/16" | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 4 |
English Kayce Model A | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 12 |
Evaluating for judging | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Float level affected by float weight | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 3 |
Flow test jet water tester w/ continuous flow | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Ford-Zenith theory by Murray Fahnestock | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Gas continues to flow - 8 areas to check | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 4 |
Gas level - setting with glass jar | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Gas out at start - float valve not seating or | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
GAV fix,leaks;shutoff valve;plug valve grease | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
GAV leaking gas - screw housing in tight | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
GAV seized to seat | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
GAZ, KTK, Kayce, Mochi and Sears | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Hesitation at revving - idle setting, passage | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Holley critical features (thorough) | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
If start/run when cold w/GAV closed, too rich | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Japanese Model A | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Johnson JFA; Rayfield R-I-F | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Leaks - by Red E. Power | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Leaks - by Rex Reheis | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 26 |
Leaks - by Rex Reheis | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Model B1 & B2 CFM comparisons | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Original throttle plate w/ number stamped | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Poor idle -idle jet or secondary well clogged | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Pressure balancing theory & use of air filter | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 10 |
Principles of operation | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Production information | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Remove gas in float - immerse in boiling H2O | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 5 |
Repairing Zenith jet threads | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Rough idle - close GAV, reduce idle | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 4 |
Simmons | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 15 |
Six overlooked problems on the Zenith | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Stalling out - make richer, screw idle air in | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 3 |
Tap requirements for jets | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Throttle shaft repair | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Tillotson - curing gas drip | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
Tillotson - restoration tips | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Tillotson - versions | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Turn GAV 1/4 ccw with cold engine hesitation | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Unique 1927 Holley | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Use Marvel Mystery Oil, prevents rust in bowl | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Versions and fittings update, E.J. Eaton, Jr. | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Versions by E.J. Eaton, Jr. | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Jul-Aug | 21 |
Wheller-Scheiber, see MAFCA S/O 1995 page 12 | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
When drilling jets, do flow tests also | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Zenith - float level setting fixture;Kerr jar | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 12 |
Zenith - honing fuel inlet seat | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Zenith fuel leaks - at line fitting, jets | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 8 |
Zenith information and trouble shooting | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Zenith jet drill bit number sizes | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Zenith jet drill bit number sizes | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 46 |
Zenith operation explained | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Zenith Part 1 The 1927 Latest Judging Stds ID | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Zenith Part 2 The 1928 Zenith Carburetor | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 8 |
Zenith Part 3 The 1929 Zenith Carburetor | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Zenith Part 4 The 1930 Zenith Carburetor | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Zenith Part 5 The 1931 Zenith Carburetor | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Zenith passageway cleaning with paper clip | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Sep-Oct | 28 |
Zenith production | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Zenith rebuild | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Zenith replacements including Model B | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Zenith repro main jets are too short | Carburetor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
5mm-75pitch correct jet tap size - Rex Reheis | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 31 |
Clean idle system w/air in air bleed screw | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Cleaning choke adjuster opening - Rex Reheis | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 3 |
Correct float level 5/8" - 3/4" external gage | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Engine stalls at stop-set float level to seam | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Fixing Viton seat float valve | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Fixing Viton seat float valve - remove burrs | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Flow testing of jets-37 1/4" of head pressure | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 17 |
Ford patent, dev. history, works, specs, adj. | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 28 |
Gas adjustment valve | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Lapping float valve with power drill | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Mark gas line fitting-proper ferule placement | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Marvel Rayfield R.I.F | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 30 |
Orifices test | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Original carburetor castings (thorough) | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Prototype by Kingston | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Raised letter | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Repro choke sleeve can come apart on new carb | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Rough original | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Saving late '31 side bowl top | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Seepage - clean & tighten gaskets under jets | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Side bowl leak @ bottom - seat or valve stem | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Sep-Oct | 17 |
Solder bushing to worn throttle shaft | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Sticking choke rod-leather washer at firewall | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Sticky choke rod correction to S/O 2018 issue | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Throttle shaft repair | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1976 | May-Jun | 14 |
Vaseline on all gaskets,tighten well,no leaks | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Versions & operation | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
Zenith - 18 1/2 throttle plate has no notches | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Zenith - History and production | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Zenith and Holley accessories | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Zenith gasoline leak causes and cures | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | May-Jun | 9 |
Zenith jet numbering methodology | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 19 |
Zenith jets - calculation of flow rates | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Zenith jets - repairing | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Zenith jets, flow testing | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Zenith jets, metric threads | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Zenith jets, metric threads - typos corrected | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Zenith Model A uses .790 venturi; B uses .866 | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Zenith repros balance chamber for air cleaner | Carburetor | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Accelerator bracket return spring - replace | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 6 |
Choke drive - good(dull finish), poor(bright) | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 14 |
Float valve, leakless repro - Mark Auto | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 14 |
Service, adjustment, trouble shooting | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2015 | Winter | 5 |
Tillotson - new Model X and XF | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 26 |
Tillotson Model F01B; Winfield Model M | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2011 | Fall | 20 |
Tillotson Model X | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 8 |
Tillotson repair book by David Hatch | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 7 |
Weber carburetor with fuel pump | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 12 |
Zenith float, repro; Mac's | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 16 |
Zenith jets, correct orifice profile | Carburetor | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 35 |
Carburetors - Part 1 by Paul Moller | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1980 | May | 13 |
Carburetors - Part 2 by Paul Moller | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1980 | Jun | 15 |
Gas adjustment valve & choke control | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Dec | 31 |
Gas level gauge | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1981 | Aug | 3 |
Gas mileage in the Model A | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1988 | Aug | 23 |
Model B - Part 1 Description by Paul Moller | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1979 | Apr | 16 |
Model B - Part 2 Troubleshooting by P Moller | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1979 | Jun | 18 |
Model B - Part 3 Repair by Paul Moller | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1979 | Aug | 19 |
Model B - Part 4 Assembly by Paul Moller | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1979 | Sep | 15 |
Rebuild - step-by-step | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1984 | Oct | 13 |
Tillitson F1B | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Oct | 10 |
Tillotson - rebuilding | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Aug | 14 |
Tillotson Model X by Paul Moller | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1981 | Oct | 7 |
Zenith, Explaining the | Carburetor | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Jul | 27 |
Installation on steering column | CB | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jan-Feb | 19 |
Installation without modification | CB | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Spring perch bushing punch - main bearing bolt | Chassis | MAFA | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 43 |
Bumper restoration | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Bumper, rear installation on pickup | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Frame brackets @ cowl moved back 2-1/2", Apr '31 | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | May-Jun | 4 |
Frame straightening | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Frame welting - installing | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 19 |
Frame, Part 1 - Understanding and Repairing | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 32 |
Front cross members(2) -different mounting holes | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Hot riveting the Model A | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
How to apply frame welting | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
How to make an offset bucking bar for riveting | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
How to remove rivets | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 42 |
King pin bushing removal and installation | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 57 |
Leaning to side - Check shocks; do measurements | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Leaning to side:loosen U-bolts, stand on runbds. | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Model A frame evolution (thorough) | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 12 |
Radius ball welded to 1.5"dia/fender washer shim | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 5 |
Radius rod ball - only assemble w/cup grease | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Radius rod ball 1.5" in diameter | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Radius rod ball @ 1.5" dia;can be replaced w/new | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Radius rod ball replacement | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 29 |
Radius rod ball restored to 1.5" dia. - snug fit | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Rear radius rod w/o brake rod spring brkt - E28 | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Restoring | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Nov-Dec | 22 |
Riveting the Model A frame | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | May-Jun | 25 |
Running board brackets - front/rear, left/right | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Spring arc measurements with spring on floor | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Spring perch - remove w/heat & hammer | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Springs - burlap/waterproof wheel bearing grease | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Starter crank bearing and "oil" hole | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Starter crank bearing variations, related parts | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Swaying-steering play,weak springs,loose bolts + | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Worn radius ball w/cupped washer; see M/A Pg 5 | Chassis | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 4 |
28-'29 rear bumpers partially painted black | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Alignment steps on Marco's Barnyard | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Assemble radius rod ball joint w/fishing line | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Assembly hints | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Bumper backs - lightly buff w/ fine emery paper | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Bumper, rear on pickup - you must fabricate | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Checking chassis to be straight and true | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 1981 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Convertin early 1930 RHD frame to LHD | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Early 1928 features | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Evolution A-5090 A/B rear engine support bracket | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | May-Jun | 14 |
Front horn '28-'29 vs '30-'31 replacement | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Front horn measurement when replacing | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 13 |
How to remove front service brake cross shaft | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Lube every 2000 miles with today's lubricants | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Pickup rear bumpers using coupe bumper brackets | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Pickup rear bumpers using Fordor bumper brackets | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Radius rod ball - welding back on | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Radius rod ball assembly - repairing | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Radius rod ball did not use outer rubber ball | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Rebuild front/rear spring perch/shock link balls | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Right rear bumper chrome blisters; 2 coats wax | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Springs used in Model A's and AA's | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Stainless steel clad bumper clamps - restoring | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Stamping right rear - body style,# spring leaves | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Wishbone replacement ball available;contact info | Chassis | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Basics of frame restoration | Chassis | Model A Times | 2011 | Fall | 8 |
Geometry - set caster w/radius ball cup washer | Chassis | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 32 |
Pickup rear (center) cross member - Bratton's | Chassis | Model A Times | 2012 | Spring | 4 |
Inspection & lubrication by Paul Moller | Chassis | Skinned Knuckles | 1978 | Sep | 7 |
Adjust fingers to .625", plate bolted to flywheel | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Adjustment procedure - simple | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Chatter - flywheel housing/surface;pp spring;disc | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Chatter - oil on disk/use brake cleaner | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | May-Jun | 4 |
Chatter -Replace disk, hand resurface flywheel&pp | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 4 |
Clutch chatter causes | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Clutch chatter causes (thorough) | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 15 |
Clutch disc with caged springs, Bratton's, MD | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Clutch pedal free-play adjustment | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Disk .340" thick plus 2 other measurements | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Free stuck clutch -fast acceleration,deceleration | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Free stuck clutch raise wheels,run in 3rd,hit b&c | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Hand operated clutch; detailed drawings | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 10 |
Multi-disc - restore (thorough) | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Pressure plate - restore and adjust (thorough) | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Pressure plate collar to fingers=.625" Wrong=.75" | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Pressure plate levers set to 3/4" | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Pressure plate release levers - adjust to .75" | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Pressure plate restoration (thorough) | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Pressure plate stepdown to face surface 1.125" | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Understand what causes problems | Clutch | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Chatter - adjust pedal w/ less free travel | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Free clutch - drive w/clutch pedal in, brake hard | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Free clutch-loosen pressure plate bolts, pry disc | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Free stuck clutch - start in 3rd, jam on brakes | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Free stuck clutch -hold pedal in & pry disc loose | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Free stuck clutch disc by driving | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Free stuck clutch with WD-40 | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Multi-disc - oversize rear disc w/ notch on tooth | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Pressure plate bolt torque rate and sequencing | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Remove throw-out bearing with gas gauge ring tool | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Replacement clutch shaft arm -less pedal pressure | Clutch | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Adjustable clutch clevis | Clutch | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 7 |
Diaphragm clutch for Model A/B by SEC and LUK | Clutch | Model A Times | 2010 | Spring | 31 |
Multi-disc - restore (thorough) | Clutch | Model A Times | 2014 | Summer | 9 |
Replacement clutch arm 1/2" longer - easier | Clutch | Model A Times | 2005 | Fall | 36 |
Repro clutch release bearing hub A-7561B,Snyder's | Clutch | Model A Times | 2014 | Summer | 33 |
How to test (thorough) | Condenser | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Mount on firewall away from heat | Condenser | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Quick check | Condenser | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Repro problems, wrong length, more | Condenser | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 3 |
Theory and troubleshooting | Condenser | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
.2-.25 microfarads per 1936 Service Bulletin | Condenser | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | May-Jun | 12 |
.3 microfarads, tester via eBay | Condenser | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Assembly of A-12300 | Condenser | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Original Model A, A-12300 | Condenser | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
How to test with ohm meter | Condenser | Model A Times | 2020 | Winter | 9 |
Flush cooling system with Rust 911 | Cooling | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Rust911 best over vinegar; refill distilled H2O | Cooling | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Dip old/new hoses boiling water for easy install | Cooling | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | May-Jun | 12 |
Anode in water inlet housing for aluminum head | Cooling | Model A Times | 2017 | Summer | 33 |
Effects of water temperature | Cooling | Model A Times | 2020 | Spring | 15 |
Flush cooling system with Evapo-Rust THERMOCURE | Cooling | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 7 |
General cooling system description | Cooling | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 16 |
Hy-PerLube Super Coolant - corrosion protection | Cooling | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 37 |
Rust-Block - rust inhibitor good for one year | Cooling | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 38 |
Water temperature theory | Cooling | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 16 |
Water temperature theory | Cooling | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 27 |
Align with tight nuts by sanding nuts | Cotter Pins | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Cotter pin hole marker method | Cotter Pins | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Part #, size, hole size, sorted by location | Cotter Pins | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 10 |
Quantities, sizes and locations | Cotter Pins | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Mar-Apr | 37 |
Tools and how to bend; chart | Cotter Pins | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Harbor Freight kit, quantity 555, $8 | Cotter Pins | Model A Times | 2019 | Fall | 30 |
Cotter Pins | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | May-Jun | 9 | |
15 amp diode, Snyder's, Bratton's, Delco, A&L | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Diode - 1N1190 35 Amp,600V stud mount zener pwr. | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Diode - check if working with ohmmeter | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Diode - check on car with test light | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Diode - HEP-151 | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1974 | May-Jun | 24 |
Diode - HEP-151 needs heat sink | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Diode - simple on-the-road check | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Mar-Apr | 38 |
Failure,amp meter reads 0;jump cut-out to charge | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Function - stop gen. drawing power from battery | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Generator relay - theory and tests | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1971 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
How to test | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Operation and testing | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 33 |
Points sticking - weak spring, welded points | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Testing original cut-out | Cut-out | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Complete 3-D drawings and theory | Cut-out | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Ford script on housing - Rex Reheis | Cut-out | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Preping the A-10505-A for platting and show | Cut-out | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Repair of original relay | Cut-out | MARC - The Model A News | 1972 | May-Jun | 14 |
Model A voltage regulator; Fun Products | Cut-out | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 38 |
Solid state voltage regulator, over alternator | Cut-out | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 3 |
Restoring original relay by Paul Moller | Cut-out | Skinned Knuckles | 1981 | Apr | 9 |
.014" point gap - damage coil w/high current | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Bodies (thorough) | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Body short #1,#3 - drill 3/8" hole | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Bushing removal technique using a tap & bolt | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Bushings-remove; align hone w/small hone | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Cam analysis - phase, dwell, point gap | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Dial indicator mounting bracket - correction | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | May-Jun | 8 |
Dial indicator mounting bracket w/plug base | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Dwell (32.3 - 34.5 degrees) vs. setting gap | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 23 |
Dwell angle wheel;plot of dwell vs point gap | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | May-Jun | 24 |
Dwell approx 31 degrees = point gap of .018" | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Dwell meter - use while touring | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Hole in points - 1. over capacity condenser | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Hole in points - 2. reversed coil polarity | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Housing cracks;common nail to remove bushing | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Location of spacing washer | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Lub bushings w/Zerk,high temp bearing grease | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Model B can lobe profile vs. Model A | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Oil, heavily, at side port | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Points - list of equivalent suppliers | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | May-Jun | 9 |
Points -'58-'74 Ford V-8 #TK229MV /FILKO 750 | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Points shorting-neoprene tube on contact tab | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 45 |
Points, modern - ask for "1970 Ford V-8" | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Points, modern - FILKO 750 w/chip conversion | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Mar-Apr | 19 |
Points, modern - how to improve modern | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Points, modern -short,need insulating washer | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Rebuilding | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Remove two-piece shaft, 2 blade screw driver | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | May-Jun | 31 |
Restoration (for show) | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Rotor gap .025/.030 | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Rotor gap .025/.030, max coil output voltage | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Rotor gap between tip and distributor body | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Shaft vertical movement <=.003 - use washers | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Shaft, drilling for lubrication | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Short-proofing original style lower plate | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | May-Jun | 43 |
Test fixture for accurate readings | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Sep-Oct | 26 |
Test lead wire on bottom plate-flex;heat res | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Two-piece shaft stops premature bushing wear | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Undersize repro point block stationary screw | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 33 |
Use brass washer vs original fiber | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Wobbling - probably worn bushings | Distributor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 5 |
3 tips to improve stock distributor | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Basics | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Body notch 31/32" vs 1.003" | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Body side opening .878" - .879" ('31 .976") | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Body thread is 11/16-16 not 3/8-NPT | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Eliminate lower plate, wire direct to points | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Grease/WD-40 helps from sticking to head | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Light oil top of ignition points pivot pin | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Lock wash w/modern pts -dog leg to low plate | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
NOS 31 distributor with wax plug | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Oiler, remove w/rod in hole, rotate oiler | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 11 |
Oiling upper bushing | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
One-piece shaft wears lower bush;use 2-piece | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Original oiler has open end, repro not; pic | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 8 |
Points - cleaning | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Points melting -hot upper dist bush,need lub | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Points melting -too much current when closed | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Quick-change ignition points | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Rebuilding the Model A distributor | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 1970 | Sep-Oct | 24 |
