MAFCA Service Award

P2S05-I Pertains the MAFCA Service Award. This online from gives you the option to fill it out online and send directly to the Chapter Coordinator. The cutoff date for submissions is October 15th.

Nominee Name:(Required)
Nominee Address:(Required)
Has the Nominee conducted training programs?
(For Example: Has the Nominee conducted training programs?, garage seminars?, helped cars on tour? Has the Nominee conducted training programs?, car seminars?, fashion seminars? Is the Nominee's expertise well respected by Chapter/SIG/Region members?
Nominated By:(Required)
Nominated By Address:(Required)
Name, Office, if any.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

MAFCA Service Award - Nomination

PART II: Section 5 Subsection I

  1. Purpose: The purpose of the MAFCA Service Award is to provide national recognition to individuals within the Chapters, Special Interest Groups and Regional Groups who have demonstrated a continuing and selfless service to others in the Model A hobby. This Policy defines the criteria, requirements and procedures for making this Award.
  2. Awards: The Award will consist of a Certificate, signed by the President and the Chapter Coordinator, and awarded to individuals by their Chapter, SIG or Region on behalf of the Board of Directors. Awards shall be made annually to as many individuals (one per group per year) as meet the criteria and requirements.
  3. Criteria: The primary criterion shall be the nominee is a MAFCA member with a long-term, continuing and selfless service to others in the Model A hobby, by sharing of information and knowledge, a willingness to volunteer and help perpetuate the enjoyment of Model A’ing for others. (Example: helping to get and keep other’s Model A’s running, through formal or informal training of others, sharing of helpful hints through Chapter Newsletters, and a continuing willingness to help and share.) Leadership positions in Chapter/SIG/Region activities (as Officers, Committee Members, Tour Leaders, etc.) are not a requirement, but may be the basis for an Award.
  4. Nomination and Selection: Nominations for such Awards must be current MAFCA members and shall be submitted in writing before October 15 of that same year. Nomination forms must be signed or endorsed by at least three members (including one Chapter Officer) of a Chapter, SIG, or Region. The nomination shall be on a form (see Addendum). Nominations submitted to the MAFCA office shall be considered for an Award that year. The Chapter Coordinator and the President shall review each nomination on its own merits and select award recipients.
    Recipients must wait a minimum of five years between nominations.
  5. Presentation of Awards: The Chapter Coordinator on behalf of the Board of Directors will make awards. The information on the nomination form shall provide the basis for the national announcement of the recipient by appropriate coverage in January/February issue of The Restorer, or in the issue which reports on Awards from the National Awards Banquet.


Nominee Name:(Required)
Nominee Address:(Required)
Has the Nominee conducted training programs?
(For Example: Has the Nominee conducted training programs?, garage seminars?, helped cars on tour? Has the Nominee conducted training programs?, car seminars?, fashion seminars? Is the Nominee's expertise well respected by Chapter/SIG/Region members?
Nominated By:(Required)
Nominated By Address:(Required)
Name, Office, if any.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.