Model A Era Advertisements
Ford had advertisements of The New Ford published in many magazines and newspapers. Most if not all of the ads used drawings instead of photographs, therefore some of the cars pictured varied slightly from actual production vehicles. Still, the ads are a history of the development of the Model A, noting changes from year to year, and giving us some insight on how Ford marketed the cars to various audiences.
Many third-party manufacturers made parts and accessories for the Model A Ford during and after the 1928-1931 production.

Many of our members collect Era Advertisements.
A few of them have been kind enough to scan their ads and submit them to the web site for your enjoyment.

Magazine Ad submitted by Sherry Winkinhofer
Ad Title | Magazine | Published |
Good Performance with Economy | Successful Farming | May 1929 |
Note: Over 50 new ads have been posted courtesy of John LaVoy. | ||||
Ad Title – alphabetically | Subject | Magazine | Publication Date | Submitted by |
1931 De Luxe Fordor | Chauffeur opening left-rear door | Ladies’ Home Journal | January 1931 | Patti Jones |
An admired grace of line and contour | 1930 Maroon Coupe | McCall’s | April 1930 | Rick Black |
An admired grace of line and contour | 1930 Maroon Coupe | Ladies Home Journal | April 1930 | John Lavoy |
An admired grace of line and contour | 1930 De Luxe Roadster and Fordor | Literary Digest | March 1930 | John Lavoy |
Beautiful Car For The Modern Mother And Her Daughter | 1928 Sport Coupe | McCall’s | June 1928 | John Lavoy |
Beautiful Ford Standard Sedan | 1931 SW Fordor 160-A | Literary Digest | June 1931 | John Lavoy |
Beauty Of Fine Upholstery | 1931 Fordor | Literary Digest | February 1931 | John Lavoy |
Blazing New Trails in a Ford | 1930 Town Sedan | Country Gentleman | November 1930 | John Lavoy |
Built to Endure | Sport Coupe | Hearst’s International- Cosmopolitan | June 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Built to Endure | Left Page – Tan Phaeton | Literary Digest | June 30, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Built to Endure | Right Page – Green Sport Coupe | Literary Digest | June 30, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Built to Endure | Double Page | Literary Digest | June 30, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Built to Serve You Faithfully and Well … | 1929 Sport Coupe Tan | Farmer’s Wife | February 1929 | John Lavoy |
Charming Companion for a Busy Day | 1930 Sport Coupe | Ladies Home Journal | May 1930 | John Lavoy |
Colors that Match the Season’s Mode | 1930 Fordor Brown | Good Housekeeping | November 1930 | John Lavoy |
Consider the Unseen Value | Tan Tudor | Literary Digest | October 12, 1929 | Rick Black |
Consider the Unseen Value | Blue Phaeton | Country Gentleman | October 1929 | Alan DalMaso |
Craftsmanship in Volume Production | 1931 Fordor Maroon | Country Gentleman | January 1931 | John Lavoy |
A dashing new Ford roadster | Dark Blue De Luxe Roadster | Life | May 1, 1931 | Patti Jones |
Easy Car For A Woman To Drive | 1930 Blindback Fordor | Ladies Home Journal | July 1930 | John Lavoy |
Economical Hauling For Every Purpose | 1931 AA Panel Delivery | Saturday Evening Post | February 1931 | John Lavoy |
Even in the Little Things … | 1928 Tudor Gray | Good Housekeeping | December 1928 | John Lavoy |
Even in the Little Things … | 1928 Tudor Gray | Ladies Home Journal | December 1928 | Rick Black |
Even In The Little Things You Can See The Quality | 1928 Tudor Green | Good Housekeeping | December 1928 | John Lavoy |
Every Ford Owner Will Desire These Two New Snappy Accessories | Screen Grille and Wheel Rings | unknown | 1930-1931 | John Lavoy |
Everything You Want Or Need In A | 1928 Green Roadster | Saturday Evening Post | August 1928 | John Lavoy |
Features of the Ford Car | 1929 Cabriolet Yellow | Literary Digest | August 1929 | John Lavoy |
Features of the Ford Car | Tan Phaeton | unknown | unknown | Alan DalMaso |
First Pictures of the New Ford Car | New Body Styles | Boston Evening Tribune | December 1, 1927 | Alan DalMaso |