Rotor to body gap .025-.030, Les Andrews | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Rotor to body gap calculation - .025-.034 | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 9 |
Rotor, pictures of good vs bad | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | May-Jun | 10 |
Shaft and cam supplier | Distributor | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Auto advance distributors; NuRex | Distributor | Model A Times | 2013 | Spring | 28 |
Body A-12105, new, high quality repro | Distributor | Model A Times | 2012 | Spring | 11 |
Centrifugal advance electronic distributor | Distributor | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 16 |
Intermediate shaft, stainless, FS Ignitions | Distributor | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 19 |
Lower plate repros w/loose rivets,thin metal | Distributor | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 2 |
New body,Renner Corner,large plug connectors | Distributor | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 4 |
Points, modern - need firm, thick insulator | Distributor | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 32 |
Rebuild; MdlAT You Tube | Distributor | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 8 |
Restoring | Distributor | Model A Times | 2012 | Fall | 12 |
Sealant plug, A&L Parts, Canton, CT | Distributor | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 23 |
Changes and modifications by Paul Moller | Distributor | Skinned Knuckles | 1984 | Jun | 3 |
Modifications to Model A & B | Distributor | Skinned Knuckles | 1988 | Oct | 24 |
Lower plate rubber pad stops cable groundiin | Distrubutor | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Door & window handle repair | Door Handles | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Door and deck handle restoration | Door Handles | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | May-Jun | 32 |
Door and deck lid handles (thorough) | Door Handles | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Door handle "drooping" elimination | Door Handles | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Removing | Door Handles | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 12 |
Align outside handle - heat & twist stem | Door Handles | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Restoring | Door Handles | Skinned Knuckles | 1984 | Dec | 10 |
Clunking was flattened tab washer in U-joint | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Installing old-style (Borg Warner) overdrive | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 33 |
Mitchell overdrive installation | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 25 |
Overdrive - Borg Warner (thorough) | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Overdrive w/high speed differential not good | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Overdrives - Borg Warner, Laylock, Mitchell | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Torque tube assembly order - bearing, thrushw | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Understanding the basics | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Universal joint, rebuilding | Drive Train | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | May-Jun | 14 |
Overdrive vs. 3.54 to 1 rear end gears | Drive Train | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Remove/replace bearing sleeve in torque tube | Drive Train | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Solving Mitchell overdrive floor bump BANG | Drive Train | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Analyzing need/advantages of several ODs | Drive Train | Model A Times | 2014 | Summer | 19 |
Borg Warner overdrive operation | Drive Train | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 12 |
Mitchell overdrive for '30-'31 AA trucks | Drive Train | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 4 |
Overdrives - Borg Warner, Laylock, Mitchell | Drive Train | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 2 |
Crank starting | Driving | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 20 |
Double clutching explained | Driving | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | May-Jun | 5 |
Double clutching saves your transmission | Driving | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
For ladies | Driving | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 19 |
When stopping then stalls - vacuum leak | Driving | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
With manual spark lever | Driving | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 19 |
Timing Lever Operation | Driving | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Double clutching | Driving | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
How to start a Model A, step-by-step | Driving | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Improved drivability | Driving | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Improving drivability - maintenance checks | Driving | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | May-Jun | 20 |
Set up,operation spark control-divide by 5 rule | Driving | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Set up,operation spark control-divide by 5 rule+ | Driving | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Isolating road troubles in 10 minutes | Driving | Model A Times | 2006 | Summer | 2 |
With manual spark lever | Driving | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Nov | 23 |
Weight approx 350#, w/ clutch & transmission 465# | Engine | MAFA | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
3/4" drive 1-3/8 socket used w/hand crank to turn | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Accelerator return spring, replacing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Babbitt bearings - correct Ford specifications | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 21 |
Bell housing - paint inside aluminum or silver | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Bell housing - restoring | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Bell housing restoration; Tom Endy | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Blowing coolant out cap - head gasket/block crack | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 5 |
Break-in by towing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Break-in process can use 10W30 detergent oil | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 4 |
Break-in tips, run with Marvel Mystery Oil | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Camshaft journal acceptable measurements | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Channel steel used as head removal tool(pictures) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Ck compression @ op temp, plugs out, open throtle | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Cold stitch crack repair materials - website | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Combustion gasses/soot/oil on head; leaky gasket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Compressing testing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Compression braking (or suction braking) theory | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Sep-Oct | 30 |
Compression calculation using atmosphere pressure | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Compression ratio, calculating - "speed secrets" | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 28 |
Compression reading calculation - 62 psi | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Compression should be 65-75 psi (consistency) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Connecting rod cap off with 21/32" or 17mm socket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Connecting rods - torque to 30-35 lbs. | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Cooling #3 and #4 cylinders | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Cooling #3 and #4 cylinders test results | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | May-Jun | 26 |
Correct method of safety wiring engine bolts | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Correct oil fill tube ('31) to prevent blow-by | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Crack from valve seat to cylinder - pin and weld | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Crankcase flushing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1974 | Jul-Aug | 22 |
Cranking system diagnostics (thorough) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Crankshaft - drill, full oil pressure (thorough) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Crankshaft centerlines - checks for grinding | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Crankshaft flange holes, repair w/crank in engine | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | May-Jun | 20 |
Crankshaft pulley - remove by jacking up engine | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Crankshaft pulley failure - fitting new 2-piece | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 9 |
Crankshaft pulley loose - repro shaft too short | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 4 |
Drain water from oil pan after blown head gasket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 53 |
Engine lift fixture (from head) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Engine pans, firewall for judging | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Engine stand | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 25 |
Engine/chassis number survey | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 22 |
Evaluating exhaust and intake manifolds | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 19 |
Evolution of oil pan tray A-6688 | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Flywheel -easy remove from crankshaft w/man.studs | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Flywheel ring gear - heat on pile of cardboard | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 30 |
Flywheel ring gear, install w/dry ice, barbeque | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Ford script on head - aftermarket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Governors | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Head gasket - best to use; use "High Tac" spray | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Head gasket - causes and cures of blown(thorough) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 10 |
Head gasket - FelPro 7013C avail local auto parts | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Head gasket - install with crimp side up | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 3 |
Head gasket - replace studs, use gray comp gasket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | May-Jun | 4 |
Head gasket - replacing sequence | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Head gasket - seeping | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Head gasket - stamped/rolled edge should face up | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Head gasket - w/red silicone line fails over time | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 5 |
Head gasket - weep, use copper-coat spray 2 sides | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Head removal - rope in #1 & #4 @ BDC, hand crank | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | May-Jun | 7 |
Head stud heights above top of block | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 46 |
Head studs - adjustment for more power | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Head studs - remove broken (drill out) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1977 | May-Jun | 39 |
Head studs - remove broken (weld and extract) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 35 |
Head studs - removing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Head torqueing sequence used by Red E. Power | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 33 |
Heads w/o center ports - drill out using gasket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | May-Jun | 15 |
Heads w/o center ports - drill out using gasket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Heli-Coil threads - install in striped stud holes | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
High compression head - basically retard timing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
High speed skip/misfire, go to 3X plug/B dist cam | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Jul-Aug | 3 |
How the Model A engine breathes | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | May-Jun | 14 |
How to free up a frozen engine | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Idling - problem check list | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Lack of compression, stuck valve article | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Leveling intake/exh. manifold, belt sander paper | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Lighter flywheel advantages | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Main and rod adjustment procedure w/Prussian blue | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Main and rod bearing adjustment | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Main and rod bearing easy adjustment procedure | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Main and rod bearing measurement & adjustment | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Main bearing center leak - shim holes w/ U shape | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Main bearing center leak - shim holes w/o U shape | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Main bearing center leak at left side of block | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Nov-Dec | 29 |
Main bearing needs grooves w/gravity feed oil | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Main bearing rear leak - causes to check | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Main bearing rear leak - checks | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 19 |
Main bearing rear leak - checks | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Main bearing rear leak - cures | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | May-Jun | 8 |
Main bearing rear leak - need rear cap drain tube | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Main bearing rear leak - up through cap bolt | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Main bearing rear leak fix (thorough) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 21 |
Main bearing rear oil pipe assembly A-6328 for AA | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Main bearing, rear leak, fix w/groove/hole in cap | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Missing - new condenser;worn dist. body,cap,rotor | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Model "B - BB - C" theory | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Model "B" and "C" theory on heads | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Model B (vs. A) engine data & production volumes | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
No vacuum to draw fuel; squirt oil into cylinders | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Oil dipper pan same but lower in Model B oil pan | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Oil fill tube - PCV valve conversion | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Oil pan - remove pan baffle using wood clamp | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 43 |
Oil pan gasket - leakless for A & B engines | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Oil pressure - install gauge in 1/8 NPT hole | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Oil pressure - start - 4 lbs, warm | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Oil return pipe - repair w/epoxy & bolt to block | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 3 |
Oil return pipe - restoring | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Oil sys. mod.-plug hole at front of valve chamber | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Oil wet @ intake ports-oil passing by valve guide | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Pans mount on bottom of lower rail; better ground | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
PCV - advise against using | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
PCV - Why Positive Crankcase Ventilation? | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
PCV valve, crankcase ventilator - use Lee #LV-61 | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 29 |
Performance results w/ diff head, exhaust, carb | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Pilot bearing - use oilite bushing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 5 |
Piston rings - affect engine performance and life | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1969 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Plastigauge bearings in car;heavy RTV on rear cap | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Pre-oiling engine after overhaul | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Putting Model B engine in a Model A car | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 28 |
Repairing threads in cylinder block | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | May-Jun | 5 |
Reviving long-dormant Model A | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
RPM calculation from tire size | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Safety wire size - 0.041" close to 18 gauge | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 4 |
Seeping stud -remove, use RTV silicone, reinstall | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 4 |
Seized engine - how to free | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 19 |
Spark plug hole, rethread with 7/8-18 tap | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Specifications and dimensional drawings | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | May-Jun | 36 |
Stars w/engine number indicate start / end of no. | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Start-up oil pressure high (thick oil) until warm | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Stud insertion and removal | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
Tappets-best adjustables:single nut self-locking | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Testing for a cracked block | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Throttle rod too long -steering col. not centered | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Timing covers - correct cover w/A & B distributor | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Timing covers - correct cover w/A & B distributor | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Timing gear alignment (re - crankshaft key) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Timing gears replacement | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 17 |
Tune-up tests - compression,vacuum,ignition,carb. | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Using anti-seize on nuts,torque head 55-60 ft lbs | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Vacuum leaks (thorough) | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Valve clearance - set stainless valves at .014" | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Valve clearance - stainless, int:.012, exh:.014 | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Valve clearance-I:.013;E:.015-check camshaft bore | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Valve clearance-wider settings,better performance | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 48 |
Valve lifter noise- hard-chrome camshaft journals | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Valve tap noise-valve clearance;cam & lifter bore | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Valve timing more important than tappet clearance | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | May-Jun | 27 |
Valves, exhaust - use non-magnetic stainless steel | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Vibration - flywheel housing shims | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
Water leak at studs -fix w/kite string & Permatex | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Water outlet - '28/29, 5-3/8" long; '30/31, 6" | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Water outlet - avoiding cracks | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 32 |
Water outlet - fitted w/o cracking when torqueing | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 23 |
Water outlet cracking -mill file,brown bag gasket | Engine | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Aluminum thermostat housing;Vintage Precision Inc | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Babbitt | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Babbitt bearings pros and cons, history | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 18 |
Camshaft thread is 1-16 U.S.F. Milled Thread/dwg. | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Camshafts - Model A vs. Model B | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Car heater | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Car heater installation | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
Check for camshaft gear and crankshaft gear wear | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Cleaning carbon and grinding valves | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1977 | May-Jun | 18 |
Compression - head with "B" mark, 5.22:1 ratio | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Copper water outlet gasket soldered -reduces flow | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Cracked block sealer, Irontite Products; Cool Sys | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Crankshaft - main bearing pressurization | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | May-Jun | 14 |
Crankshaft - Model B and "C" (thorough) | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Crankshaft pulley - installing 2 piece pulley | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Crankshaft pulley - remove by jacking up engine | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 12 |
Crankshaft to camshaft center distance | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Cutaway engine | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 36 |
Cylinder block evolution | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | May-Jun | 14 |
Determine oil pressure w/ gauge on side of block | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Diamond molded on block - cast in early 1940's | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | Sep-Oct | 17 |
Engine compartment variations on original photo | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Exhaust emissions results | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Exhaust leak clues, causes vs blown head gasket | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Ford's Way - Cylinder block updates | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | May-Jun | 18 |
General information | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | May-Jun | 14 |
Head gasket - custom,oversize; | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | May-Jun | 12 |
Head gasket - replacing | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1981 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Head removal methods | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Head stud removal - weld washer / nut; A-SURE OUT | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Head torqueing procedure to stop leaking | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Hold front motor mount springs with cable ties | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | May-Jun | 14 |
Leak at manif/muff - warped manif/poor repro muff | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | May-Jun | 7 |
Lubrication of crankshaft bearings | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 23 |
Main bearing rear leak - @antiqueengingrebuilding | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Main bearing rear leak - causes | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | May-Jun | 8 |
Main bearing rear leak - causes | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Main bearing rear leak - don't block supply tube | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Main bearing rear leak - flywheel housing gasket | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Main bearing, rear leak, fix w/groove/hole in cap | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Manifold heaters | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Measuring cam lift in block with stock head | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Model "C" theory | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | May-Jun | 3 |
Model "C" theory | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | May-Jun | 5 |
Model B and "C" FACTS | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Modifications (general) | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Oil blow-by - eliminate w/ 1-1/2" top of sock | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
Oil blow-by cause and solution | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Oil breather cap tabs should be bent | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | May-Jun | 11 |
Oil dip sticks and correct oil level | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Oil fill tube - rotate tube(baffles),stop blow-by | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Oil pan - install with Snapups from Felpro | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Oil pan install after remove flywheel inspec plt. | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 10 |
Oil pan Snapups from Felpro, ES-72863, 5/16-18 | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Oil pan tray remove w/round tool through oil pump | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Oil pan w/ clean-out plate 7/8-16, later 3/4-24 | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Oil pump drive gear vertical movement of .012, ok | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
PCV modification | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Sep-Oct | 15 |
PCV system, use of | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Rebuilding (re-boring, etc.) | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | May-Jun | 6 |
Remove oil dipper tray w/ mini bar clamp, board | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Repair cracked blocks permently | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
RPM calculation by counting rotor sparks | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Nov-Dec | 19 |
Running on alcohol | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Timing gear - picture of new vs slightly worn | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Torque pan bolt @ 3, 11 ft. lbs. in cross pattern | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Torque/RETORQUE 2X,3X w/new head at 55/65 ft lbs | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Valve adjusting | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | May-Jun | 14 |
Valve clear.-Ford archive I:.010-.013;E:.015-.018 | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | May-Jun | 4 |
Valve clearance - I:.010-.013; E:.015-.017 | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Valve clearance - Intake .011; Exhaust .013 | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Valve clearance-Ford spec I:.010-.013;E:.015-.017 | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Valve clearance - .013 intake & exhaust | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | May-Jun | 7 |
Valve job with homemade tools | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Valve seat grinding theory | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Valve tappet noise; set I:.014-.015; E:.016-.017 | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Valve timing | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Water out tailpipe/gurgling-cracked block/head/+ | Engine | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Basics for keeping engine cool | Engine | Model A Times | 2014 | Spring | 12 |
Block - crack repair,lock-n-stitch; thread repair | Engine | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 26 |
Broken stud removal plate by drilling - Bratton | Engine | Model A Times | 2010 | Spring | 26 |
Cam for Miller overhead; Specialty Motor, WI | Engine | Model A Times | 2017 | Spring | 32 |
Camshaft bushings from Schwalm's | Engine | Model A Times | 2009 | Winter | 8 |
Connection rod - bearing svc in Parkville, MO | Engine | Model A Times | 2018 | Winter | 14 |
Correcting "camfusion" | Engine | Model A Times | 2014 | Spring | 9 |
Crankshaft - good repros for Model A & B engines | Engine | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 4 |
Crankshaft - new by Burlington | Engine | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 12 |
Crankshaft counterbalanced mfg SCAT Manufacturing | Engine | Model A Times | 2015 | Fall | 28 |
Crankshaft pulley - new 1-piece repro vs. 2-peice | Engine | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 32 |
Engine stand adapter | Engine | Model A Times | 2016 | Winter | 9 |
Finding cracks in the block | Engine | Model A Times | 2010 | Summer | 14 |
Flywheel removal using starter bolt holes | Engine | Model A Times | 2012 | Spring | 10 |
Gasket maker - Permatex OPTIMUM RTV silicones | Engine | Model A Times | 2018 | Winter | 22 |
Gaskets - use copper spray-on-gasket | Engine | Model A Times | 2017 | Fall | 30 |
Head gasket - Bart's Head Seal for blown gasket | Engine | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 33 |
Head gasket - improved, high compression,no leaks | Engine | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 9 |
Head gasket - replacement methodology | Engine | Model A Times | 2010 | Summer | 19 |
Heli-Coil - Restore damaged threads | Engine | Model A Times | 2014 | Summer | 16 |
Lion III speed head | Engine | Model A Times | 2009 | Summer | 14 |
Lower water pipe - accurate repros by Aries | Engine | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 39 |
Main bearing rear - fixing the proverbial leak | Engine | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 8 |
Main bearing rear leak - causes (thorough) | Engine | Model A Times | 2014 | Spring | 14 |
Main bearing rear seal (?Terry Burtz's?) | Engine | Model A Times | 2016 | Winter | 13 |
Main bearing rear seal A-6335, Antique Engine | Engine | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 23 |
Measuring bearing journals | Engine | Model A Times | 2013 | Spring | 10 |
Miller-Schofield-Cragar OHV repro head | Engine | Model A Times | 2017 | Winter | 12 |
New Model B rods; Antique Engine Rebuilding | Engine | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 27 |
Oil fill pipe - original & repro w/no oil blow-by | Engine | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 2 |
PCV valve operation | Engine | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 17 |
Piston ring tech | Engine | Model A Times | 2018 | Winter | 31 |
Pistons - new, by Snyder's | Engine | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 20 |
PVC installation with NAPA 2-9220 | Engine | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 14 |
Rear main neoprene-cork seal; Snyder's | Engine | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 10 |
Rubberized cork oil pan gasket - good | Engine | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 16 |
Snyder's 5.5:1 & 6.0:1 high compression heads | Engine | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 10 |
Tauscher Vibration Absorber, Bratton's, MD | Engine | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 29 |
The new Model A Engine by Terry Burtz | Engine | Model A Times | 2010 | Summer | 22 |
