As it turns out I was one-month premature last month stating that article was my last as 2023 President. As it turns out I also write one for December. It has been a fun year serving as MAFCA National President. MAFCA is a large club with many moving pieces but thanks to a dedicated staff at Headquarters and nine directors in total, all the bases get covered month in and month out. The venerable Ford Model A is such timeless piece of automotive engineering and being part of a large group that is keeping it alive and relevant is exciting. Something engineered and designed in the late 1920’s that can still be a part of the automotive culture is extraordinary.
I want to thank you all for your hard work and dedication to making our Model A hobby so great. Your passion for Ford Model A’s is a pleasure to experience. Thanks to you all for making my year as MAFCA National President so pleasant. As the 2023 Board of Directors turns over direction of the Club to the 2024 Board, I am confident in their dedication to maintaining the MAFCA legacy. I expect you will be pleased with their sincere dedication to you, the membership. I am confident they will work diligently in your best interests.
2024 promises to be a promising year for MAFCA national activities with our National Convention scheduled in June for Ruidoso, NM. The Southwest Model A SIG has worked extremely hard to put together a great program of tours, social events, meals, seminars, car judging, fashion judging, swap meet, vendor displays plus opening and closing banquets. I look forward to a short reprieve from the summer heat in Texas in the cool temps in Ruidoso and look forward to seeing you there. At this time, we are also planning a presence at the MAFFI Model A Days in September, the Hershey Swap Meet in October and our National Awards Banquet in December. Hope to see you at one or all of these events. May all of you have a safe and happy holiday season.
See you down the road.
Robert Bullard, 2023 MAFCA President