Advertising Rates
“The Restorer” Classified Advertising:
Ads for specific cars, parts, and services may be run only once per year. Model A Ford automobiles, Model A parts, and related items only.
Ads should be typed or plainly printed and labeled “For Sale” or “Wanted” or “Will Swap.” All items listed for sale must state the asking price. Ads for autos should mention the state where the vehicle is located. Lead words will be printed in boldface. Photos should be professionally printed on photo paper or emailed as an attached file. Digital photos should be at least 720 pixels wide.
Email to:
Mail to:
The Restorer, MAFCA
250 South Cypress Street
La Habra CA 90631-5515
Rate for Members:
First 30 words plus name and address: free, Cost for each photo: $8.00
Rate for Non-members:
First 30 words plus name and address: $50. Each additional word: $0.50. Photo charge for each photo: $10.
“The Restorer” and Website Commercial Advertising:
Effective: December 1, 2024.
Businesses offering Model A parts and services are welcome to advertise in other sections of The Restorer.
Email to:
Mail to:
The Restorer, MAFCA
250 South Cypress Street
La Habra CA 90631-5515
Publishing Deadlines:
Consult the current issue for the next issue’s deadline.
- Jan/Feb – November 20
- Mar/Apr – January 20
- May/Jun – March 20
- Jul/Aug – May 20
- Sep/Oct – July 20
- Nov/Dec – September 20
Display Advertising Rates for The Restorer Magazine
(Full Color)
These rates apply to graphic files submitted to MAFCA by advertisers once the ad has been approved by the Advertising Director. Payment in all cases must be made to the MAFCA office in advance of theadvertisement running in The Restorer. The magazine is published six times each year.
Standard Rates (U.S. $)
Size/Insertions | 1X | 2X | 3X | 4X | 5X | 6X |
Full Page | $700 | $1,300 | $1,900 | $2,400 | $2,900 | $3,300 |
½ Page | $400 | $700 | $1,000 | $1,300 | $1,600 | $1,800 |
¼ Page | $210 | $400 | $600 | $800 | $920 | $1,050 |
1/6 Page | $170 | $320 | $450 | $590 | $800 | $900 |
1/8 Page | $130 | $250 | $360 | $450 | $550 | $650 |
Bus Card | $60 | $120 | $175 | $200 | $260 | $300 |
Premium Space (U.S. $)
Advertising space is also available on the inside front and inside back covers. This is premium space and the following rates apply. Full page ads only.
Size/Insertions | 1X | 2X | 3X | 4X | 5X | 6X |
Full Page | $1,050 | $2,100 | $3,050 | $4,100 | $5,150 | $5,500 |
Stand Alone Display Advertising Rates for
(Full Color)
A one-year advertising agreement is required for online display advertisements. Prepayment is required.If the advertiser cancels the ad, there will be no refund. Banner ads of standard size, if approved by theAdvertising Director, can be placed on MAFCA’s website without purchasing advertising space in The Restorer.
Size/Insertions | 12 Months |
Bus Card | $500 |
Display Advertising Rates for “The Restorer” bundled with
(Full Color)
For those who wish to have BOTH an ad in The Restorer and the same ad on MAFCA’s website, the additional cost is $100 for each ad size in each of the categories shown below. A 12-month commitment is required to bundle and receive the special price.
Standard Bundled Rates (U.S. $)
Size/Insertions | 6X |
Full Page | $3,400 |
½ Page | $1,900 |
¼ Page | $1,150 |
1/6 Page | $1,000 |
1/8 Page | $750 |
Bus Card | $400 |
Premium Bundled Rate (U.S. $)
(inside front and inside back covers)
Size/Insertions | 6X |
Full Page | $5,600 |
For questions, please contact MAFCA headquarters at or the Advertising Director at
Display Advertising Rates
Pre-Paid Multi-Year Discounts
Prepaid | Discount |
2-Year | 12.5% |
3-Year | 15% |
4-Year | 17.5% |
5-Year | 20% |
Effective: December 1, 2024.