The new Model A engine by Terry Burtz | Engine | Model A Times | 2011 | Spring | 5 |
The new Model A engine by Tod Buttermore | Engine | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 16 |
The new Model A engine plus - Tod Buttermore | Engine | Model A Times | 2017 | Winter | 5 |
Timing gear, Antique Engine, IL | Engine | Model A Times | 2014 | Fall | 9 |
Troubles and their cures | Engine | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 22 |
Valves w/ one-piece guide | Engine | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 13 |
Water outlet - repro with temp gauge probe boss | Engine | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 15 |
Cooling system - an engineering analysis | Engine | Skinned Knuckles | 1991 | Jan | 28 |
Lubrication system | Engine | Skinned Knuckles | 1990 | Sep | 18 |
Timing gears | Engine | Skinned Knuckles | 1986 | Mar | 21 |
Vibration - flywheel housing alignment by Moller | Engine | Skinned Knuckles | 1983 | Jun | 6 |
5/16" high numbers used by Ford | Engine Numbers | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 24 |
Model B blocks | Engine Numbers | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Stamps - Bill Haberer | Engine Numbers | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | May-Jun | 40 |
Stamps - proper use | Engine Numbers | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 37 |
1/4" high, second font introduced Feb '31 | Engine Numbers | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Block rebuilder assigned own nos. | Engine Numbers | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | May-Jun | 8 |
Canadian had 2/3/4 letter prefix | Engine Numbers | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Canadian Model A serial numbers | Engine Numbers | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Early '28 engine numbers | Engine Numbers | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Number with an 'X' theory | Engine Numbers | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Theory | Engine Numbers | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Align by apply heat & pressure | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Black finish using VHT SP-102 | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Jan-Feb | 25 |
Fitting to muffler with sleeve | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
Leak at muffler - sleeve; Aries; gasket | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 5 |
Leaks, stop sags with gland rings | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | May-Jun | 8 |
Muffler to manifold Q&A | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 36 |
Nuts - torque to 30-35 ft-lbs | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Nuts - torque to 50 ft-lbs | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Seal leak with roofing cement | Exhaust Manifold | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Nov-Dec | 23 |
Exhaust system repair | Exhaust Manifold | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Manifold exhaust paint from Eastwood | Exhaust Manifold | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Reworking distorted | Exhaust Manifold | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Warpage repair | Exhaust Manifold | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Bratton's ceramic coated | Exhaust Manifold | Model A Times | 2008 | Fall | 7 |
Ceramic coated reduce heat, increase hp | Exhaust Manifold | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 6 |
New exhaust & intake manifolds | Exhaust Manifold | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 10 |
Use muffler sealant on muffler clamp | Exhaust Manifold | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 7 |
1931 versus earlier | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Balance shaft & fan w/ 3/4"x5" dowel & razor blades | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Balance with pump shaft on glass surface | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Balancing using 2 shafts & Sunstrand balancer | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Differences in production fans and after-market fans | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Failure analysis and repair | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Judging fans including aluminum repro | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 19 |
Original, others; performance and failures | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Remove from shaft using 3/8" NF bolt and two nuts | Fan | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
2-blade fan on all "A" and "AA" models | Fan | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Balance shaft & fan w/ 3/4"x5" dowel & razor blades | Fan | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | May-Jun | 15 |
Balancing using two flywheel pilot bearings | Fan | MARC - The Model A News | 1977 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Fan blade modification (shortening) | Fan | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Ford and Holly fans | Fan | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 17 |
Making replacement aluminum fan into "airfoil" | Fan | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Restoration and balancing tips | Fan | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
2, 4, 6-bladed fan air flow comparisons | Fan | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 6 |
Fan hub taper correct on only 1 hub for 6-blade fan | Fan | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 8 |
Dayco #42322, 15A1075 at O'Reilly Auto | Fan Belt | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Gates 700, Dayco #22425 | Fan Belt | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Nov-Dec | 29 |
Bright metal - evaluation for judging | Finish | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Butler - best with semi-bright nickel process | Finish | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | May-Jun | 4 |
Butler - original drawing notes | Finish | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
Butler - suppliers of compound | Finish | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 29 |
Butler - unpolished nickel | Finish | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Remove rust w/phosphoric acid, like nickel plated | Finish | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 30 |
Butler and satin - methodology | Finish | MARC - The Model A News | 1977 | Sep-Oct | 21 |
Model A bright work | Finish | MARC - The Model A News | 1981 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Nickel tarnish removed with vinegar (valve stem) | Finish | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Orig nickel -clean oxidation w/fine silver polish | Finish | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Raven - Mark Auto | Finish | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Terne - 4 parts lead, 1 part melted solder | Finish | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Terne finish on gas line - tin w/coat of solder | Finish | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Cut hole to fill trans, use battery cover | Floor Boards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 44 |
Drawings and dimensions | Floor Boards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Floor board evolution #1 | Floor Boards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Modification for easy battery removal | Floor Boards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Jul-Aug | 32 |
Modified for easy battery access | Floor Boards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Modify for faster access to battery | Floor Boards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Steering column plate versions | Floor Boards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Heat insulator over floor boards, firewall | Floor Boards | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Original inner tube seal - accelerator hole | Floor Boards | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Steering column floor plates | Floor Boards | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Steering column plate versions | Floor Boards | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Tubular rivet clinch allowance .122" / 1/8" | Floor Boards | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 11 |
Noise; ring gear moved, rubbing, tap back, pin | Flywheel | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Loose Bolt - bell housing wishbone hole | Flywheel Housing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Loose bolt - bell housing wishbone hole | Flywheel Housing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 46 |
Loose bolt - magnet,tubing,tape-flywhee | Flywheel Housing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Loose bolt - use grease on flywheel | Flywheel Housing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 19 |
Repair cast iron cracks | Flywheel Housing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | May-Jun | 25 |
Welding cracks; check alignment | Flywheel Housing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Loose bolt - 3 methods to remove | Flywheel Housing | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Loose bolt - small magnet on flywheel | Flywheel Housing | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Loose bolt - split btwn bell housing | Flywheel Housing | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Loose bolt - use ceramic magnets | Flywheel Housing | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | May-Jun | 11 |
Shims btwn housing &block,check run-out | Flywheel Housing | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Excellent repro by Snyder's | Flywheel Housing | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 10 |
Shimmy - tie rod, drag link, pitman arm | Front End | MAFA | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
3/4-10 nut welded to tie rod to adjust toe-in | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Adjustable drag link to align steering wheel | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 24 |
Alignment pre-checks | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 8 |
Axle - straightening | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Ball repair on steering arms | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | May-Jun | 16 |
Ball replacement without welding | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1986 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Basics of wheel alignment used on A (thorough) | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Body listing to side - 5 possible causes | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Chassis sag side to side - front spring checks | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Checks plus alignment | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Front end alignment - theory and checks | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Front spindles, 2 styles - diff. locking pin | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Grease caps/dust covers fitted on front hubs | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
King pin removal when stuck | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 46 |
King pin repro cup washer too thick;can remove | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
King pin w/.811 OD,use micro adjustable reamer | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Ream king pin bushings from top down to 2nd | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Rebuilding Model A steering arm balls | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Removal -use minimal heat; e induction current | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Shimmy - additional checks | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 27 |
Shimmy - compress tie-rod end plug springs 25% | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Shimmy - standard checks | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1969 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Shimmy - stop with new front wheel bearings | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Shimmy decelerating, depress clutch to isolate | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Shimmy-loose tie-rod ends or caster adj needed | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Spindle bushing - reaming | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Spindle bushings are tight fit to king pins | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Spindle nut, tight 20ft-lbs, then finger tight | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
Tie rod installation easy way | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Tie-rod ends,left & right-hand 11/16-24 thread | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Toe in 1/16" +- 1/32", 6" above ground | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 4 |
Toe-in adj w/string - rear spoke to front tire | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 3 |
Toe-in adjustment with a string | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Toe-in and camber measurements | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 4 |
Tuning up including measuring toe-in | Front End | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Add nut to tie rod w/pin; easier adjustment | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Add nut to tie rod, no pin but better to weld | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Alignment using modern day tires | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Ball replacement on steering arms | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Camber(?) angle is 7 degrees | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
E28 king pin bolt round not tapered; 7* camber | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Front axle and steering alignment | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Front end stabilizer | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Front wheel bearings - cleaning and repacking | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 25 |
Install front wheel hub races using old ground | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
King pin hole .812/.814;E28-mid29 rd. lock pin | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
King pin repro lower sealcups too large -grind | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | May-Jun | 13 |
King pins - tips on installing | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Leaning L/R - re-arc front spring | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Leaning L/R -rearc spring,ck spring clamps,F&R | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
No front or back to axle; make script visable | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Rebuild, alignment & caster measurement | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 21 |
Replacing wishbone ball | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Restoring Model A spindle | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Shimmy - front wheel | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 1981 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Shimmy - toe-in should be 3/16", front to rear | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Spindle arm assemblies right and left & nuts | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Spindle connecting (tie) rod evolution | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Spindle locking nut stops tires hit brake rods | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | May-Jun | 8 |
Straightening Model A axles | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Straightening the front axle | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Tighten tie rod ends flush with tie rod body | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Toe-in setting with gauge | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | May-Jun | 9 |
Truing up the Model A front axle | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 28 |
Wheel alignment specs - toe-in, toe-out, + | Front End | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Bronzed caps for drag link, tie rod ends;Mikes | Front End | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 19 |
Building axle from all repro parts | Front End | Model A Times | 2011 | Fall | 6 |
Front axle is safe at high speeds | Front End | Model A Times | 2019 | Summer | 10 |
Front wheel alignment | Front End | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 26 |
Spring perch repro by Snyder's | Front End | Model A Times | 2010 | Spring | 6 |
Steering stabilizer not needed / well restored | Front End | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 18 |
What is caster and how to adjust | Front End | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 20 |
Camber, caster explained | Front End | Skinned Knuckles | 1986 | Jan | 6 |
Rebuiding front spindles | Front End | Skinned Knuckles | 1980 | Feb | 4 |
1930's 77 octane; non-ethanol | Gas | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Benzol as a supplement | Gas | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Ethanol causes gel,use Sta-bil;vapor lock,use diesel | Gas | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Crystallized gas broken down with acetone | Gas | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Dissolve w/lacquer thinner;not ammonia on carb parts | Gas | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 12 |
Ethanol and the Model A Ford (thorough) | Gas | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Ethanol as motor fuel | Gas | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Leaded - editorial | Gas | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
When gas disappears,what will replace it? isobutanol | Gas | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
E-10 Ethanol considerations | Gas | Model A Times | 2011 | Summer | 17 |
Fuel preservative & stabilizer, Hirsch Automotive | Gas | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 20 |
Model As vs modern unleaded gas - characteristics of | Gas | Model A Times | 2017 | Fall | 14 |
3 brands that fit inside glass sediment bowl | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
3 modern for sediment bowl | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Baldwin, Motorcraft, GMC, NAPA fit glass bowl | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | May-Jun | 4 |
Cast iron & glass sediment bowl service tips | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Check flow rate - may cause fuel starvation | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Line filters may restrict flow at high speeds | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Original & modern; glass sediment bowl - NAPA | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | May-Jun | 22 |
Original filters, Phenolic carburetor gasket | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Restoring of fuel-filtering parts (for show) | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 33 |
Sediment bowls -both glass and cast iron used | Gas Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
A-9155 cast iron sediment bulb | Gas Filter | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
NAPA 3039 (pic w/sediment bowl), drill holes | Gas Filter | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Snyder's part# A-9156-X | Gas Filter | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
5 Micron filter for gas sediment bowl only | Gas Filter | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 15 |
Sediment bowl rebuild | Gas Filter | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 9 |
Assemble with cork gaskets | Gas Gauge | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | May-Jun | 4 |
Paint letters/numbers w/ model airplane dope,+ | Gas Gauge | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Preserve cork with Aero Gloss airplane dope | Gas Gauge | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Replace cork float with Tillotson carb float | Gas Gauge | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Restoring fuel level indicator; burnishing | Gas Gauge | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 12 |
Secure new float with 2-inch piece of solder | Gas Gauge | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Service tips (thorough) | Gas Gauge | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Determine amount of gas at "0" | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Ford's Way - Gas gauge assembly | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 25 |
Making a copper replacement float | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 24 |
Paint numbers w/ PPG DP 90LF 2-part epoxy | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Repairing leak | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Repairing, its location and parts | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Replace cork float w/brass Tillotson float | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | May-Jun | 15 |
Superior brass float, Arizona Model A | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Superior brass float, Mike's A-Ford-Able, GA | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
Superior brass float, Smith&Jones,Columbia,SC | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Use Nitrophyl float available from dealers | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 11 |
Use up to 3 brass rings, 1 cork gasket | Gas Gauge | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Brass float, easy to install | Gas Gauge | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 19 |
Gas gauge repair with neoprene float | Gas Gauge | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 6 |
Baffles, vertical & horizontal; cut away on www | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Clean by dipping in radiator cleaning tank | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Clean inside - w/nuts rotate within 2 old tires | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jan-Feb | 34 |
Cleaning w/STABIL and filtering (thorough) | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
How to remove a 1930 gas tank | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 14 |
Leak @ steering column bracket; use '31 bracket | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Rain water getting into tank, no known reason | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Removing the 1928 - 1929 concealed fuel tank | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Repairing loose baffle | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | May-Jun | 29 |
Screen - remove '28-29 w/bar stock 1/4x1-3/4x6" | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Screen lessens chance of fire, strains gas | Gas Tank | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 31 |
Clean out sediment; post screen, plastic filter | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 12 |
Clean rust with pipe plug and kerosene | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Clean w/ kerosene and rock car side to side | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
Clean while still in car | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Ford's Way - 1928-1929 Gas Tank | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Ford's Way - 1928-1929 Gas Tank,revised version | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Ford's Way - 1930-1931 tank | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 22 |
Ford's Way - filler screen / flange assembly | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Ford's Way - Gas tank construction | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Gas tank stain removsl - Gibbs Brand lubricant | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Leak @ steering column bracket | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Method to check if sealer is dissolving | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | May-Jun | 12 |
Old sealer, remove w/ acetone/lacquer thinner,+ | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | May-Jun | 12 |
Positive in-line gas shut-off valve | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Procedure to repair leak | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Repair service - | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 12 |
Rinse w/ fuel oil, kerosene or mineral spirits | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 15 |
Screens were threaded then taped then threaded | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Stop winter rust w/ 1 pint oil at last fill-up | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Tank, cowl band variations, body number & plate | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 27 |
Tip on installing '30-'31 tank | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | May-Jun | 11 |
Trap particles w/old speaker magnet near outlet | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Two methods for removing rust | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | May-Jun | 3 |
Water in tank after rain - gas cap adjustment | Gas Tank | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Aluminum tank neck extension, also page 34 | Gas Tank | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 7 |
Electric fuel shut off | Gas Tank | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 29 |
General info | Gas Tank | Model A Times | 2020 | Spring | 10 |
POR 15 gas tank sealer | Gas Tank | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 10 |
Sealer | Gas Tank | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 8 |
Add second shut-off valve/shorten fuel line | Gas Valve | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jul-Aug | 46 |
Fuel line leaks, also use Permatex #2, not #1 | Gas Valve | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Remove with 5/8"x14 NF nut | Gas Valve | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 30 |
Types | Gas Valve | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Jan-Feb | 34 |
Leak compound | Gas Valve | MARC - The Model A News | 1973 | Sep-Oct | 45 |
Qualifying for leaks | Gas Valve | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Removing by Rex Reheis | Gas Valve | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
All fuel shut off valves and internal parts | Gas Valve | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 6 |
Inferior gas shut off valve made w/ pot metal | Gas Valve | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 8 |
Compress spring w/threaded rod | Gear Shift | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | May-Jun | 27 |
Install spring using wood block | Gear Shift | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Install spring with homemade tool | Gear Shift | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | May-Jun | 17 |
Switch forks -stop shifting hangup,low to 2nd | Gear Shift | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 33 |
Tool for removal & installing of lever spring | Gear Shift | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
Compress spring w/ vise & dowel | Gear Shift | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | Mar-Apr | 19 |
Gear shifter rebuild tool kit | Gear Shift | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 25 |
Install spring with homemade tool | Gear Shift | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Install spring with valve spring lifter | Gear Shift | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Restoration & assembly w/homemade spring tool | Gear Shift | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Screw in spring keeper w/long nose vise grips | Gear Shift | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Tool for disassembly/assembly of tower | Gear Shift | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Armature - test w/growler at motor repair shop | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 12 |
Book - The Model A Generator, Paul & Wm. McRee | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Check condition easy way off of car | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Judging generator vs alternator | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Manual control | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Nov-Dec | 25 |
Not charging,connect gen side of cutout to grd | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 3 |
Polarizing field coils - how to | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 5 |
Power house - restoring (thorough) | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Rebuild | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | May-Jun | 10 |
Rebuild - rewinding source & additional tips | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 39 |
Reconnect flexible wires to vary charge rate | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Sep-Oct | 3 |
Remove field coils; coils,screws can be reused | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Set charge rate for highway vs. night driving | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Test on car for good ammeter,cut-out, then gen | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Too much voltage - bad or overcharged battery | Generator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
3rd brush not closer 2 comm bars from lower b. | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | May-Jun | 8 |
6V generator and headlight output | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Adjusting cutout (thorough) | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Burnout - high resistance in charging circuit | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | May-Jun | 11 |
Charging rate recommended | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Internal volt reg acts as 3rd brush movement | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Powerhouse generator | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Powerhouse generator brushes cut from standard | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Rebuilding hints | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | Jul-Aug | 19 |
Remove field coil screw with 2 large C clamps | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Tests while in the car | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Tip to tighten head of bolt holding nut steady | Generator | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 13 |
Alternator looks like generator, PowerMaster | Generator | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 35 |
Armature testing using a growler | Generator | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 4 |
Armature, new; PV Antique & Classic Ford, MA | Generator | Model A Times | 2019 | Summer | 34 |
Modern regulator in cut-out, Fun Projects, IL | Generator | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 11 |
New '30-31 armature, PV Antique & Classic, MA | Generator | Model A Times | 2014 | Summer | 16 |
Purpose of generator | Generator | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 9 |
Testing | Generator | Model A Times | 2015 | Winter | 18 |
Theory (thorough) | Generator | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 26 |
Power house by Paul Moller | Generator | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Aug | 9 |
Rebuild (thorough) | Generator | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Apr | 19 |
Winding a field coil | Generator | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | May | 19 |
Glass and regulator remedies | Glass | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1974 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
Install door glass, channels in 82-A pickup | Glass | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
National Auto Glass Specifications | Glass | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 19 |
Triplex safety glass history | Glass | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
