I wanted to share this great story and picture from our friends in the Diablo A’s. MAFCA Service Awards are a great way to say thank you for that special member who goes above and beyond the call of duty in contributing to your local Chapter. It is easy to remember the negative in this world but everyday people like this make a difference and a simple thank you goes a long way. Congratulations to Dick and all the Diablo A’s
Nominations are closed for 2024 but that means they are open for 2025 and it’s never been easier to nominate someone with the addition of our new online form.
Service Award Application
Dick Arnold is being recognized for his immeasurable contribution to the Diablo A’s as our Treasurer for 4 consecutive years, 2021 – 2024. Dick literally revolutionized the Treasurer’s job, and the club will benefit from what he accomplished for many years to come.
Dick was raised in Hinsdale, IL. He earned his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Entomology from Cornell University, Michigan State, and the University of California, Berkeley. He is retired now but was the former owner and President of Entomological Consulting Services, Ltd. Dick has 2 children and 2 grandchildren. He originally joined the Diablo A’s in the early 1990’s, then rejoined again in 2017. He also co-founded another MAFCA Chapter, the Salt Creek A’s in Illinois.