MAFCA is always looking for a few good members to serve on the MAFCA Board of Directors. We cordially invite you to become a candidate for a two year term. As a MAFCA Director, you will bring to us a regional prospective as well as your experience and knowledge of our great hobby. You will be a part of making policy, providing direction, and learning about the national club of which you are a member. The board should be a reflection of all the individual clubs and our membership. As I was told, it is a lot of work, but a lot of fun. It is both!

Learn about the benefits and responsibilities of Board membership.

All clubs have great leaders that would complement our MAFCA Board of Directors. If you are a “leader” with business experience, computer knowledge, and just want to help out – you are a good candidate. We want diverse Model A activities or ideas that will make MAFCA better. If you have some of these skills and desires, please let us know by applying. If you know any MAFCA members who want to contribute, please encourage them to apply.