400A glass supply - Bert's, Englwood, CO | Glass | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | May-Jun | 10 |
Etching kits from 3rd Gen Automotive, TN | Glass | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Remove door glass from 1930 Town Sedan | Glass | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Ford modern gear grease # C3AZ19578-A | Grease | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Corn head grease in steering box & differential | Grease | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Corn head/Cotton picker/NLGI 00 at Tractor Supply | Grease | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Ford "steering gear grease" - C3AZ-19578A | Grease | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Original Zerk and Bystrick redesign pics | Grease Fittings | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Remove old Zerk with dent puller | Grease Fittings | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Remove original w/wire cutters | Grease Fittings | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Remove originals w/ "easy out" | Grease Fittings | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Sep-Oct | 39 |
Clean old with heat & kerosene | Grease Fittings | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Clean original Zerk with heat | Grease Fittings | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Convert back to push-in; vendors | Grease Fittings | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Zerk fittings and history | Grease Fittings | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 24 |
Zerk Drive-in | Grease Fittings | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 31 |
Grease Fittings | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Mar-Apr | 9 | |
20A circuit breakers help 8volt blowouts | Headlight Bulbs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
32-50 cp draw 10 & 14 amps - locate top | Headlight Bulbs | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | May-Jun | 26 |
Conversion to Halogen bulbs | Headlight Bulbs | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | May-Jun | 18 |
MAZDA#1158 21/3cp;MAZDA trademark theory | Headlight Bulbs | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | May-Jun | 6 |
Variations | Headlight Bulbs | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | May-Jun | 23 |
Halogen v incandescent; Bill Hirsch Auto | Headlight Bulbs | Model A Times | 2008 | Fall | 9 |
Furd on lense | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
1930 pressed steel/forged mounting bar | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Clean reflectors - alcohol & lampblack powder | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | May-Jun | 4 |
Conduit plug too long -file flat, trial error | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Connections that work | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Dim lights - ck grnd; use orig/new reflectors | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
English versions | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Sep-Oct | 38 |
Ford scripts | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Halogen plug melts - resistance in circuit | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Headlight rim alignment aid | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Low brightness -bad engine wiring connections | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Sep-Oct | 3 |
Model A light bulbs | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Production of 1930 inverted-U headlight bar | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Quick and easy headlight alignment | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Re-plate reflectors DIY with Cool-Amp | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 27 |
Reflector & bulb diff & theory on focusing | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Reflectors test - foot candles, light pattern | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Repro reflector slot in wrong place | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | May-Jun | 3 |
Ultimate headlight test (thorough) | Headlights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 10 |
3 wire harness,9/16" conduit; "Twolite," 1/2" | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Brass headlamp case TX-6573, A-13012-AR | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Correcting flaw in '29-'31 repro socket | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Fluted lens drawings | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Installing headlight inner ring clip | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 19 |
LED bulbs flickering, could be bad ground | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
No insulator; solder or wire nuts, add spring | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Replace cork gasket w/ windshield washer hose | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Restoring headlight sockets (thorough) | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Spring,conduit to bucket,McMasterCarr9657K124 | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Voltage drop test of dim/inoperative lights | Headlights | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Aligning | Headlights | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 9 |
Focusing (thorough) | Headlights | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 13 |
New vacuum metalized AL reflectors, Bratton's | Headlights | Model A Times | 2013 | Summer | 16 |
Re-silvering reflector svc, Riker Rest., OH | Headlights | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 10 |
UVIRA reflector vs. sealed beam efficiency | Headlights | Skinned Knuckles | 1984 | Aug | 5 |
UVIRA reflectors on Model A Fords | Headlights | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Apr | 15 |
UVIRA reflectors versus chrome | Headlights | Skinned Knuckles | 1984 | Dec | 3 |
Add brass shim to raise adjust. screw through cover | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Bend flat spring,reduce armature tension,best sound | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 29 |
Care and maintenance | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Constant blowing - internal short, simple fix | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Evaluating for judging | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 8 |
Fails @ low RPM;poor connections/grnd, current loss | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Installation of horn resistor under rear horn cover | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Relay - no need; clean armature, WD40, light oil | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Relay switch theory, wiring diagram for 12V neg grd | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Rewinding field coils | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | May-Jun | 4 |
Self honking-light switch contacts/spring in button | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Versions, functions and repair tips | Horn | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Poor man's Sparton similar to Ford Sparton | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Basics and assembly | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Bend flat spring,reduce armature tension,best sound | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Drain hole needed on repro bell w/ seam facing down | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Early (thorough) | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
Horn rod wire repair | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Operational on-the-road test and fix | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Part I - "Voice of the A!" | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1973 | Sep-Oct | 28 |
Part II - Ames horns | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1973 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Part III - E.A. horns | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1974 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Part IV - Sparton horns | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1974 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Part V - Stewart Warner horns | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1974 | May-Jun | 11 |
Part VI - G.M.I. horns | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1974 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Repair armature shaft threads - left-hand thread | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Repair Stewart-Warner armature left-hand thread end | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 21 |
Replacing (rewinding) field coils | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Restoring sound with 6 volt horn relay | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Rewind your armature; vendor - | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Rewinding field coils (thorough) | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | May-Jun | 12 |
Rewire for 12V with 23 AWG and 100 turns | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Use light weight oil (3 in 1) on small felt pads | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Wire rattling inside repro horn rod | Horn | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Ames horn repair | Horn | Model A Times | 2021 | Winter | 8 |
Complete repro Sparton, A&L Parts Specialties, CT | Horn | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 29 |
Cover variation; A&L Parts, Canton, CT | Horn | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 10 |
Repair service, Steve Smith, IN; MdlAT You Tube | Horn | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 27 |
The Horn Shop - excellent, Rome, NY | Horn | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 13 |
Part 1 - general info by Paul Moller | Horn | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Nov | 7 |
Part 2 - repair by Paul Moller | Horn | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Dec | 23 |
1930-1931 drawings - crimped vs. smooth edge | Hub Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Installing 1930-31 hub caps | Hub Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 29 |
NOS 1930-1931 hub cap pictures | Hub Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Restore early 1930 hub cap w/ punch & die block | Hub Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Stainless steel cap dent removal method | Hub Caps | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
6 volts always on both sides of coil-bad switch | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Armored cable/switch restoration DON'Ts | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Armored ignition cable/switch expert | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | May-Jun | 19 |
Armored ignition cable/switch jumper | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 34 |
Armored ignition cable/switch lubrication | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Armored ignition cable/switch restoration | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | May-Jun | 29 |
Coil - Check for external resistor on 12V car | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Coil - polarity check w/spark or tester | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Coil - polarity check with VOM | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | May-Jun | 36 |
Coil - salvaging original Ford script coil | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 32 |
Coil - simple test using ohm meter | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 4 |
Coil - test completely with just volt/ohm meter | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Coil and condenser tester | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jul-Aug | 38 |
Coil evaluation for score sheet | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 33 |
Easy replacement of original points | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Electrolock switch types and repair | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 35 |
Engine dies,open circuit w/<6-7 volts at points | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | May-Jun | 4 |
Gaps - standard and for peak performance | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
How to test the ignition circuit | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 23 |
Ignition cable/switch clamps | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Model A basics (thorough) | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 12 |
Modern points can short w/plate adapter; ez fix | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
NAPA equivalents for electrical parts | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Points/condenser vs. electronic theory | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Setting points w/dial indicator, test fixture | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Testing circuit on road | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Wiring change, method to check coil polarity | Ignition | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Shocking Truth About Coils | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 1981 | May-Jun | 10 |
Best modern points Echlin & Borg-Warner @ NAPA | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Best points from Standard Motor Prod's ED8183V | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | May-Jun | 11 |
Coil - Ford drawing information (thorough) | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Coil - original slant pole w/ & w/o script | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Coil - polarity - + driver side, - pass. side | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Coil not grounded; theory on how coil works | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Coil wire - flare/solder conductor through tip | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | May-Jun | 7 |
Electrolock pop-out restoration (thorough) | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Good modern points, condenser NAPA part numbers | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Hot wiring w/ no original ignition cable switch | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
How the Model A distributor works | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Ignition coil and condenser basics; how to test | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Model A spark plug voltage polarity theory | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Notes on | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Nu-Rex A-12148-WLM adapter - remove&add 2 nuts | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Pop-out switch modified - easy install, picture | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 9 |
Remove pop-out sw w/ small hole on top of case | Ignition | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Advantages of electronic vs. point/condenser | Ignition | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 13 |
Automatic spark advance by Nu-Rex | Ignition | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 26 |
Electrolock and ignition switch theory | Ignition | Model A Times | 2016 | Winter | 5 |
Electronic - FS Ignition vs. points | Ignition | Model A Times | 2008 | Fall | 15 |
How to time the engine (thorough) | Ignition | Model A Times | 2013 | Summer | 18 |
Lock restoration contact - Howard Denker, NE | Ignition | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 22 |
Electrolock Model A Ford type | Ignition | Skinned Knuckles | 1999 | Dec | 13 |
Ignition - Part 2 by Paul Moller | Ignition | Skinned Knuckles | 1978 | Jul | 13 |
Ignition, Part 1 by Paul Moller | Ignition | Skinned Knuckles | 1978 | Jun | 17 |
1930 Standard Phaeton seat hangers | Interior | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 23 |
Original additional seat adjustment - more room | Interior | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Removing spring hook on upholstery panels | Interior | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Seat mechanism to make | Interior | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1977 | May-Jun | 24 |
Securing open car winshield snaps w/6-40 screws | Interior | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Use #78 O-ring w/upholstry washer;stops cutting | Interior | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 57 |
Coupe floor mat - Snyder's or LeBaron Bonney | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Door check straps, tips and loops (thorough) | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | May-Jun | 10 |
Gasoline bubbles in rubber mat -wash & evap gas | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Inside door/window regulator handle restoration | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Instrument panel and instruments | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 1977 | May-Jun | 10 |
More leg room-move seat back,cut 3/4" of pedals | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
More leg room-Snyder's lower seat,bend shifter+ | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Moving seats back on 180A Deluxe Phaeton | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Odor-Cutter eliminates old, musty mildew smell | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | May-Jun | 7 |
Remove garnish moldings w/ plastic putty knife | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Repair front rubber floor mat with tube patches | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | May-Jun | 7 |
Reset open car lower front seat cushion w/ ramp | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Rivet lengths - floor board reinforcing bracket | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | May-Jun | 13 |
Robe rail | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Tudor sliding seat mechanism - Triumph Spitfire | Interior | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
1929 instrument panel - good repro vs. bad | Interior | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 8 |
Secondary dash, homemade, for Model A | Interior | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 36 |
Cooling system | Judging Standards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Judging Classes | Judging Standards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
MARC award ladder | Judging Standards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | Mar-Apr | 30 |
Touring class requirements | Judging Standards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Un-restored cars/trucks | Judging Standards | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 40 |
Similar shape (28/29 vs. 30/31) | Keys & Instrument Panel | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 25 |
Locksmith make keys w/o codes; see N/D 1985 | Keys & Locks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 4 |
Pillar locks and tire locks | Keys & Locks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Jan-Feb | 33 |
Ignition lock differences (thorough) | Keys & Locks | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Ignition/door handle; key codes (thorough) | Keys & Locks | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Keys & Locks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Nov-Dec | 10 | |
Camshaft and components | Knocking | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 51 |
Engine knocks at idling | Knocking | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1972 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Engine knocks at idling; causes and cures | Knocking | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Stop knock w/good oil pump drivegear rebuild | Knocking | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Timing gear knock causes | Knocking | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Timing gear knock-tight dist bush/loose gearnut | Knocking | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
With higher compression, need to retard more | Knocking | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Backfiring and knocking | Knocking | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
How to look for engine knocks | Knocking | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Locating engine knocks | Knocking | Model A Times | 2017 | Fall | 26 |
Light switch harness - modifications to repros | Lights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 46 |
Light switch turning with steering wheel cure | Lights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | May-Jun | 26 |
Light switch variations | Lights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Repairing the light switch rod | Lights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | May-Jun | 11 |
Sticking light switch - place thin washer on rod | Lights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 39 |
LED turn signal lights - J.C. Whitney | Lights | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 23 |
3 3/4" 'Peel and Stick' convex mirror over stock | Mirrors | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 39 |
Model AA side view mirrors | Mirrors | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
AR theory | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
AR theory | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
AR theory | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 4 |
AR theory - George De Angelis | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
AR theory, current early '28 owner listing | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Removing Model A from Moth Balls (thorough) | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | May-Jun | 10 |
Stop that Rattle by Murray Fahnestock | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 8 |
1930-31 Roadster production statistics | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Accelerator pedal shaft - 5/16-28 die, 15/16 socket | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Access to MAFCA website | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 29 |
Access to Members Only section of MAFCA website | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 24 |
Acetone/ATF mixture for frozen/rusted bolts, etc. | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Alternate front license plate bracket | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 15 |
American Highway numbering | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 12 |
Assembly plant data from bills of sale | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | May-Jun | 8 |
Backup camera installation for solving blind spots | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Blueprints on all parts at Benson Ford Research Ctr | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Briggs Bug or logo, Briggs Mfg. Co. body part stamp | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Bronze bushing lubrication BEFORE installation | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Built for touring - touring upgrades | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 17 |
Bumper flag holder | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 27 |
Bushing installation - spindle and other bushings | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Nov-Dec | 19 |
Bushing removal with tap | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Nov-Dec | 29 |
Canadian Model A foundation - | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Canadian-built Model A Fords | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | May-Jun | 17 |
Canadian-built Model A Fords - update | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Car cover - protect w/ tennis ball over Quail cap | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Castellated and slotted nuts | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Clean bolts w/ HF Rotary Rock Tumbler and vinegar | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Deltas or "bugs" found on original Ford castings | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Diamond foundry markings | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jul-Aug | 37 |
Easy gasket build with spray paint and cardboard | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 53 |
First books for Model A library | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Fishbone diagrams diagnosing Moel A problems | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Ford assembly plants with production letters | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Ford Data - Sales Training Manual | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 19 |
Ford script history | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Fuel shutoff memory trick with ignition key | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
George DeAngelis, "Ford Model A, As Henry Built It" | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 32 |
How to get Model A drawings | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 16 | | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 5 |
Improvements for touring - Les Andrews | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Kwik-Poly - wood filler product | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 16 |
Lakester / "belly-tank" story, 4E4 & Jim Brierley | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
License plates colors in Model A era years | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Locating articles in The Restorer via MAFCA website | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 11 |
Loosen rusted nuts 50/50 automatic trans / acetone | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Lubricate rubber grommets w/liq dish wash detergent | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 39 |
MAFCA Bylaws | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
MAFCA Bylaws | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Mar-Apr | 23 |
Maintenance - routine preventive car | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | May-Jun | 12 |
Miles per gallon as determined in 1929 | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Model A bumper seat | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Model A history - Model A debut | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Model A Instruction Book, Form No. 1940 | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Model A introduction history | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Model A Price & Parts Lists, 2 of 4 are reprinted | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Model A production in graphic form | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Model A tool bags (thorough) | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Model AA cost analysis | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Nuts and bolts | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Overall length and weight of Model A body types | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Overlooked lubrication points | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Patent plate | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 20 |
Patents - Ford's original chassis, etc. patents | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Pen. oil-Dextron III ATF, kero, min spirit, acetone | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Pietenpol engine and plane | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 23 |
Point file or silicon carbide paper not Emory cloth | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Production statistics | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 28 |
Remove rusty bolt with heat and candle wax | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 46 |
Removing damaged screws with special tool | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Repairing pot metal (e.g. windshield wiper cover) | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Replace accelerator return spring-drive out end pin | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 5 |
Restorer first 50 years on USB drive from MAFCA $85 | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Restoring the blue Ford logo radiator shell emblem | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Sep-Oct | 30 |
Right hand drive and New Zealand features | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 17 |
RTV sealants | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Selecting and setting up enclosed trailer | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
Service Bulletin changes | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 32 |
Shrink metal parts apart w/dry ice;eg stuck venturi | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Smith air compressor conversion | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Smith Compressor Club reorganized, new contact info | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Smith Motor Compressor | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Spare parts list | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Spare parts to carry on tour | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 30 |
Specifications of Model A | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | May-Jun | 30 |
Standard Hardware - Bolts, Screws, Nuts and Washers | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Stuck wood screws WD-40 or acetone & auto trans fld | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
The Restorer online - logging on and navigating | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 14 |
Tips - "Tinkering with Toys" | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Tips - shackle bushing,set slow idle,loose timegear | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
Tips - wheel wobble, 14mm plugs, remove steer wheel | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 7 |
Tire Lock (thorough) | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Nov-Dec | 25 |
Today's fuels will dissolve Teflon tape | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 4 |
Torque values for Model A nuts and bolts | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Touring storage box | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Jan-Feb | 41 |
Touring tool box | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Jan-Feb | 34 |
Towing using rope around front bumper arms -picture | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Trial run gas tank, etc. | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Using bolts too long can cause trouble, 5 examples | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
What to do if your car gets caught in a flood | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 19 |
When the car will not start, system checks to make | Misc | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 8 |
AR suffix theory explained | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
AR theory by Roger Kauffman | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Logical Troubshooting Procedure explained | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
1930 model production in 1929 statistics | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 21 |
400-A Conv. Sedan top hold down strap/loop assembly | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Assembly plant production figures | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 34 |
Assembly production documents 1928, Part 2 | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Assembly production documents 1929, Part 3 | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 21 |
Bare metal coating - Eastwood's Diamond Clear G / S | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Bearing good? Clamp in vise, look for any roughness | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 15 |
Benson Ford Library, 313-982-6020, email address | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Body tag font size used - Modern 20, later GADUL | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | May-Jun | 9 |
