Chapter Chatter Sept/Oct. 2024

Chapter Chatter – September/October 2024


At the same time that this issue of the Restorer is hitting our member’s mailboxes there are many who will have made their way to Hickory Corners, MI. for the MAFFI sponsored Model “A” Days. This 2 day event showcases not only the entire Gilmore Museum over its 90 acres but puts the spotlight on the Model “A” Museum there. With the support of MAFCA and many of our Chapters and others ground has been broken on the museums expansion project. This exciting event this year is made even more special with the placement of the 100 bricks celebrating those MAFCA Chapters who have achieved the honor of being recognized for 50 years continuous membership in the Model “A” Ford Club of America. If you are a member of one of these chapters I hope you are able to attend.


The 2024 Model “A” Ford Club of America National Awards Banquet this year is in Salt Lake City. Howard Eckstein and all his N.A.B. committee members have worked for over a year to put together what we know will be an outstanding event. If you have not made plans to attend there is still time to make your reservations for what we all know will be an enjoyable experience. For more details visit

Do you have an outstanding newsletter or website? These important parts of any local chapter, are deserving every day for their tireless efforts to help keep all of us up to date with our local news and club activities. This time of the year we are given an extra opportunity to recognize their work. Each year MAFCA recognizes outstanding achievement for the Newsletter of the Year as well as the Website of the year with awards presented at the National Awards Banquet. It takes just a few minutes to fill out the application for your editors to be recognized for their achievements. Details can be found on the MAFCA website and I am happy to answer any questions you may have


Will Langford

2024 MAFCA Chapter Coordinator