Election 2024 - Candidates for 2025-26 Board
This year you will not receive a ballot in the mail with your MAFCA membership renewal form. For just the second time in more than 25 years, the number of people volunteering and nominated for election to the Board of Directors was less than the number required to fill the Board’s membership.
Per the MAFCA bylaws, this allows a waiver of election, and those nominated will be confirmed as elected at our next Board meeting on December 12 during the National Awards Banquet in Salt Lake City.
Sherry Winkenhofer
After careful consideration, I would like to become a candidate for the MAFCA Board of Directors. In 2007, my husband, Kan, came home with a “pile of rust” he said was a 1929 Ford Fordor. We quickly bought a running 1929 Tudor, now named “The Old Lady.” I have been the editor of our club’s newsletter since 2008, editor/ writer of the A World, MAFCA’s youth newsletter, since 2010, a member of the MAFCA era fashion committee from 2017–2023, and currently serve as the fashion editor of The Restorer. Kan passed away in 2012, so I learned to drive The Old Lady. Over the years, I have enjoyed promoting the history and our wonderful car to various groups and museums, and indeed almost everyone I meet! I have competent knowledge of computers as evidence in my newsletter jobs, and would enjoy the opportunity to contribute to MAFCA as an active member of the board.
Dave Krill
I began my journey with MAFCA in 1962 when I bought my first car, a 1930 Town Sedan, from Red Grow at his used car lot in Glendale, California. Red advised me to join MAFCA and directed me to the Jewel City chapter in Glendale. I took his advice, and my life changed forever. Since those early days I’ve belonged to the Ventura chapter, where I became president and later the Paso Robles A’s, where I also served as president and chaired two Central California Regional Group jamborees. I recently retired from a 50-year career in dentistry, where I owned and operated five dental practices. I served on the University of Southern California dental school faculty for five years. I am a veteran (US Army 1963–’71) and have been married to Cyndi for 51 years. We have five children and 14 grandchildren. I believe I can be an asset on the board and help us move forward, especially to appeal to younger folks.
Happy Begg
South Carolina
I have been a member of MAFCA since 2004 and very active at the local and national level since 2009. I have served in my local chapter, the Palmetto A’s of South Carolina, as newsletter editor, treasurer, vice president, and president. I spearheaded the formation of the Southeastern Touring Group, a long-distance Model A Touring Club, in 2016. Nationally I chaired the 2012 National Awards Banquet and co-chaired the 2019 National Tour. I have served on the MAFCA Board as Vice President in 2014–2016, 2021, and 2022 and as President in 2017. I have also worked with the local chapter hosts for the 2014–2016 and the 2021, and 2022 National Awards Banquets; the 2014, 2016, 2022, and 2024 National Conventions; and the 2015, 2017, and 2021 National Tours. Before retiring, I worked many years in the West Bloomfield, Michigan, School District and served five years on the Society of Automotive Engineers, Detroit Section, Annual Meeting Committee. I have very good organizational, fundraising, and event management skills.
Will Langford
I purchased my first Model A Ford in 2005 as a project for my father, and now, 19 years later, I own two. I was first elected to the Board for the term covering 2023–2024. During these two years I have served as Chapter Coordinator and Web Liaison. Beginning last October, I also took responsibility for the Flying Quail email newsletter. During this time I have worked to improve communications with our local chapters and recognize their contributions to our organization. One of my first projects was to recognize our 50-year chapters with a permanent marker at the Model A Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan. As Web Liaison, I was tasked to fill the Webmaster’s position, which we most recently did. I have put forth my name for consideration for another term to fully complete the current tasks and to assist the board of the Model A Ford Club of America as we move forward.
MAFCA is always looking for a few good members to serve on the MAFCA Board of Directors. We cordially invite you to become a candidate for a two year term. As a MAFCA Director, you will bring to us a regional prospective as well as your experience and knowledge of our great hobby. You will be a part of making policy, providing direction, and learning about the national club of which you are a member. The board should be a reflection of all the individual clubs and our membership. As I was told, it is a lot of work, but a lot of fun. It is both!
Click here to read a document on what you can expect if you become a MAFCA Board member.
All clubs have great leaders that would complement our MAFCA Board of Directors. If you are a “leader” with business experience, computer knowledge, and just want to help out – you are a good candidate. We want diverse Model A activities or ideas that will make MAFCA better. If you have some of these skills and desires, please let us know by applying. If you know any MAFCA members who want to contribute, please encourage them to apply.
Click on “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)”. You will learn about the benefits and responsibilities of Board membership.
To become a nominee, click on the Director Nomination Form link below, fill out the form and mail it to MAFCA at the address indicated.