Calculation for determining stopping time | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Canadian engine prefix mystery solved | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 17 |
Canadian features | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1977 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
CB installed with 6-12 volt inverter | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 32 |
Check list on preparing for winter storage | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Clean hands - hand lotion & Dawn dish washing soap | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | May-Jun | 12 |
Clean rubber w/ Mother's, Meguiars #40, Armor-All | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 11 |
Collection of Model A tips | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Cutaway engine and chassis | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 35 |
Die & sand cast aluminum license plate attachments | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Digital infrared thermometer (NAPA) checking temps | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | Jul-Aug | 17 |
Digital version of Model A News - how to get | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 2 |
Domestic Assembly Plants - what are they now? | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
E28 registry on Facebook | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Early 1928 cars and owners | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Engine block evolution data | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 24 |
Explosion whistle drawing | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | May-Jun | 9 |
Flag holder made from door hinge | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Sep-Oct | 2 |
Flatten paper gaskets with clothes iron | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Ford Archives info | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 17 |
Ford assembly plant opening dates and codes | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | May-Jun | 20 |
Ford engines 1903 - 1933 | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | May-Jun | 16 |
Ford industrial engine | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 21 |
Ford Official License Restoration Parts Model A/AA | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
Four parts emphasized in fine point judging | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Grommet - speedo cable, light/horn wire conduit | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Heat and noise insulating material, Dyna Mat | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Heater installation w/o cutting hole in firewall | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
History of MARC, Part 1 | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
History of MARC, Part 2 | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
History Of USPS and Ford RFD vehicles | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 28 |
How to create correct Raven finish | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Hubley models | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 32 |
Index for Service Bulletin changes, how-to's, etc. | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Klean Strip Concentrate & Metal Prep - rust remover | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | May-Jun | 11 |
License plate toppers | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Lifting body with 21" stroke jacks, square tubing | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 22 |
Liquid penetrant - Silikroil, by Kanolabs, by mail | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Model A 1927 engine production data | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 14 |
Model A and American automobile production totals | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Model A Parts catalogs | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 36 |
Model A Parts produced by other manufacturers | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | May-Jun | 22 |
Model A passenger body production data | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Model A patents | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Model A production numbers and pricing | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Model A tool bags | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
National insurance coverage explained | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Naval jelly for cleaning glass parts | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
New old replacement stock (NORS) history | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | May-Jun | 19 |
New truck directions sheet for windshield | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 22 |
Nuts & bolts theory | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
Nuts -mach Grade 9 McMaster-Carr one side chamfered | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Opening dates for Ford Model A/AA assembly plants | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Orig steering col. & rear cross memb anti-rattlers | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Part number prefixes/suffices - Mick Isbell Hdwr bk | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Part number prefixes/suffices definitions | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Patent numbers - Part 1 | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Patent numbers - Part 2 | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | May-Jun | 11 |
Picture of 1930 Coupe at 1986 N.E. Meet | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Jan-Feb | 25 |
Quail cap story | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 34 |
Raven finish-rub graphite powder on wet black paint | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Rustless steel, external plating | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Sandblasting vs. chemical stripping | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1979 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Silver solder for mending fragile jobs | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Jul-Aug | 30 |
Sixty years of MARC | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Smith Compressor Club new contact info | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Smith compressors and industrial engines | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 34 |
Smith Model A Compressor | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Smith Model A Compressor, original | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 34 |
Special crowner washer pic, rear mounted spare tire | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Storing car - full tank, Sta-Bil; coil test; + | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Surface defects - easy to find w/ dye penetrant | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1980 | Jan-Feb | 19 |
Svc ltr:cowl panel,tire iron,shocks,rear axle ratio | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Tips - service tips | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1979 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Tips - shock,truck dispatch box,seat adj,dist plate | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Troubleshooting the Model A when it won't start | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Troubleshooting the Model A when it won't start | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Vanadium steel theory and history | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
Wooden furniture dollies from HF/box stores to roll | Misc | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Workings of the Cooling System | Misc | Model A Times | 2010 | Spring | 8 |
Bare metal factory look with Rust Prevention Magic | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 9 |
Bearings - general theory, location and number | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 12 |
Boeshield T-9 rust & corrosion shield & lubricant | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 29 |
Brake horse power vs. rated horse power theory | Misc | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 22 |
Buffing metal auto parts | Misc | Model A Times | 2019 | Summer | 36 |
Cooling the engine | Misc | Model A Times | 2012 | Fall | 26 |
Ductile iron vs. cast iron | Misc | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 20 |
Dust free barrier - Zip Wall | Misc | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 20 |
Electrical equipment maintenance checks | Misc | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 4 |
Elementary principles of electricity | Misc | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 36 |
Evapo-rust, good non-toxic rust remover @ Auto-Zone | Misc | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 11 |
Flag holder on bumper | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 32 |
Flag holder on bumper | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Winter | 16 |
Ford's mechanic's technical test | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 33 |
Front license plate brake mounted to bumper | Misc | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 30 |
Gaskets - various ways to make | Misc | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 10 |
Gauges (multi & oversize), AutoMeter | Misc | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 26 |
Gauges by Autometer and Apco Gauge era ad | Misc | Model A Times | 2020 | Summer | 20 |
George Sage, PE - booklet on tools, tips, how-to's | Misc | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 22 |
Getting most 6V system; Optima battery conversion | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 27 |
Heated seats | Misc | Model A Times | 2011 | Spring | 8 |
History of car heaters | Misc | Model A Times | 2020 | Fall | 11 |
How to use a fire extinguisher | Misc | Model A Times | 2017 | Fall | 20 |
Isolating road troubles in 10 minutes | Misc | Model A Times | 2020 | Fall | 21 |
Jim Brierley's book, "4-bangers And me!" | Misc | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 28 |
Liquid penetrant - Gibbs @ NAPA, ACE, True Value | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 15 |
Liquid penetrant - Gibbs brand, ordering direct | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 30 |
Liquid penetrant - Kroil Penetrating Oil | Misc | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 15 |
List of insurance companies for collector cars | Misc | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 9 |
Lojack for Model A | Misc | Model A Times | 2011 | Spring | 6 |
Major modification tips for long distance touring | Misc | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 10 |
Metal Rescue rust remover | Misc | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 15 |
Model A engine mount to fit most std. engine stands | Misc | Model A Times | 2017 | Summer | 34 |
Mullins tear drop trailer repros | Misc | Model A Times | 2006 | Summer | 28 |
New improved parts by Bratton | Misc | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 10 |
Out of Sight Audio | Misc | Model A Times | 2020 | Fall | 15 |
Parts suppliers by state | Misc | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 33 |
Permatex adds new high temperature gasket makers | Misc | Model A Times | 2021 | Winter | 19 |
Play music X-BASS Blue tune Solo Bluetooth w/ phone | Misc | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 13 |
Properly wire a car audio system | Misc | Model A Times | 2014 | Spring | 31 |
Questions and answers on engine statistics | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Winter | 18 |
Restoration Assembly, Part 3 by Les Andrews | Misc | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 30 |
Restoration Disassembly, Part 1 by Les Andrews | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 26 |
Restoration Disassembly, Part 2 by Les Andrews | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 28 |
Roadster pickup tool box, K&W Custom Tool Boxes | Misc | Model A Times | 2013 | Summer | 13 |
Secret audio unit; 12V only | Misc | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 13 |
SEMA Action Network Tag & Title Toolbox | Misc | Model A Times | 2011 | Spring | 30 |
SEMA website to register and title vehicle | Misc | Model A Times | 2017 | Summer | 32 |
Sound deadening products | Misc | Model A Times | 2020 | Winter | 15 |
State by state guide to license plate requirements | Misc | Model A Times | 2019 | Summer | 30 |
Storing for winter - oil, gas, battery | Misc | Model A Times | 2009 | Winter | 21 |
Swift hitch - portable wireless camera system | Misc | Model A Times | 2012 | Fall | 17 |
Thread compound - Permatex Seal & Lock | Misc | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 31 |
Threaded fastener strength basics | MISC | Model A Times | 2011 | Fall | 16 |
Touring tool box, commercial source | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 31 |
Touring tool box, front mount, sleek design | Misc | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 32 |
Trailer hitch - building | Misc | Model A Times | 2009 | Summer | 4 |
Tuning - battery,compression,ignition,fuel,dripping | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 18 |
Winter storage | Misc | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 30 |
2005, Volume 1 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 37 |
2006, Volume 2 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 32 |
2007, Volume 3 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 16 |
2008, Volume 4 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2009 | Winter | 28 |
2009, Volume 5 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2010 | Winter | 30 |
2010, Volume 6 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 32 |
2011, Volume 7 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 31 |
2012, Volume 8 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 32 |
2013, Volume 9 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 34 |
2014, Volume 10 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2015 | Winter | 33 |
2015, Volume 11 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2016 | Winter | 35 |
2016, Volume 12 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2017 | Winter | 36 |
2017, Volume 13 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2018 | Winter | 36 |
2018, Volume 14 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 37 |
2019, Volume 15 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2020 | Winter | 36 |
2020, Volume 16 | Model A Times Index | Model A Times | 2021 | Winter | 34 |
Float-A-Motor, front - repro .5" too high | Motor Mount | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Float-A-Motor, front-check engine to chassis | Motor Mount | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | May-Jun | 5 |
Float-A-Motor, use 3rd part at rear of trans | Motor Mount | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Ford elim brass bushing front MM/lrg washer | Motor Mount | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Front, four production types | Motor Mount | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Vibration | Motor Mount | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1982 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Float-o-Motor, remove by jacking up engine | Motor Mount | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Front installed by jacking up engine | Motor Mount | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Installing new rear rubber,squeeze w/2" bolt | Motor Mount | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Original rubber pad thicknesses | Motor Mount | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Rear, homemade | Motor Mount | MARC - The Model A News | 1972 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Original (best) vs. Float-a-Motor | Motor Mount | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 20 |
Rear rubber pads by Bratton/Snyder's - good | Motor Mount | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 10 |
Drawing | Muffler | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
Dry soot carried out by water upon cold startup | Muffler | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Tailpipe clamp too tight causes manifold to bend | Muffler | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
History on Model A tapered muffler | Muffler | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Stainless steel; plain and cheaper version | Muffler | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Aries muffler clap for stainless;no weld failure | Muffler | Model A Times | 2008 | Summer | 31 |
Muffler & manifold problems - how to avoid them | Muffler | Model A Times | 2008 | Winter | 32 |
Reduce floor board heat w/best of 2 heat shields | Muffler | Model A Times | 2006 | Summer | 14 |
40W non-detergent at | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
600W equivalent - SAE 250 | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
600W gear lubricant source | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 33 |
600W gear lubricant source | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
600W versus other SAE grades | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
600W vs STP plus 90/140 gear oil to thicken | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
600W-trans,EP-90/140-rear,EP-140 w/lube-steer column | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Crankcase level 1/2" above full for hard turns | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Detergent over non; 5W30/10W30 over straight weight | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Hydrodynamic oil lubrication theory | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Jul-Aug | 28 |
Leak additives do not work, no hardened soft seals | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Lubrication & clean oil | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Lubrication system - understanding | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Lubrication theory | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Mobilgear600XP460 = 600W;hydraulic jack oil in shock | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Oil and lubrication, Part 1 | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1977 | May-Jun | 12 |
Oil and lubrication, Part 2 | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1977 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Preferred detergent classification | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | Mar-Apr | 29 |
Sludge, combustion, blow-by gases, oil primer | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Use 10W-30 detergent; 10W-40 has damaging additives | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Use 15W40, 20W50 in older engine; don't add any zinc | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Use 5W-20 in winter, 10W-30 w/ temps above freezing | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Viscosity and single grade versus multi-grade | Oil | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
600W - replace with STP | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Can use straight wt, multi visc, synth, synth blend | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Choosing the right oil for your Model A | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | May-Jun | 14 |
Expert - Model A engines do not need ZDDP anti-wear | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | May-Jun | 12 |
Lubrication theory by Paul Moller | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | May-Jun | 14 |
Oil testing for longer oil changes, oil filter use | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Top cylinder Marvel Mystery oil lubricator - source | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | May-Jun | 4 |
Use 1 bottle of STP w/ engine oil - Roger Kauffman | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | May-Jun | 12 |
Use 30W non-detergent with 1/2 bottle of STP | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Use Mobil 1 synthetic; change once a year/when black | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
ZDDP (lead additive) not needed in oil for Model A | Oil | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
600W - formula to make equivalent | Oil | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 12 |
Hy-Per Lub Oil Supplement for any oil | Oil | Model A Times | 2019 | Summer | 14 |
New oils w/o ZDDP;add break-in additive w/oil change | Oil | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 30 |
Oil with ZDDP additives - Green Velvet | Oil | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 26 |
Synthetic gear lub report by Amsoil | Oil | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 20 |
The truth about oil, 'SN' spec best for A engines | Oil | Model A Times | 2018 | Winter | 26 |
Theory GF-4, GF-5, ZDP, additives; various web sites | Oil | Model A Times | 2010 | Winter | 9 |
600W = SAE 250; use modern EP w/o cloro- or floro- | Oil | Skinned Knuckles | 1999 | Jun | 34 |
90-degree adapter to vertical, NAPA M6880-A50 | Oil Filter | FAST | 2009 | 4th | 29 |
Full-flow oil filter theory and installation | Oil Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 15 |
Kits for Model B engine | Oil Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 22 |
Need for - by Paul Moller | Oil Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Partial flow over full, YouTube v=ma6GoQ8ZzKk | Oil Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Timing gear kit, drill holes in rubber flap | Oil Filter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Filtering "A" Ford | Oil Filter | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Mounting on valve cover | Oil Filter | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
90-degree oil filter adapter, Speedway Motors | Oil Filter | Model A Times | 2010 | Spring | 30 |
Importance, how it works | Oil Filter | Model A Times | 2020 | Summer | 10 |
What works, what doesn't | Oil Filter | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 18 |
Bushing removal - metal washer w/two flat sides | Oil Pump | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1977 | May-Jun | 38 |
Held up by spring and not by 1/8" NPT hole | Oil Pump | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Pump shield/lower dipper tray used in July 1931 | Oil Pump | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Rebuilding tips | Oil Pump | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Mar-Apr | 29 |
Retainer A-6621-R used when dropping pan | Oil Pump | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Retaining with 1/8" NPT & #10-32 screw | Oil Pump | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Evolution of Model A oil pump assembly | Oil Pump | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | May-Jun | 22 |
New Mark Auto pump available from vendors | Oil Pump | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 22 |
Rebuild kit, Antique Engine, IL | Oil Pump | Model A Times | 2014 | Spring | 28 |
Rebuild oil pump drive assembly; MdlAT You Tube | Oil Pump | Model A Times | 2015 | Fall | 37 |
Replacement oil pump | Oil Pump | Model A Times | 2010 | Summer | 18 |
Use oil pump shield per Ford Service Bulletins | Oil Pump | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 14 |
Bubbles in H2O(air pulled in)else clean rad. | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Check flowrate(cut pump fins/2" washer/pans) | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Cooling system checks | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1977 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Engine block passage modification | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 35 |
Items to check | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Overheating problems | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Possible causes | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1972 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Possible causes chart | Overheating | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1969 | Nov-Dec | 38 |
A check for compression leak | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Antifr.-propylene glycol(vs ethylene)no foam | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
By Paul Moller & Bill Kenz | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | May-Jun | 18 |
Checks for rebuilt engine that over heats | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Clean block behind cylinder #4 | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Nalcool-cavitation; Water Wetter-overheating | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Preventatives | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | May-Jun | 18 |
Problems mostly clogged upper rad tank/tubes | Overheating | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Applying Japan black enamel (thorough) | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Bumper clamp blue NOT same as radiator emblem blue | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Foam ear plugs to protect threaded holes | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Paint and rust removal guide | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | May-Jun | 33 |
Painting process | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 30 |
Pin stripe spec - 1/8"; often close to 3/32" wide | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 4 |
Pinstriping | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Urethane finishing process | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Website for color chips - | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Wood Graining; Google, MAFCA M/J 1967 issue | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Wood-graining - alternate method, not with lacquer | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Wood-graining on Town Car | Paint | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
Bumper clamp color is Washington Blue | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
DP-90 to bare metal to prevent rust, corrosion | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
DuPont & PPG paint codes | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
M codes for exterior paint colors | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Paint chips, original | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Paint formulas - NAPA part no. MA4393 paint book | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Paint production methods | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Painting, Part I - Preparation and priming | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Painting, Part II - Finishing and references | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | May-Jun | 20 |
PPG formula for Apple Green wheel color | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Take "Pain out of Painting - Part 2" | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Use paper to shield areas not to be painted | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Using gloss black vs satin vs raven vs black oxide | Paint | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Blending color and clear coats | Paint | Model A Times | 2014 | Winter | 13 |
Chassis paint available from Hirsch Automotive | Paint | Model A Times | 2009 | Summer | 16 |
DIY painting, black chassis paint | Paint | Model A Times | 2014 | Fall | 33 |
Polish and paint job | Paint | Model A Times | 2015 | Fall | 35 |
VHT Flame Proof w/ silica ceramic coating; NAPA | Paint | Model A Times | 2011 | Winter | 6 |
Wood-graining - DIY | Paint | Model A Times | 2010 | Summer | 9 |
Wood-graining - do it yourself (good) | Paint | Model A Times | 2006 | Summer | 6 |
Fundementals of pinstriping | Paint | Skinned Knuckles | 1979 | Oct | 3 |
Pinstriping fundamentals, Part 1 | Paint | Skinned Knuckles | 1991 | Sep | 10 |
Pinstriping fundamentals, Part 2 | Paint | Skinned Knuckles | 1991 | Oct | 27 |
History of spray painting systems & gear | Painting | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 24 |
Pin striping master, Jim Brand, Oyster Bay, NY | Painting | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Helpful painting procedures | Painting | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 26 |
AR features (on roadster) | Prod Var | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
door hardware,packing nut,bumperette | Prod Var | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1986 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
muffler clamp,horn bracket,open car door bumper | Prod Var | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
radiator hose,fan belt,hood bumper,shift knob | Prod Var | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1986 | May-Jun | 14 |
radiator outlet pipe | Prod Var | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
seamed tubing and rubber floor mats | Prod Var | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
28-29 radiator/gas caps,powerhouse gen. pulley | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
29-'29 radiator caps | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | May-Jun | 30 |
30-'31 wheels (Hamilton & Kelsey-Hayes) | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
30-31 rear fenders, Boyce Motometers | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
30-31 sidemount flange;E28 jack,em. brake boot | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 19 |
31 steering column bracket, spring clamp sizes | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
1930-31 hub caps | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
1931 tire valve stem | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
ammeter faces & insulation paper | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | May-Jun | 26 |
ammeter,battery cable,30-31 valve stem dust cvr | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | May-Jun | 8 |
back plate,kingpin,valve stem,term box,stop sw | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | May-Jun | 18 |
battery box, dash light, front license plt clip | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | May-Jun | 22 |
battery cable,spark plug,front lic plt bracket | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | May-Jun | 16 |
battery ground strap,jack,30-1 instrument panel | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
bumper clamp, tailight, E'28 radiator | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 24 |
carb jets/idle screws, E'28 front axle, 3X plug | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
choke rod sleeve, brake rod ends, on-off switch | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 24 |
clips/brackets for wiring harness/speedo cable | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
clips/brackets, part 2 | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
coil,backing plates,terminal nuts,distrib oiler | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
crank handle,plug wrench,tire pump,starter sw | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
crank hole cover A-8216, truck valve stems | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
direction of fender/running board bolts | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
E'28speedo housing;start sw;valve stem assembly | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
e'30 hub cap, multi-disc clutch lining, wedges | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
e28 gas caps, door dovetail bezel | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
earliest front center bumper clamp | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | May-Jun | 26 |
early '28 features on #1209 | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1980 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