For Every Business A Specialized Hauling-Service, At Low Cost | 1931 AA Express | Saturday Evening Post | May 1931 | John Lavoy |
For Greater Safety On Every Highway | 1931 Town Sedan | Country Gentleman | June 1931 | John Lavoy |
For Mile after Mile of Low Cost Hauling | 1930 AA Flatbed Truck | unknown | unknown | Patti Jones |
Ford Is The Universal Car | 1930 De Luxe Coupe | Literary Digest | unknown | John Lavoy |
Ford Truck Hauls Costs Down | 1930 AA Flatbed | Saturday Evening Post | September 1930 | John Lavoy |
Ford Truck Is A Faithful Worker | 1930 AA Flatbed | Saturday Evening Post | August 1930 | John Lavoy |
Ford Truck Saves Valuable Minutes | 1930 AA Flatbed | Saturday Evening Post | December 1930 | John Lavoy |
The Ford Truck is good hauling value | 1930 AA Hydraulic Dump Truck | Good Hauling Value (B&W) | unknown | unknown |
Ford Truck Will Deliver Your Goods At Low Cost | 1931 AA Panel Delivery | Saturday Evening Post | May 1931 | John Lavoy |
Get Behind the Wheel | Left Page – Blue Coupe | Literary Digest | July 28, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Get Behind the Wheel | Right Page – Tan Phaeton | Literary Digest | July 28, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Get Behind the Wheel | Double Page | Literary Digest | July 28, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Get Behind the Wheel | 1928 Coupe | unknown | 1928 | John Lavoy |
Gliding smoothly over the miles | 1930 Murray Town Sedan | Country Life | unknown | John Lavoy |
Look Beneath the Hood | Left Page – Tan Tudor | Saturday Evening Post | September 1, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Look Beneath the Hood | Right Page – Blue Roadster | Saturday Evening Post | September 1, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Look Beneath the Hood | 1928 Roadster Blue | Country Life | November 1928 | John Lavoy |
Lubrication System | Green Phaeton | unknown | unknown | Alan DalMaso |
Many factors contribute to the safety of the new Ford | 1929 Phaeton | Country Gentleman | April 1929 | John Lavoy |
The Modern Automobile | Left Page – Green Roadster | Literary Digest | August 25, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
The Modern Automobile | Right Side – Brown Sport Coupe | Literary Digest | August 25, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
The Modern Automobile | Double Page | Literary Digest | August 25, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
The Modern Automobile | 1929 Sport Coupe | Saturday Evening Post | August 1929 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford a Fine Car | 1931 De Luxe Coupe | Literary Digest | April 4, 1931 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford has a very simple and effective lubrication system | 1929 Coupe and Tudor | Colliers | January 1929 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford Convertible Cabriolet | Bronson Yellow Cabriolet | unknown | unknown | Patti Jones |
The New Ford De Luxe Coupe | 1931 De Luxe Coupe Maroon | unknown | November 1930 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford De Luxe Coupe | De Luxe Coupe Maroon | unknown | unknown | Patti Jones |
New Ford Has Been Built To Endure | 1928 Sport Coupe | Red Book | unknown | John Lavoy |
New Ford Has Many Features That Appeal To The Woman Motorist | 1929 Blindback Gray | Farmer’s Wife | May 1929 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford is an Economical Car | Green Tudor | Literary Digest | March 7, 1931 | Rick Black |
The New Ford is an Economical Car | 1931 Deluxe Coupe | American Boy | unknown | John Lavoy |
The New Ford Phaeton | Stone Gray Phaeton | Country Gentleman | June 1930 | Patti Jones |
The New Ford Sport Coupe | Brown Sport Coupe | Saturday Evening Post | August 9, 1930 | Patti Jones |
The New Ford Standard Sedan | S/W, Longer, Wider, More Luxurious | Life | June 26, 1931 | Patti Jones |
