Presidents Message May 2024

As the first models of the venerable Model A approach 100 years since their introduction, I feel that the Model A Ford relevance to the collector car hobby is as strong as ever. True, we are gradually losing the generation that drove these cars on their first date, commuting to high school and/or college or were able to save up their own money to purchase one as their first car. As an attractive, serviceable and affordable entry into the collector car world, there are few cars that offer all the Model A does.

The many attributes of the Model A that have drawn ownership into its ranks throughout the years are still relevant today as they were in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s or 70’s. In spite of how cars are driven today, the Model A is still a car you put on the road and go cruising. With the large network of suppliers, restorers, knowledgeable experts available for fielding “how to” questions, I cannot think of a better or easier car for getting into the old car hobby. Hence, the need for us “old guys and girls” to continue introducing the car to new members, younger members and even our youth.

In prior years MAFCA has clearly supported the concept that youth are essential to the Model A hobby’s future and chapters are the means to introduce youth to the hobby. Establishing club activities that invite youth participation is a fundamental key to turning our youth into lifelong hobbyists. May of each year has been designated as Model A Youth Month. Now is the time for chapters to complete their planning and begin to publicize and hold their event.

Also, don’t forget the two great organizations that are dedicated to introducing youth to our hobby: The Model A Youth Restoration Award, MAYRA, provides financial support to youth whose interest in the hobby is demonstrated by their efforts in restoring a Model A and the Model A Youth Scholarship Fund provides financial support to assist children and/or grandchildren of any MAFCA/MARC member in pursuing their undergraduate education, whether it be a state university, college or technical school. Both, or either organization will appreciate your support.

I would like to remind everyone that now is the time for you to decide if you are interested in participating in MAFCA’s leadership as a National Director. Information is available HERE on our website. Additionally, each Director is available to answer your questions and help steer you in the right direction to run for office. The future of MAFCA depends on volunteers today. There is no better time to step up and become a National Director.

Our 2024 MAFCA national convention, Southwest “A”ventures, is scheduled for June 23 – 29 and is being hosted by the Southwest Model A’s. Ray Gabaldon and the rest of the tour planning committee have planned a great list of activities and are working diligently to put together a great outing. Check their web page for information on registration, including the registration forms, convention clothing items, raffle items and access to purchasing raffle tickets. Sounds too good to miss. I hope to see you there!

“See you down the road!”
Robert Bullard, 2024 MAFCA President