early '28 features on #189 | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
early '28 gas lines,oil pan,misc. | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
early '28 lug nut,tire pump,drum taillight | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
early '28 Sparton horn and engine head | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2006 | Nov-Dec | 32 |
early '28 upper distributor plates | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
early inst panel,lug nut,on/off plate,batt case | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
early oil can,distributor,lug nut,battery cable | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
early tailight brkt,spare carrier,manifold stud | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | May-Jun | 10 |
early valve stem,trans,flywheel housing,bumper | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
emergency brake lever pawls | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | May-Jun | 16 |
emergency brake toggle lever | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
emergency brake toggle lever | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
engine number star,open car rear view mirror | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 22 |
exhaust man brckt,horn brckt,open car grommets | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
front fender bracket,tire pump,crank hole cover | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
gas shutoff valve,hood hooks,inst. panel screws | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
gas tank screen, tire pump, wrench, ex manifold | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
gen pulley;manifold stud;21"rim w/straight bead | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
generator band cover date, open car rear mirror | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | May-Jun | 12 |
hood hinge,grommet,lacing,steel taillight shell | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | May-Jun | 12 |
hub cap,headlight bulb,spindle nut,spring perch | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
ignition grommet,H2O & L'31 carb drain petcocks | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | May-Jun | 10 |
inside door handles | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
keys,shock covers,rad shell emblem,deck lid hdl | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1985 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
license plate bracket,'28-'29 bumperettes,E'28 | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 30 |
light switches | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
lock washers,ignition coils,center bumper clamp | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | May-Jun | 28 |
locking rad cap, brake rods, side curtain rods | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
motor-meter faces, tire gauges | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
NOS rumble seat panels;shock & arm markings | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
oil fill cap,30-31 dust cover,spring shackle | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
open car w/s finger pulls, starter switch body | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
open end wrench,battery cover,rear brake camsft | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
pliers,engine pan,E-28 battery-start cable,coil | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
plug connector,AR wheel,inside oil return sys | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | May-Jun | 8 |
pop-out ends,grease gun,dist body,engine #s | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
pop-out ends,rear mirror bracket,battery cable | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
quail/motometer cap, packing nut, Holley carb | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | May-Jun | 9 |
rad. outlet pipe,backing plate,rear brake lever | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1991 | May-Jun | 7 |
radiator,bumperette,valve stem,goose neck | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
radiator,steering col bracket rubber,wrench | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
rear radius rod ends | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1978 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
shock cover/valve,speedometer,shift knob | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
shock link,speedo drive cap,rear mirror bracket | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
shock links, side bowl carb. throttle shaft | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
shock links, spring hangers, wheel valve stems | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
steer'g arm,motor-m cap,locking lug,finger clip | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
taillight bracket, E'28 tail lense, tire pump | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
timing pin,'28 rad emblem,term box,other E28 | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | May-Jun | 15 |
tire valve stems Model T vs. Model A-888 | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
tire valve stems Model T vs. Model A-888 cont. | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
tool bags | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
upholstery nails, new car instruction sheet | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Nov-Dec | 30 |
valve stem,bumper bar/spacer,spring clamp | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
valve stems | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
valve stems, bumper clamps, shock links | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Water outlet A-8250AR | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
wiring harness tags, early shackle bars | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
wiring harness tags, shock absorber link tubes | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
wrench,dust cover,gas cap,running board bracket | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 17 |
Zenith body bolt, choke shaft & arm; foot rest | Prod Var | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Algae, kill w/bleach; WaterWetter vs antifreeze | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Antifreeze - no; use rust inhibitor 3 times/yr | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | May-Jun | 4 |
Check coolant level,5/16" vinyl hose on petcock | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 43 |
Clean w/Dawn,Simple Green; foam w/pool defoamer | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Coolant recovery tank | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | May-Jun | 15 |
Coolant recovery tank using plastic oil bottle | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Cooling sys filter - knee high nylon stocking | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 19 |
Cooling system servicing | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Creating fin dimples for 1930-31 | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 34 |
Do not use leak sealant - solder up leaks | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Flush w/non-sudsing laundry detergent, kerosene | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
H2O overflo-no baffle;crack combus chamb,gasket | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Inserting screen within radiator shell | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Motometer - digitizing broken motometer | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Motometer - temperature gauge readings | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Motometer sensor extension - brake shoe spring | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Ornaments | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Ornaments | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Ornaments - holder bar | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Jul-Aug | 32 |
Pressurize system to only 3-5psi, not to 15psi | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Pressurizing | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 4 |
Re-coring (remanufacturing) a 1930-31 radiator | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 32 |
Refurbishing dripping outlet pipe petcock | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Removal especially if working alone | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Servicing - tanking or rodding explained | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Shell - problems with repros | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Shell emblem - installing reproduction | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
Straighten fins with popsicle sticks | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 39 |
Testing with thermal imaging (Topdon) | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Various configurations (for judging) | Radiator | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
A-8115 drain cock, different lower return pipes | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1989 | Sep-Oct | 9 |
A-8115 drain petcock versions | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Antifreeze - dispelling myths | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | May-Jun | 26 |
Backflushing method | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | May-Jun | 8 |
Bolt and nut for ease of installment tip | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Carquest 50/50 antifreeze w/265 degree boil pt. | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 11 |
Clean grease out with Lestoil or Pine-Sol | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Clean water pump grease from radiator w/Lestoil | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1998 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Clean water pump grease w/ Lestoil or Pine-Sol | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Sep-Oct | 15 |
Coolant, No-Rosion, Applied Chemical Specialist | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Flow rates:'28-29:35GPM; '30-31:36-38GPM; AA:40 | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | May-Jun | 5 |
Flush grease w/ 1 cup of Lestoil | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 25 |
Flush grease with Lestoil or Pine-sol | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Flushing cooling system with garden hose | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Honeycomb-heat transfer efficiency questionable | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Leak test -motorcycle inner tube & air pressure | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Motometer - get thermometer fluid down tube | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Nov-Dec | 15 |
Motometer - replacement parts source | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Motormeter - mercury down by spinning on rope | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Propylene RV antifreeze safe;add water pump lub | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Radiator manufacturing | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
Radiator paint (Eastwood) helps heat transfer | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Truck outlet hose 9.25" long vs 8.5" for cars | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Versions including shells | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1971 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Water overflow problem, not over heating | Radiator | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Aluminum vs copper-brass; shroud;repair/replace | Radiator | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 20 |
Anode installed in inlet housing | Radiator | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 9 |
Bar's Leaks in tablets to stop leaks | Radiator | Model A Times | 2019 | Summer | 6 |
Berg Radiator | Radiator | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 36 |
Cast iron blocks - use rust inhibitor only | Radiator | Model A Times | 2019 | Summer | 17 |
Electrolysis - avoid pitting, AL corrosion | Radiator | Model A Times | 2011 | Summer | 16 |
Locking cap O-ring gasket - 1/8" x 1-7/8" OD | Radiator | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 36 |
Motometer - successful use of | Radiator | Model A Times | 2012 | Spring | 7 |
Motometer - temperature indications | Radiator | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 29 |
Pressurized system | Radiator | Model A Times | 2014 | Fall | 18 |
Radiator shroud, repro, plastic, effective | Radiator | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 30 |
Stop leak and other good radiator products | Radiator | Model A Times | 2005 | Spring | 6 |
Thermo-siphon action;WaterWetter not antifreeze | Radiator | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 4 |
Use only "permanent-type" antifreeze, not OAT | Radiator | Model A Times | 2011 | Fall | 31 |
Pre-load definition | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
3.54 HS gears use 18-tooth speedo drive gear | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
600W capacity - fill to top fill hole(2 typos) | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 19 |
Adjustment - measuring 15 "inch" lbs pre-load | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Align rear end gaskets with small spring clips | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Amount of axle play in housing, brake drum | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Axle threads - don't re-thread, replace axle | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Calculate ring gear/pinion ratio (easy) | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Clean inside axle housing-boiling in detergent | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Cleaning drive shaft torque tube w/carb clean. | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Determine diff ratio, count crank pulley turns | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Sep-Oct | 35 |
Determine diff ratio, count crank pulley turns | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Determine diff ratio, mark crank pulley & tire | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Determine diff ratio, mark crank pulley & tire | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 5 |
Determine differential gear ratio - simple | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jul-Aug | 3 |
Diff/trans noise-600W;non-match gears;backlash | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Differential oil fill w/ 1/2" street elbow | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Keys - modify to fit worn key-ways in axle | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | May-Jun | 16 |
Lineup rear gaskets w/ 3/8-24 headless bolts | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 45 |
Oil seals - removing / replacing in rear axle | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Original axle castle nut (5/8-18 SAE) hardened | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | May-Jun | 4 |
Original thickness gaskets-use magazine covers | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 46 |
Overhaul | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1970 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Ratio and tire size determines speed | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Rear drum/hubs - alt. way to install on axle | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Rebuild and adjust | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | May-Jun | 12 |
Rebuild, finer points w/ blueing method | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Remove and install using 2x4 "railroad tracks" | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 22 |
Ring and pinion, early vs. late | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Shims under bearing races - made w/.005" stock | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Timken pinion bearing #28156 replaces #A4221 | Rear Axle | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1985 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
AA ratios, axle housing gasket,spring shackles | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
AA rear axle wobble cures | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Axle nut torque to 100 ft lbs minimum | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Grease rear wheel bearing with 4 pumps | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Methods of filling with lubricant | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | May-Jun | 5 |
Rear axle housing and related parts production | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | May-Jun | 16 |
Rear drums - how to tighten to 100 ft. lbs. | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Remove drain plug w/ 3/8" drive ratchet & ext. | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Repair/replace axle housing and hub bearings | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 1979 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Taper measurements on rear axle | Rear Axle | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 13 |
Differential rebuilding by Tom Endy, Part 1 | Rear Axle | Model A Times | 2009 | Summer | 30 |
Differential rebuilding by Tom Endy, Part 2 | Rear Axle | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 30 |
Differential rebuilding by Tom Endy, Part 3 | Rear Axle | Model A Times | 2010 | Winter | 17 |
Differential rebuilding by Tom Endy, Part 4 | Rear Axle | Model A Times | 2010 | Spring | 16 |
Mechanical details per Ford dealer | Rear Axle | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 26 |
Modern Ford 8" built to fit Model A | Rear Axle | Model A Times | 2011 | Summer | 12 |
Three-quarter float axle; Snyder's new axles | Rear Axle | Model A Times | 2019 | Fall | 6 |
Part 1 - gear ratio info | Rear Axle | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Winter | 13 |
Part 2 - disassembly | Rear Axle | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Feb | 12 |
Part 3 - assembly | Rear Axle | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Mar | 11 |
Pinion & bearing remover | Rear Axle | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | May | 19 |
Rear Axle - Part 1 Gear ratios, speedo gears | Rear Axle | Skinned Knuckles | 1985 | Jan | 13 |
Checklist of issues (versus Month/Day/Year) | Restorer | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 32 |
M/J 1968 - M/A 1969 Vol 13 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1969 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
M/J 1969 - M/A 1970 Vol 14 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1970 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
M/J 1970 - M/A 1971 Vol 15 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1971 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
M/J 1971 - M/A 1972 Vol 16 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1972 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
M/J 1972 - M/A 1973 Vol 17 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1973 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
M/J 1973 - M/A 1974 Vol 18 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1974 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
M/J 1974 - M/A 1975 Vol 19 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | May-Jun | 18 |
M/J 1977 - M/A 1978 Vol 22 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 20 |
M/J 1978 - M/A 1979 Vol 23 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
M/J 1979 - M/A 1980 Vol 24 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
M/J 1980 - M/A 1982 Vol 25 & 26 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Jan-Feb | 24 |
M/J 1986 - M/A 1991 Five Year 1986 - 1991 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Jul-Aug | 25 |
M/J 2001 - M/A 2002 Vol 46 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | May-Jun | 24 |
M/J 2002 - M/A 2003 Vol 47 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | May-Jun | 24 |
M/J 2003 - M/A 2004 Vol 48 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | May-Jun | 24 |
M/J 2004 - M/A 2005 Vol 49 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | May-Jun | 42 |
M/J 2005 - M/A 2006 Vol 50 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | May-Jun | 26 |
M/J 2006 - M/A 2007 Vol 51 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 28 |
M/J 2007 - M/A 2008 Vol 52 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | May-Jun | 28 |
M/J 2008 - M/A 2009 Vol 53 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 26 |
M/J 2009 - M/A 2010 Vol 54 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 28 |
M/J 2010 - M/A 2011 Vol 55 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 30 |
M/J 2011 - M/A 2012 Vol 56 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | May-Jun | 30 |
M/J 2012 - M/A 2013 Vol 57 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 64 |
M/J 2013 - M/A 2014 Vol 58 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 30 |
M/J 2014 - M/A 2015 Vol 59 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 33 |
M/J 2015 - M/A 2016 Vol 60 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 33 |
M/J 2016 - M/A 2017 Vol 61 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 32 |
M/J 2017 - M/A 2018 Vol 62 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 32 |
M/J 2018 - M/A 2019 Vol 63 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 33 |
M/J 2020 - M/A 2021 Vol 65 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 33 |
M/J 2021 - M/A 2022 Vol 66 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 33 |
M/J 2022 - M/A 2023 Vol 67 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 32 |
M/J 2023 - M/A 2024 Vol 68 | Restorer Index | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 32 |
Installation | Seat Belts | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | May-Jun | 25 |
Installing three-point safety belts | Seat Belts | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 16 |
Installing VW belts | Seat Belts | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Rumble seat installation | Seat Belts | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Installation chart - Murray Fordor/TownSeden | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Installation in 1931 Slant Windshield Fordor | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | May-Jun | 32 |
Installed w/ flat bar stock; w/ picture | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | May-Jun | 10 |
Installing in 1930 Fordor | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Installing in 1930-31 Coupe | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Installing in 1931 roadster or phaeton | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 13 |
Supplement to MARC S/O 2020 article w/picture | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Universal method installing on various bodies | Seat Belts | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Rumble seat installation | Seat Belts | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 20 |
Source - Beam's Industries, Inc. | Seat Belts | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 12 |
CW (Clockwise)-RF & LR; "AC" (Anti-CW)-LF & RR | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Houdaille shocks (thorough) | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | May-Jun | 18 |
Install pedal shaft bushing - inner chamber cover | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Rebuilder - Robert Paul, Yoder, CO, 719-478-5102 | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2005 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Rebuilding | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1974 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Test up/dwn motion off car;no play btwn arm/shock | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 5 |
The Houdaille story, Part I | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 10 |
The Houdaille story, Part II | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
The Houdaille story, Part III | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | Sep-Oct | 35 |
Use motorcycle fork oil | Shocks | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Hassler Canadian shock absorber | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Make E28 shock links out of later styles | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Restoring Model A shocks, Part 1 | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Restoring Model A shocks, Part 2 | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 15 |
Shock absorber arms (thorough) | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | May-Jun | 22 |
Shock link component lengths | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | May-Jun | 9 |
Shock link part dimensions | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Testing data from Ford drawing | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 25 |
Tubular link problems/suggestions | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
Tubular shock links | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 1980 | Sep-Oct | 24 |
Use JB Weld on link parts to ease assembly | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 13 |
Variations (thorough) | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Why they're so important | Shocks | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Adjusting | Shocks | Model A Times | 2016 | Summer | 17 |
Bill Stipe reproductions - take original covers | Shocks | Model A Times | 2008 | Fall | 34 |
How to maintain | Shocks | Model A Times | 2020 | Winter | 13 |
Original Houdaille, repros and tube | Shocks | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 28 |
Proper adjustment of Houdaille shock absorbers | Shocks | Model A Times | 2020 | Summer | 30 |
Repro mounting bolt heads too small, will spin | Shocks | Model A Times | 2013 | Fall | 23 |
Repros, good; Bratton's Antique Auto Parts, MD | Shocks | Model A Times | 2016 | Summer | 10 |
Repros, Specialty Motor Cams better than original | Shocks | Model A Times | 2012 | Summer | 14 |
Shock links - good repros | Shocks | Model A Times | 2005 | Fall | 19 |
Soft ride tube shocks | Shocks | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 6 |
.035-best overall perform; narrow-high speed | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
AC78, Autolite T11, Edison 32; | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Champion 3X differences, NOS vs reproduction | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Sep-Oct | 49 |
Champion 3X, W16Y; Motorcraft TT10 | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Comparison chart, torque to 34 - 38 ft. lbs. | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 8 |
Facts about operation | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Fouling causes (thorough) | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 10 |
Grinding center/ground electrodes to points | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 17 |
New Champion plugs - beware | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
Reading - an engine analysis | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Sooty,low compres.-hotter plugs;Marvel M oil | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
W16-Y correct heat range;C-16C;C4;3XChampion | Spark Plugs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
3X, not C4, recommended by Ford & Champion | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
AC 575 & 78S (78-S) | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 26 |
Best applications for W16Y, C16C and C4 | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Best applications for W16Y, C16C and C4 | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Champion "Minute" spark plug cleaner | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Champion 3X vs other hot/cold plugs | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | May-Jun | 13 |
Champion C-4 for Model A? (thorough) | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 30 |
Experiment w/larger gap w/mod. Champion W16Y | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 31 |
Restoration of Champion 3X | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Restoration of Champion 3X | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Restore A-12405 Champion 3X original | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Set C-4 Champion gap at .033 | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Torque to 45-50 lbs. | Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Reading spark plugs | Spark Plugs | Model A Times | 2012 | Fall | 21 |
14mm spark plug adapter, Champion 405 RN14YC | Spark Plugs | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 26 |
Porcelain comparisons, heat range test | Spark Plugs | Model A Times | 2009 | Spring | 17 |
Champion for cars 1920 - 1960 | Spark Plugs | Skinned Knuckles | 1976 | Nov | 5 |
Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Jul-Aug | 4 | |
Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Mar-Apr | 12 | |
Spark Plugs | MARC - The Model A News | 1986 | Sep-Oct | 27 | |
A engine, bustle tail speedster | Speed Equipment | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Nov-Dec | 27 |
Cragar head - picking out a good one | Speed Equipment | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 32 |
Model A/B | Speed Equipment | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Sep-Oct | 28 |
Model A/B speed heads and carburetors | Speed Equipment | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Mar-Apr | 27 |
Modified B engines | Speed Equipment | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Simmons Super Power Head/intake manifold | Speed Equipment | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Winfield high compression head info | Speed Equipment | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Hal overhead valve conversion | Speed Equipment | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Modified B engine - 97 mph | Speed Equipment | MARC - The Model A News | 1970 | May-Jun | 10 |
Bicycle speedometer application | Speedometer | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Cable - quieter & smoother with nylon tubing | Speedometer | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 26 |
Oscillating reading - dry/rusty cable | Speedometer | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Service manual reprint | Speedometer | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | May-Jun | 14 |
Service tips with drawings | Speedometer | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | May-Jun | 6 |
Speedo/odometer calibration while on road | Speedometer | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Bicycle speedometer application - digital | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | May-Jun | 30 |
Cable and cable end pictures | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Chart of number of teeth on driven gear | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 21 |
Gears and Cap Assemblies | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | Sep-Oct | 14 |
Info on renting a radar gun | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | May-Jun | 19 |
Lubricate cable with STP | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Lubricating cable with STP permanently | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | May-Jun | 13 |
Manufacturer's variations | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 1977 | May-Jun | 10 |
Rebuilding the speedometer drive housing | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 18 |
Replace inner cable - disconnect at speedo | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 13 |
Speedo gear to axle housing chart | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Speedo/odometer calib w/mile markers & chart | Speedometer | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Remanufacturer - Cushman Corp, Wichita, KS | Speedometer | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 28 |