The New Ford Station Wagon | 1929 Station Wagon | Sportsman | June 1929 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford Three Window Sedan | Brown Fordor | Literary Digest | October 18, 1930 | Patti Jones |
The New Ford Town Car | 1929 Black Town Car | unknown | unknown | John Lavoy |
The New Ford Town Sedan | 1930 Black Fordor | Literary Digest | March 1930 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford Town Sedan | Maroon SW Briggs Town Sedan in Snow | Saturday Evening Post | December 27, 1930 | Patti Jones |
The New Ford Tudor Sedan | Brown Tudor | Literary Digest | March 8, 1930 | Patti Jones |
The New Ford Victoria | 1931 Victoria with Chauffeur | Delineator | March 1931 | John Lavoy |
The New Ford Victoria | 1931 Victoria with Chauffeur | unknown | unknown | Patti Jones |
New Vogue In Town Driving | 1929 Town Car | Country Life | October 1929 | John Lavoy |
Official Pictures of the New Ford Car | New Body Styles | Boston Evening Tribune | December 1, 1927 | Alan DalMaso |
Outstanding Beauty and Performance | De Luxe Tudor | Final Draft before color | October 1931 | Rick Black |
Put the Ford Truck on your Payroll | AA Trucks in Construction | Saturday Evening Post | December 27, 1930 | Patti Jones |
Reliability Of New Ford As Important As Its Beauty, Speed, Safety And Comfort | 1929 Blindback Fordor | Farm Fireside | March 1929 | John Lavoy |
Safely Through The Downtown Traffic | 1931 Tudor Chicle | Delineator | April 1931 | John Lavoy |
The safety of the fully-enclosed Six-Brake System is an outstanding feature of the New Ford | 1928 Tudor | Country Life | November 1928 | John Lavoy |
Safety of the Ford Car | Tan Phaeton | unknown | unknown | Alan DalMaso |
Service | 1929 Town Sedan | Unknown | 1929 | John Lavoy |
Simple and Effective Lubrication System | Left Page – Tan and Blue Sport Coupes | Saturday Evening Post | October 27, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Simple and Effective Lubrication System | Right Page – Green Fordor, Tan Tudor | Saturday Evening Post | October 27, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Simplicity of electrical and ignition systems a new feature of the New Ford | 1929 Green Coupe | Saturday Evening Post | March 1929 | John Lavoy |
Six Brake System | Left Page – Blue Tudor | Literary Digest | November 17, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Six Brake System | Right Page – Blue Roadster | Literary Digest | November 17, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Six Brake System | Double Page | Literary Digest | November 17, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Smooth Riding Ease and Restful Comfort | 1928 Roadster Blue | Ladies Home Journal | August 1928 | John Lavoy |
Something Quite Remarkable | Left Page – Green Fordor Leatherback | Literary Digest | October 20, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Something Quite Remarkable | Right Page – Blue Tudor | Literary Digest | October 20, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Something Quite Remarkable | Double Page | Literary Digest | October 20, 1928 | Alan DalMaso |
Strikingly Beautiful Are The Lines And Colors Of The New Fordor Sedan | 1928 Blindback tan | McCall’s | October 1928 | John Lavoy |
A Treasured Gift at Christmas Time | Black Coupe | Good Housekeeping | December 1930 | Rick Black |
A Treasured Gift at Christmas Time | 1930 Blue Coupe | Farmer’s Wife | December 1930 | John Lavoy |
Unseen Value that makes the new Ford a fine car | Black Tudor | Country Gentlemen | April 1931 | Rick Black |
Vacation Days are Truly Happy Days | Tan Tudor | American Boy | August 1928 | Rick Black |
Wherever The Long Trail Leads | 1930 Blue Fordor | unknown | 1930 | John Lavoy |
Prompt, Courteous, Economical Service for The Woman Motorist | Green Sport Coupe | Farmers Wife | July 1929 | Alan DalMaso |
Why You Can Drive The New Ford So Many Thousands Of Miles | 1931 De Luxe Phaeton | Country Gentleman | May 1931 | John Lavoy |
You Will Find The New Ford A Comfortable Easy-Riding Car | 1929 Blindback Blue | Good Housekeeping | March 1929 | John Lavoy |