Repair svc (including Northeast), Bob's, MI | Speedometer | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 22 |
Mounting | Sportlite | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | May-Jun | 40 |
Armored wire source - Narragansett | Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | May-Jun | 11 |
Bracket for '30-31 lite to mount on '28-29 car | Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Disassembly | Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 22 |
Name badge, ball | Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Original bracket drawing | Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | Jan-Feb | 3 |
Parts price chart | Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Re-assembly | Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | May-Jun | 24 |
Exclusive features (thorough) | Sportlite | Model A Times | 2019 | Fall | 22 |
Repro, Unity, IL | Sportlite | Model A Times | 2014 | Spring | 26 |
Sportlite | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 32 | |
Avoid braking on road with tight spring clamps | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 34 |
Front spring center bolt align w/ sq. hole x-mem | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Front spring cold re-arch process | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Jan-Feb | 32 |
Front spring dimensions | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Graphite based paint between leaves; not plastic | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Heights of assembled front springs | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Installing shackle bushings | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1980 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Make 10-leaf into 7-leaf, remove #2, 3, 4 leaves | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Rough ride-ck correct front spring,frozen shocks | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Slip Plate (John Deere Co.) between leaves | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Slip Plate with graphite between leaves | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Spring disassembly without a spreader | Springs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | Nov-Dec | 23 |
Bevel edges; do not paint leaves; lub w/graphite | Springs | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Convert 10 leaf TwnSdn to 8 Coupe,remove #7 & #9 | Springs | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Front squeak-drill hole in start crank bush.-oil | Springs | MARC - The Model A News | 1979 | Jul-Aug | 38 |
New replacement shackles stronger; like original | Springs | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Rear | Springs | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Spring hangers and spring hanger bars | Springs | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | May-Jun | 28 |
5 different rear springs, one spring U-bolt size | Springs | Model A Times | 2011 | Fall | 14 |
EZ Slide -graphite alkyd based lubricating paint | Springs | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 14 |
Repro source; EZ Slide graphite paint | Springs | Model A Times | 2011 | Summer | 10 |
Tubular bushing (over split rolled) w/ .75 OD | Springs | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 13 |
Two front spring manufacturers - good vs. bad | Springs | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 16 |
Use EZ-Slide between leaves when reconditioning | Springs | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 15 |
AR & Bendix picture | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
AR/Bendix 1/2" shaft not interchg w/ 5/8" shaft | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Battery cable, 18" then 19", 2/0 then 1/0, cloth | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 5 |
Bendix hung up; worn bushing &/or bent armature | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Bendix starter drive; correct drive spring | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jul-Aug | 22 |
Bendix w/ 5/8" shaft vs Abell w/ 1/2" drive | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Drive jamming - causes | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 4 |
Locks to flywheel - bent shaft/spark lever @ top | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Motor slow - some checks before rebuilding | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Pic. correct/wrong Bendix engagement directions | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 4 |
Rollin Abell, inventor of Abell starter drive | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Securing Bendix bolts before shearing & loosing | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | May-Jun | 46 |
Switch configurations for judging | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Test and rebuild | Starter | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
AR Abell drive and Bendix picture | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | May-Jun | 8 |
AR Bendix will not rub on flywheel; picture | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Battery charging tips at starter switch | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Bendix does not engage - wrong Bendix (8-N Ford) | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Bendix variations | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | May-Jun | 22 |
Freeing when jammed to flywheel gear | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
History of Combustion Engine Starters | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Jump starting w/12V - severe short & won't run | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 7 |
Modify for push button start switch & solenoid | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
New good switch w/CuBe spring;fix for old spring | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Remove field coil screw with 2 large C clamps | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Several operational "tips" | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 29 |
Solenoid picture replacing starter switch | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Solenoid replacing push rod, mounted anywhere | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Switch w/Tangleproof lock wash = standard lock w | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 11 |
Versions | Starter | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 26 |
Armature repro; PV Antique Ford Parts | Starter | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 33 |
Bendix drive maintenance hints & recommendations | Starter | Model A Times | 2013 | Summer | 11 |
Bendix drive spring clips | Starter | Model A Times | 2012 | Spring | 13 |
No-foot starter solenoid | Starter | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 26 |
Starter motor and Bendix drive theory | Starter | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 8 |
Starter motor troubles testing | Starter | Model A Times | 2021 | Winter | 10 |
Bendix drive operation | Starter | Skinned Knuckles | 1991 | Jun | 29 |
Starting checks by Paul Moller | Starter | Skinned Knuckles | 1981 | Jan | 23 |
2-tooth - needle bearings not needed | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 5 |
2-tooth sector steering box illustration | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
2-tooth sector, lower bear race removed w/punch | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
4 improvements incl. Timken T-83 thrust bearing | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
7-tooth steering box (thorough) | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
Adjustments for 7-tooth sector steering | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Alternate method removing upper column bushing | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 32 |
Column - remove/install control arms | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 23 |
Column bushing held by 2 10-32 flathead screws | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Diff't gear designs, col lengths, light sw rods | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 34 |
Hard steering cures | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Hard to steer - weight not on thrust bearings | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 19 |
Housing has pipe plug, not grease fitting | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
How to lubricate gear box with 600W oil | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Installed power steering, pictures only | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Leak - black silicone with cork gaskets | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Leak - new seals&needle bush or shaft&orig bush | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Most common problems with 7 & 2 tooth sectors | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Pitman arm - shorten w/ drawings & pictures | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Problems and adjustments | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1974 | May-Jun | 34 |
Reduce wobble and shimmy - areas of wear | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Reduce wobbling and shimmy - areas of wear | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Removing 2-tooth steering lower bearing race | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | May-Jun | 44 |
Replace welded short pitman arm w/ forged arm | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Steering column tube repair and restoration | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 17 |
Steering column-EZ insert spark/accelerator rod | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Steering gear lube - chassis lube + EP-140 lube | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 3 |
Steering shaft - repair of broken upper threads | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Steering shaft thread repair | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Steering wheel, fill with epoxy filler | Steering | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 54 |
2-tooth steering basics | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
7-tooth column | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1970 | May-Jun | 17 |
Adjustment tips | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1979 | Jul-Aug | 24 |
Column - repair tips | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1975 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Column support added as introduced in April '31 | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Column, restoring, Part 1 - disassembly | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 6 |
Column, restoring, Part 2 - restoration | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1987 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
Column, restoring, Part 3 - reassembly | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Column, restoring, Part 4 - finishing | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1988 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Gears - theory | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1970 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Gemmer housing with 'F' (picture) | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Improve steering with adjustments | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | May-Jun | 18 |
Install late '31 upper column support-other car | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 14 |
Install needle bearings/seal in Gemmer 2-tooth | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | May-Jun | 14 |
Install worm gear using threaded rod | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Lubricant - John Deere NLGI grade 0 extra soft | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Model A steering gear restoration | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Modify repro light rod switch spider clip | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Noise - wire vibrating inside repro light rod | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Oversize upper bushing - drum sand col/ use old | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Rattling light switch handle - ck spider spring | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | May-Jun | 12 |
Replacing Model A spark and throttle rods | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Repro tie rod ball socket ends wrong dimensions | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Restore turning radius with short pitman arm | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | May-Jun | 15 |
Shorten pitman arm 1-1/2" | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Steering shaft thread repair with pictures | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | May-Jun | 13 |
Steering wheel/gear shift lever ball production | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
Teflon inserts | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Sep-Oct | 16 |
Tractor Supply 00 grease = John Deere Corn Head | Steering | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
2-tooth sector adjustment, MdlAT You Tube | Steering | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 34 |
Correcting hard steering | Steering | Model A Times | 2006 | Spring | 2 |
Correcting hard steering | Steering | Model A Times | 2021 | Winter | 21 |
E-Z Steer, new boxes similar to F-100 | Steering | Model A Times | 2009 | Winter | 17 |
Early 2-tooth Gemmer box for install in '28/29 | Steering | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 20 |
EZ Steer | Steering | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 5 |
F-100 steering box conversion by Mel Gross | Steering | Model A Times | 2010 | Summer | 16 |
F-100 steering box source - Mel Gross | Steering | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 41 |
F-100 steering conversion - better than Model A | Steering | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 26 |
Pitman arm - short, SAE-4130 Chrome Moly Steel | Steering | Model A Times | 2010 | Winter | 22 |
Steering irreversible -shocks absorbed by tires | Steering | Model A Times | 2019 | Winter | 12 |
Steering wheel puller | Steering | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 9 |
When it feels loose, check points | Steering | Model A Times | 2017 | Summer | 29 |
2-tooth column - Part 1 disassembly | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Jan | 3 |
2-tooth column - Part 2 modification and repair | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Feb | 5 |
2-tooth column - Part 3 adjustment | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Mar | 10 |
2-tooth column - Part 4 reassembly | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Apr | 3 |
7-tooth column - Part 1 repair | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | May | 3 |
7-tooth column - Part 2 assembly | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Jun | 9 |
Gemmer steering gears | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1988 | Sep | 28 |
Pitman arm - welding a shortened | Steering | Skinned Knuckles | 1982 | Sep | 29 |
Clean hard rubber w/ 409, fine steel wool | Steering Wheel | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Convert hub spline to key | Steering Wheel | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1987 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Patch cracks w/ plastic steel, lampblack | Steering Wheel | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | May-Jun | 20 |
Repairing cracks | Steering Wheel | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | May-Jun | 13 |
How to remove | Steering Wheel | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 13 |
Preparing reproduction wheel (thorough) | Steering Wheel | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
Repair cracks w/ black bowling ball epoxy | Steering Wheel | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Repair of '30-'31 w/cracks | Steering Wheel | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | May-Jun | 7 |
Repairing 1928 "red" steering wheel | Steering Wheel | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 16 |
Use furniture polish to stop hand smudges | Steering Wheel | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Mar-Apr | 8 |
Weeping - cover w/ plastic trash bag | Steering Wheel | MARC - The Model A News | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Repro needs some "finish" work | Steering Wheel | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 31 |
Repair | Steering Wheel | Skinned Knuckles | 1983 | May | 20 |
#1133 & NAPA#1680 (32cp) vs. #1129(21cp) | Taillight Bulbs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Brake, #1154, 6V, solder 2 terminals | Taillight Bulbs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Jul-Aug | 11 |
Brighter #1133 (32cp) vs. #1129 (21cp) | Taillight Bulbs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Sep-Oct | 33 |
Model A | Taillight Bulbs | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
LED brake/taillight, 6V/12V, clear/red | Taillight Bulbs | Model A Times | 2005 | Fall | 12 |
LED bulbs by Highspeed Motors | Taillight Bulbs | Model A Times | 2006 | Summer | 27 |
Dimensions to locate mounting bracket holes | Taillights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Lamp socket and correct assembly | Taillights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
Mounting bracket-hole 7 5/8" over, 18 1/2" up | Taillights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Spare tire hub (third) brake light | Taillights | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
1929 150-A Station Wagon taillight bracket | Taillights | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Jan-Feb | 19 |
Duplicating left measurements for right side | Taillights | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Early bracket | Taillights | MARC - The Model A News | 1976 | Sep-Oct | 18 |
LEDs as best and brightest stoplight system | Taillights | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
Mounting brackets | Taillights | MARC - The Model A News | 1975 | Mar-Apr | 10 |
Illumination revolution continues | Taillights | Model A Times | 2016 | Fall | 18 |
Installing a second tail light | Taillights | Model A Times | 2010 | Winter | 4 |
LED taillight / brakelight; 6V +grd, 12V -grd | Taillights | Model A Times | 2009 | Winter | 9 |
LED technology | Taillights | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 30 |
Vintage lighting upgrades | Taillights | Model A Times | 2020 | Fall | 16 |
Beck Arnley #143-0461, 143-0438 | Thermostat | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1981 | May-Jun | 9 |
Gates 33006-160 degree | Thermostat | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Need for 180 degree, by Paul Moller | Thermostat | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1988 | Nov-Dec | 20 |
Not 180 but 160 degree, by P. Moller | Thermostat | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jan-Feb | 41 |
Use 170 or 180 degree | Thermostat | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Use of | Thermostat | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Housing, replaces original goose neck | Thermostat | Model A Times | 2009 | Fall | 22 |
Use 160 deg; new housing allows changing | Thermostat | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 5 |
Use to raise operating temperature | Thermostat | Model A Times | 2005 | Winter | 6 |
Vintage Precision thermostat housing | Thermostat | Model A Times | 2015 | Fall | 13 |
28 degree advance for normal driving | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Electronic ignition requires timing | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Finding Top Dead Center with c-clamp on pin | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 30 |
Ignition timing - for beginners | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Ignition timing dwell and backlash | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Ignition timing dwell and backlash | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Ignition timing using carburetor - Rex Reheis | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 31 |
Ignition Timing, Part 1 - Terms | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Ignition Timing, Part 2 - Common problems & specs | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 12 |
Ignition Timing, Part 3 - Physical timing | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 17 |
Indicator - quick & easy | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Principles of ignition timing | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Set Model B engine TDC unless using Model B dist. | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Sep-Oct | 5 |
Timing mark on crankshaft gear - how to find | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Timing mark on timing gear - how to find | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Use rubber band to hold timing pin in place | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Sep-Oct | 65 |
Using carburetor to check ignition and timing | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Sep-Oct | 10 |
Using original Ford method | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | May-Jun | 3 |
With a timing light | Timing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Check ignition system & timing using carburetor | Timing | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Sep-Oct | 2 |
Finding top dead center (TDC) easy way | Timing | MARC - The Model A News | 1993 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Ignition timing using carburetor - Rex Reheis | Timing | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | May-Jun | 30 |
Orig. centrifugal advance timing system picture | Timing | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | May-Jun | 12 |
Tips from Rex Reheis | Timing | MARC - The Model A News | 2004 | Jul-Aug | 38 |
Use rubber band to hold timing pin in place | Timing | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
With a timing light and checking full advance | Timing | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | May-Jun | 8 |
Timing indicator; Dave Delmue, 408-722-2518 | Timing | Model A Times | 2013 | Spring | 26 |
Upgraded timing indicator - | Timing | Model A Times | 2011 | Summer | 26 |
A Better Brake Adjustment Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Accelerator Pedal Shaft Repair | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Added Protection | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Align Rear End Gaskets | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Avoiding a Short | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Badge to a Topper | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Battery Cable Anti-Spark | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 55 |
Broken Stud Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Castle Nut Alignment | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Sep-Oct | 51 |
Champion 3X Spark Plugs | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Sep-Oct | 49 |
Changing Your Transmission by Yourself | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Charging Your Battery | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Sep-Oct | 63 |
Checking for a Short-Circuit | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Choke Rod | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 57 |
Condenser Screw Aid | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Cotter Pin Marker | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Cotter Pin vs Hitch Pin | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 55 |
Detailing | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 55 |
Differential Oil Filler | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Distributor Cam Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Distributor Points Shorting Out | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 45 |
Draft/Noise Stopper | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 55 |
Drain the Water | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 53 |
Easing Front End Alignment | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 57 |
Easy Carburetor Bolt Recess | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jul-Aug | 49 |
Easy Gasket Build | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 53 |
Easy Kingpin Bushing Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 57 |
Easy Removal of Old Style Grease Fittings | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Sep-Oct | 39 |
Easy Replacement of Original Points | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Easy Tool to Seat Horn Rod Clip | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 43 |
Easy-Peasy Fuse Removal Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 55 |
Floor Mat Clip | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 57 |
Floorboard Modification for Battery Access | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
For a Black Manifold - Use Stove Black | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 55 |
Fuel Shutoff Memory Trick | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Furnace Filer and Spray Can Cap | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 39 |
Gas Tank Float Solder | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Handy Distributor Diagnostic Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Head Studs | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 46 |
Headlight Rim Alignment Aid | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Hockey Puck Fuel Shutoff Spacer | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Hood Hinge Rod Insertion | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 65 |
Hot Tips for Cooling System | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Improve Your Hind Sight | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 39 |
Inexpensive Radiator Protection | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jul-Aug | 39 |
Installing New Tire Tubes | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Installing Rubber Grommets/Windshield Frame Gasket | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 39 |
Installing Wiring Behind Driver's Side Kick Panel | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 55 |
Keep Brake Linings Clean | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
King Pin Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 46 |
Leveling a Manifold | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Light Switch Actuating Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Maintaining Your Car Cover | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Make the Window Felt Channel Fit the Glass | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Rubber Distributor Insulator | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Making a Diagnostic Ground Point | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 57 |
Metal Polishing | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 43 |
Milk Jug Handle Funnel | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
O-Ring to Protect Upholstery | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 57 |
Paint Wheel Saven | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 45 |
Painting Model A Wheels | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 55 |
Phone Cradle for Your Model A | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Popsicle Sticks to the Rescue | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 39 |
Protect Your Wheels | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | May-Jun | 46 |
Protecting the Transmission | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Radiator Fluid Check | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 43 |
Radiator Mounting Bolt Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 39 |
Rear Engine Mounting Bolt - Help | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 55 |
Rear Gasket Line Up | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 45 |
Rear Hub Seal Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Removal of Model A Baffle | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 43 |
Removing Door Latch Stricker Plates | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 53 |
Dentistry for Model A Steering Wheels | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 54 |
Roadside Repairs | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 46 |
Rubber Band Timing Gear Pusher | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Sep-Oct | 65 |
Rust Relief | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 63 |
Rusty Relief | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 46 |
Seat Cushion Installation | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 43 |
Securing Running Board Bolts | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 57 |
Securing Windshield Snaps | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Shin Savers | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Nov-Dec | 43 |
Short Proofing Lower Distributor Place | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | May-Jun | 43 |
Slow Vacuum Wiper Fix | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 39 |
Spare Tire Hub Brake Light | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Spindle Nuts | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 47 |
Spring Bushing Punch | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 43 |
Stop Rear End Leak | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Sep-Oct | 63 |
Stop That Slow Inner Tube Leak | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | May-Jun | 57 |
Stuck Wood Screws | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Temporary Hood Prop | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Think Safety | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Tie Rod Adjusting Nut | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 61 |
Tight Nuts and Cotter Pins | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Tooth Paste and Dripping Petcocks | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Tubular Shock Link Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Vacuum Wiper Motor Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 55 |
Vise Jaws for the "Finer Points" of Restoration | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Water Pump Socket | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jul-Aug | 47 |
Wheel Paint Protector | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Wheel Stud Thread Chasing | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 53 |
Window Regulator Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 46 |
Removal of a Two-Piece Distributor Shaft | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | May-Jun | 31 |
Warning About Using Disconnect Switche | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Jul-Aug | 31 |
How to Determine Your Rear Axle Ratio | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Sep-Oct | 35 |
How I Adjust Brake Rods | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Spindle Nuts | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jan-Feb | 47 |
Spring Bushing Punch | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 43 |
Window Regulator Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 46 |
Seat Cushion Installation | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Jul-Aug | 43 |
Charging Your Battery | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Sep-Oct | 63 |
Shin Savers | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | Nov-Dec | 43 |
Radiator Fluid Check | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 43 |
Removal of Model A Baffle | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 43 |
Short Proofing Lower Distributor Place | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | May-Jun | 43 |
Inexpensive Radiator Protection | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jul-Aug | 39 |
Castle Nut Alignment | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Sep-Oct | 51 |
Slow Vacuum Wiper Fix | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 39 |
Installing Rubber Grommets/Windshield F | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 39 |
Popsicle Sticks to the Rescue | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Mar-Apr | 39 |
Improve Your Hind Sight | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | May-Jun | 39 |
Furnace Filer and Spray Can Cap | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 39 |
Easy Removal of Old Style Grease Fittings | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Sep-Oct | 39 |
Radiator Mounting Bolt Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 39 |
Easy Tool to Seat Horn Rod Clip | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 43 |
Vise Jaws for the "Finer Points" of Restorat | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Metal Polishing | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | May-Jun | 43 |
Water Pump Socket | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Jul-Aug | 47 |
Distributor Points Shorting Out | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Sep-Oct | 45 |
Removing Door Latch Stricker Plates | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2010 | Nov-Dec | 53 |
Wheel Stud Thread Chasing | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jan-Feb | 53 |
Paint Wheel Saven | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 45 |
Rear Gasket Line Up | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | May-Jun | 45 |
Easy Carburetor Bolt Recess | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Jul-Aug | 49 |
Champion 3X Spark Plugs | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Sep-Oct | 49 |
Rusty Relief | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 46 |
Head Studs | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 46 |
Roadside Repairs | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Mar-Apr | 46 |
Protect Your Wheels | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | May-Jun | 46 |
King Pin Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 46 |
Dentistry for Model A Steering Wheels | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 54 |
Drain the Water | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Nov-Dec | 53 |
Easy Gasket Build | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 53 |
Hot Tips for Cooling System | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Cotter Pin vs Hitch Pin | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 55 |
Handy Distributor Diagnostic Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Rear Engine Mounting Bolt - Help | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 55 |
For a Black Manifold - Use Stove Black | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 55 |
Rust Relief | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jan-Feb | 63 |
Think Safety | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Detailing | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 55 |
Rear Hub Seal Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Stop Rear End Leak | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Sep-Oct | 63 |
Painting Model A Wheels | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Nov-Dec | 55 |
Vacuum Wiper Motor Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 55 |
Wheel Paint Protector | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Easy-Peasy Fuse Removal Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 55 |
A Better Brake Adjustment Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Battery Cable Anti-Spark | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Sep-Oct | 55 |
Installing Wiring Behind Driver's Side Kick | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Nov-Dec | 55 |
Draft/Noise Stopper | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 55 |
Leveling a Manifold | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Mar-Apr | 55 |
Stop That Slow Inner Tube Leak | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | May-Jun | 57 |
Align Rear End Gaskets | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Rubber Band Timing Gear Pusher | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Sep-Oct | 65 |
Condenser Screw Aid | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Added Protection | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Avoiding a Short | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Choke Rod | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | May-Jun | 57 |
Protecting the Transmission | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Broken Stud Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Keep Brake Linings Clean | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Maintaining Your Car Cover | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Changing Your Transmission by Yourself | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Making a Diagnostic Ground Point | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 57 |
Accelerator Pedal Shaft Repair | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Hood Hinge Rod Insertion | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Sep-Oct | 65 |
Gas Tank Float Solder | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Checking for a Short-Circuit | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Tubular Shock Link Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Securing Running Board Bolts | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | May-Jun | 57 |
Make the Window Felt Channel Fit the Gla | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Phone Cradle for Your Model A | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Distributor Cam Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Floorboard Modification for Battery Acces | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Hockey Puck Fuel Shutoff Spacer | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
O-Ring to Protect Upholstery | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | May-Jun | 57 |
Rubber Distributor Insulator | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Headlight Rim Alignment Aid | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Securing Windshield Snaps | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Cotter Pin Marker | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Differential Oil Filler | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Easing Front End Alignment | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | May-Jun | 57 |
Installing New Tire Tubes | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Temporary Hood Prop | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Spare Tire Hub Brake Light | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Tight Nuts and Cotter Pins | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Tooth Paste and Dripping Petcocks | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Floor Mat Clip | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 57 |
Stuck Wood Screws | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Tie Rod Adjusting Nut | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 61 |
Light Switch Actuating Tool | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Fuel Shutoff Memory Trick | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 57 |
Badge to a Topper | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Easy Kingpin Bushing Removal | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | May-Jun | 57 |
Milk Jug Handle Funnel | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Easy Replacement of Original Points | Tiny Tips | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Homemade for 19" tires | Tire Chains | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
(thorough) | Tire Valve Stem | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1977 | Sep-Oct | 21 |
History of tall valve stems | Tire Valve Stem | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Installation and care | Tire Valve Stem | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | May-Jun | 6 |
Replacing rubber with metal | Tire Valve Stem | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | May-Jun | 8 |
Small air leak at tube-use Liquid Nails | Tire Valve Stem | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Update | Tire Valve Stem | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
1928 - 1929 (thorough) | Tire Valve Stem | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
1930 - 1931 (thorough) | Tire Valve Stem | MARC - The Model A News | 1983 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Bridge washer-paint rusty w/epoxy enamel | Tire Valve Stem | MARC - The Model A News | 2000 | Mar-Apr | 7 |
Update | Tire Valve Stem | MARC - The Model A News | 1984 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Valve stem mounting (thorough) | Tire Valve Stem | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
Vinegar removes tarnish; no wirewheels | Tire Valve Stem | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
1928-1929 Model A tire features | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Sep-Oct | 30 |
Change tube easily with wheel on car | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | May-Jun | 4 |
Corn starch used heavily on tubes to stop chafing | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Jul-Aug | 23 |
Cupping,>learn>maintenance>cupping | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Mar-Apr | 5 |
Excess front wear - check toe-in, bent front axle | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Mounting using plastic bags and talc/corn starch | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1995 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
New tube w/new tire else old tube will crease,fail | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Original tire specifications and pictures | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | Sep-Oct | 31 |
Removing and mounting tires | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Summary of manufacturer markings & tread patterns | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Jul-Aug | 6 |
Tire flaps and rim liners stop air leaks | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | May-Jun | 21 |
Tire rotation straight back/forward,not across car | Tires | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2001 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Advantages of having tires racing trued & balanced | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 1992 | Nov-Dec | 15 |
Breaking bead on tires to be discarded | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Sep-Oct | 13 |
Change tire w/o scratching paint using hose | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Colored logos, red stripe by pin striper Jim Brand | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | May-Jun | 13 |
Mounting the Model A tire with jig | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Mounting tire using corn starch and plastic bag | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Mounting tires easy w/ old rear spare tire mount | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 12 |
Radials better stopping, ride, handling, mileage + | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Safety issue of AA split ring on old tires | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | Jan-Feb | 11 |
Sizes and dimensions of various original brands | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 1990 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Tires rub brake rods - lock washer behind stop nut | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Tube holes w/new radials, mfg stickers inside tire | Tires | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Nov-Dec | 11 |
16" radial tires for Model A | Tires | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 6 |
Goodyear 21" tires | Tires | Model A Times | 2010 | Summer | 13 |
Looking at tire wear and rotation | Tires | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 5 |
Over-inflate (35 psi) rather than under-inflate | Tires | Model A Times | 2007 | Fall | 33 |
Tire numbers indicate time of manufacture | Tires | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 35 |
Jumbo | Tires and Wheels | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
10 homemade tools | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Nov-Dec | 6 |
1928 - 1931 | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1975 | Nov-Dec | 12 |
7/16" 8-point 1/2"-drive socket - Pronto, Grainger | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 7 |
A-37101 to install side curtain snaps(+ A-37101-T) | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 4 |
Adjust brakes with brake pedal holding tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | May-Jun | 11 |
Adjustable wrench A-1702 restoration | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 28 |
Alemite grease gun | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1992 | May-Jun | 39 |
Alemite grease gun - A-17125 | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Jan-Feb | 13 |
Alignment gauge - original; source Wheel-A-Matic | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Nov-Dec | 5 |
Brake adjustment tool clamped to clutch pedal | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 32 |
Brake adjustment w/ 7/16" 8-pt. 1/2" drive socket | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Brake clevis clamp angle grinding tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | May-Jun | 16 |
Brake roller pin track template | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1996 | Jul-Aug | 26 |
Brake shoe centering gauges | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 10 |
Change trans with 3/4" pipe nipple on floor jack | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Clip to hold floor mat to access the battery | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 57 |
Compression gauge, homemade from tire gauge | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Condenser screw aid,vinyl tube5/16ID, 7/16OD, 1.5L | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Crankshaft pulley nut tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Sep-Oct | 36 |
Differential rear carrier bearing preload tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Distributor analysis tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1993 | Jan-Feb | 6 |
Distributor cam screw tool -drill out rotor center | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Drill bit and tap theory (thorough) | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Emergency brake return spring tools | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 8 |
Emergency brake spring - wire coat hanger w/ hook | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Engine dolly for storing engine | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Jan-Feb | 12 |
Engine stand modified to hold and work on fenders | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2003 | Nov-Dec | 22 |
Engine turner tool, through crank hole - homemade | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2006 | Mar-Apr | 15 |
Fan reoval from shaft w/threaded end for tapping | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 4 |
Five-gallon pail as brake drum holder | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | May-Jun | 57 |
Flywheel housing alignment tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Ford script Model A Oil Can A-17040 vs Model T, V8 | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | May-Jun | 22 |
Frame spreader at rear mounts to install engine | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | May-Jun | 7 |
Front end alignment | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Fuse removal with cable tie | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | May-Jun | 55 |
Gas pump nozzle shutoff spacer - 2 hockey pucks | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Gas pump nozzle spacer will not prevent grounding | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2020 | Jul-Aug | 7 |
Grind tie rod/drag link tool => tubular shock link | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Install light switch spider retainer A3644 | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1990 | Mar-Apr | 38 |
Jack handle A-17081 made from 1/4" x 7/8" stock | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
K.R. Wilson babbitting fixture | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1994 | May-Jun | 6 |
K.R. Wilson tools | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2016 | Jul-Aug | 8 |
Laser pointer to check for bent frame, hood align. | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Light switch actuating tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Milk jug handle as funnel to fill rear end | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2023 | Jul-Aug | 57 |
Model A Screwdriver A-17020 | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 14 |
Model A tire gauge, restoring | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2012 | Jul-Aug | 25 |
Modified brake adjustment tool as universal tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 36 |
Oil fill tube, remove - homemade tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1997 | Sep-Oct | 22 |
Oil seal installation tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1976 | Mar-Apr | 28 |
Open end wrenches, A-17015, A-17016 | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | May-Jun | 18 |
Radiator cleaning brush | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Nov-Dec | 57 |
Radiator mounting bolt tool - homemade | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Nov-Dec | 39 |
Rear brake drum remover - homemade | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Jan-Feb | 9 |
Removing wheel studs | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Rivet mounting tool for cowl lacing | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | May-Jun | 11 |
Set rear brake drum bearing seal, homemade | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | Jul-Aug | 55 |
Shock link plug - homemade and commercial | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2024 | Mar-Apr | 57 |
Spring spreader | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1978 | Nov-Dec | 8 |
Spring spreader modification to prevent slipping | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1979 | May-Jun | 21 |
Suspending at head stud or spark plug hole | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1989 | Jul-Aug | 33 |
Temporary hood prop | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 57 |
Tire pumps | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2009 | Jul-Aug | 24 |
Touring tools and parts | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1971 | May-Jun | 6 |
Touring tools and parts | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1986 | May-Jun | 34 |
Touring tools, parts and supplies | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
Vintage motor gauge to test timing and spark | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2022 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Window regulator spring tool - distributor shaft | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2007 | May-Jun | 46 |
Windshield wiper odd-headed screws tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1991 | May-Jun | 16 |
Windshield wiper odd-headed screws tool | Tools | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2015 | Jan-Feb | 55 |
Adjust brakes with brake pedal holding tool | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Ajax jacks A-17080-A, A-17080-B1 | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Mar-Apr | 18 |
B-3 jack (March 1930 - August 1930) | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 1995 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Brake adjust clamp w/ pressure to brake pedal | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | May-Jun | 10 |
Brake adjustment tool - improved | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 22 |
Brake clevis-pin cotter pin securing tool | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Sep-Oct | 19 |
Brake drum puller, rear - homemade | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
Brake track rivet tool | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2015 | Mar-Apr | 14 |
C-2 Jack revisited | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 20 |
Camshaft retaining nut tool - homemade | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Sep-Oct | 11 |
Clean bolts w/HF Rotary Rock Tumbler, vinegar; $35 | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jul-Aug | 16 |
Clutch adjustment tool | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Sep-Oct | 12 |
Clutch adjustment tool - homemade | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Mar-Apr | 16 |
Correct C-2 jack from Aug '30 to end of production | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 1994 | Nov-Dec | 10 |
Cotter pin tool, homemade | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | May-Jun | 19 |
Crankshaft nut-cut down 1-3/8" socket,grind 11/16" | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Mar-Apr | 11 |
Crankshaft pulley nut wrench w/ 1-3/8 socket | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Drum holder for tightening rear hubs - homemade | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 10 |
E-Z way to find useable Model A wheels | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2010 | Jan-Feb | 15 |
Emergency brake arm return spring tools | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Extensions/sockets for wheel tightening w/ tubing | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Ford drain plug wrench, Bonney #2575 | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Nov-Dec | 13 |
Ford utility wrench - original | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 13 |
Gas gauge tool - steel .75" square nut | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | May-Jun | 13 |
Greasing leaf-type springs tools | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Mar-Apr | 21 |
Harbor Freight bar clamp modified for brake adjust | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Nov-Dec | 26 |
Jack handles | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | Jan-Feb | 20 |
Judging the Model A Ford Tool Kit | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 20 |
K.R. Wilson | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 1982 | Jan-Feb | 4 |
Light switch retainer clip (B3644) tool | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Sep-Oct | 19 |
Locating side mount hole for spare tire | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2012 | Jan-Feb | 17 |
Locating tool for sidemount through splash apron | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 17 |
Make special hole punch from tubing/short conduit | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Nov-Dec | 9 |
Model A engine test-run stand | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2023 | Jan-Feb | 18 |
Model A engine timing tools to turn crankshaft | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 14 |
Modified socket to fit inside front backing plate | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2014 | Sep-Oct | 17 |
Modified tools for front backing plate bolts | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 17 |
Modify drag link tool for orig tubular shock link | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
On-board tools, parts and supplies | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2001 | Sep-Oct | 23 |
Original Model A tools (thorough) | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | May-Jun | 26 |
Rear axle differential stand | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2013 | Nov-Dec | 15 |
Rear axle seal driving tool (picture) | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2022 | Jul-Aug | 10 |
Replacing upper steering column bushing | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 8 |
Screw holding screwdrivers; | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2021 | Jan-Feb | 10 |
Shock needle valve adjustment wrenches | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2018 | Mar-Apr | 30 |
Slide hammer for straightening wheel spokes | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | May-Jun | 12 |
Steering wheel tool for brake adjustment procedure | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | May-Jun | 14 |
Tire pump hose end made functional | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2020 | Jan-Feb | 14 |
Tire pumps | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2009 | May-Jun | 22 |
Toe-in alignment fixture - easy & inexpensive | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2005 | Mar-Apr | 9 |
Traveling toolbox made from ammo box | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2024 | Jul-Aug | 9 |
Valve adjustment - #2234 CTA val spring compressor | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 1996 | May-Jun | 9 |
Valve stem hardware wrenches | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2011 | Nov-Dec | 18 |
Water pump nut wrenches - original | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | Mar-Apr | 12 |
Windshield wiper odd-headed screws tool | Tools | MARC - The Model A News | 2017 | Jan-Feb | 16 |
Barrel type starter drive compressor, commercial | Tools | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 12 |
Barrel type starter drive compressor, homemade | Tools | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 26 |
Battery maintainer/de-emulsifier - Granite Digital | Tools | Model A Times | 2012 | Winter | 11 |
Brake adjustment wrench; 8-point 3/8", 1/2" drive | Tools | Model A Times | 2016 | Winter | 11 |
Brake centering tool to adjust mechanical brakes | Tools | Model A Times | 2005 | Fall | 4 |
Brake drum puller, rear, Vintage Precision, CA | Tools | Model A Times | 2016 | Summer | 5 |
Brake shoe centering tool | Tools | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 34 |
Check Spark Engine Ignition Analyzer | Tools | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 28 |
Combination wrench (original) | Tools | Model A Times | 2008 | Summer | 28 |
Craftsman MACH 1/4" T-handle tighten oil pan bolts | Tools | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 9 |
Cylinder taper gauge | Tools | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 8 |
Distributor "Analyzer," tool,set points on 4 lobes | Tools | Model A Times | 2007 | Winter | 42 |
Distributor quick set point setter, D&B Enterp.,AZ | Tools | Model A Times | 2014 | Summer | 7 |
Distributor removal tool (from head) | Tools | Model A Times | 2010 | Spring | 27 |
Door hinge tool - commercially available | Tools | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 18 |
Formula for using torque wrench with extension | Tools | Model A Times | 2017 | Summer | 19 |
Front end toe-in tool, Bratton's Antique Auto Part | Tools | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 17 |
Front hub inner/outer race installation tool,comm. | Tools | Model A Times | 2016 | Spring | 14 |
Front wheel hub race install & grease pack bearing | Tools | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 16 |
Grease ram for Model A - after market | Tools | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 9 |
Head puller | Tools | Model A Times | 2010 | Fall | 20 |
Head puller | Tools | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 33 |
Head puller, compact for touring, Snyder's, OH | Tools | Model A Times | 2017 | Winter | 21 |
Head removal tool - homemade | Tools | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 5 |
Head studs, remove broken w/ drill guide tool | Tools | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 18 |
LED work light - Astro 40SLMAX-Flyer | Tools | Model A Times | 2018 | Summer | 11 |
Lincoln push-pull welding gun for heavy-duty work | Tools | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 13 |
Misc tools for the tool box, Part 1 | Tools | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 12 |
Misc tools for the tool box, Part 2 | Tools | Model A Times | 2015 | Fall | 16 |
Model A engine turner/lock,mts in starter position | Tools | Model A Times | 2018 | Fall | 22 |
Model T oil pan bolt wrench allows only 5 ft-lbs | Tools | Model A Times | 2007 | Spring | 16 |
Modern grease gun tip for original Model A fitting | Tools | Model A Times | 2005 | Fall | 13 |
Multi-purpose wrench - trans,brakes,oil pan,plugs | Tools | Model A Times | 2005 | Summer | 42 |
Nu-Rex spark timing tool | Tools | Model A Times | 2013 | Winter | 14 |
Original brake adjustment tools | Tools | Model A Times | 2008 | Fall | 26 |
Power Probe III for 12V systems | Tools | Model A Times | 2010 | Winter | 14 |
Presses timing pin into cam gear hole @ TDC | Tools | Model A Times | 2016 | Fall | 34 |
Reamers - types, proper use | Tools | Model A Times | 2020 | Summer | 15 |
Rear mounted tool box | Tools | Model A Times | 2007 | Summer | 10 |
Ring-timing-pin for easily finding TDC | Tools | Model A Times | 2017 | Summer | 22 |
Set rear brake drum bearing seal that holds grease | Tools | Model A Times | 2015 | Spring | 21 |
Sidemount locating tool for 1930-31 and 1928-29 | Tools | Model A Times | 2012 | Fall | 34 |
SK X-Frame ratcheting wrench | Tools | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 14 |
Spring spreader - new design | Tools | Model A Times | 2006 | Winter | 7 |
Spring spreader, front - new | Tools | Model A Times | 2008 | Spring | 12 |
Swivel sockets, Torx drivers, needle nose pliers | Tools | Model A Times | 2018 | Spring | 32 |
Thread chasing tool; | Tools | Model A Times | 2011 | Spring | 26 |
Tow-in alignment, homemade using 1" PVC - good | Tools | Model A Times | 2006 | Fall | 38 |
Use modern grease gun adapter on Model A fittings | Tools | Model A Times | 2019 | Spring | 7 |
Distributor bushing extractor tool | Tools | Skinned Knuckles | 1983 | May | 31 |
In the Model A | Touring | Skinned Knuckles | 1988 | Jun | 28 |
Tow bar | Towing | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1984 | Sep-Oct | 34 |
Not backwards w/transmission full of oil is okay | Towing | MARC - The Model A News | 2019 | May-Jun | 11 |
W/ rear wheels on ground, Mitchell OD in neutral | Towing | MARC - The Model A News | 2016 | May-Jun | 13 |
W/front wheel dolly, shifter must not move | Towing | MARC - The Model A News | 2002 | Mar-Apr | 6 |
Towing a Model A | Towing | Model A Times | 2012 | Fall | 4 |
Trailer hitch installation, Wagner Products, MO | Towing | Model A Times | 2015 | Summer | 37 |
Grinding in 1st, adj pressure plate levers | Transmission | MAFA | 2007 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
2nd & 3rd gear not engaging-dragging clutch | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2002 | Jan-Feb | 5 |
AA 4-speed noise - rebuild w/new pilot bear | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Cluster gear end play - hold to .010" | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1999 | Mar-Apr | 4 |
Dropping out of high gear - possible causes | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2008 | Nov-Dec | 4 |
Early output shaft w/spacer, w/o snap ring | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2000 | Jul-Aug | 5 |
Fill w/600W to bottom thread of filler hole | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 1998 | Jul-Aug | 3 |
Fix dropping out of gear - selecting gears | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2014 | May-Jun | 14 |
Gear shift housing versions;L/H, R/H drives | Transmission | MAFCA - The Restorer | 2013 | Jan-Feb | 22 |
Grinding when shifting cold - shift sooner | Transmission | MAFC |